100字范文 > 中国传统文化因素 Chinese Traditional cultural Components英语短句 例句大全

中国传统文化因素 Chinese Traditional cultural Components英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-26 07:36:21


中国传统文化因素 Chinese Traditional cultural Components英语短句 例句大全

中国传统文化因素,Chinese Traditional cultural Components

1)Chinese Traditional cultural Components中国传统文化因素


1.On the Chinese Traditional Cultural Components in Amy Tan s Novels;论谭恩美作品中的中国传统文化因素

2.Discussion on traditional Chinese cultural factors influencing foreign language learning;对影响外语学习的中国传统文化因素的探析

3.China"s Traditional Cultural Factors on Design of Modern Advertising the Impact of Planning中国传统文化因素对现代广告设计策划的影响

4.Traditional Culture Analysis of Impact on Process of the Rule by Law in China影响中国法治化进程的传统文化因素分析

5.On the Traditional Factors and the Customs of Japanese Marriage and Funeral in Records of Japan;《日本国志》中的日本婚葬习俗与传统文化因素

6.An Analysis of the Influence Exerted on China s Choice of Socialism by Traditional Culture;传统文化因素对中国社会主义选择之影响分析

7.The Study on the Cultural Factors in the Fission of Chinese Wushu System;中国传统武术体系裂变的文化价值因素探析

8.China s Excellent Traditional Culture and Teenagers Cultural Quality;中国优秀传统文化与青少年文化素质

9.On the Reasons Why We Have Not Effectively Transmitted Our Traditional Culture During the Process of the State"s Macroscopically Educational Decision-making论当前我国传统文化传承中的宏观教育决策因素

10.Chinese Traditional Culture and University Students Liberal Education;中国传统文化与大学生人文素质教育

11.Traditional Chinese Culture and Humane Quality Education of College Students;中国传统文化与大学生人文素质培养

12.Traditional and Cultural Education in China and Humanistic Quality of College Students;中国传统文化教育与大学生人文素质

13.Being Vigilant over the Infiltration of the Negative Factors of Traditional Culture in the Process of Marxist Chinese Reshaping;警惕马克思主义中国化过程中传统文化消极因素的渗入

14.The Factor of Environmental Protection Contained in Tibetan Traditional Culture;西藏传统文化中蕴涵的环境保护因素

15.Traditional Chinese music contains many traditional cultures, such as poetry, ci and prose.国乐中蕴含了许多传统文化的因素, 比如诗词文赋。

16.A Porbe into the Popularity of "Changjin"in China from the Cultural Factor of the Communication Environment;从传播生态中文化因素看中国“长今”热

17.Harmful Effects of Negative Factor of the Traditional Culture upon the Localization of Marxism s Harmful Affects;论传统文化消极因素对马克思主义中国化的不良影响

18.The Chinese Traditional Culture in Taiwan"s Advertisements台湾广告中中国传统文化元素的应用


Chinese traditional cultural element中国传统文化元素

3)traditional cultural factors传统文化因素

4)Chinese cultural factors中国文化因素

1.This paper is to study the relationship between foreign language anxiety influenced byChinese cultural factors and its influence on classroom participation.基于以上研究结果,作者提出了两条教学建议:首先,建议教师和学生改变教与学过程中固有的角色以避免课堂中引起外语焦虑的中国文化因素;第二,建议通过合理设计课堂活动以及给予学生合理评价使学生享受成功的感觉,从而刺激他们的课堂参与积极性。

5)Chinese traditional culture中国传统文化

1.Discussion on the relation between modern packaging design andChinese traditional culture;现代包装设计与中国传统文化的关系

2.Chinese Traditional Culture and the new Generation of Leaders Concept of Governance;论新一代领导集体的执政理念与中国传统文化的关系

3.On the essential factors ofChinese traditional culture outlook on life and its influence on modern outlook on life;中国传统文化人生观要素对现代人生观的影响

6)traditional Chinese culture中国传统文化

1.Traditional Chinese Culture and Deng Xiaoping s Outlook on Politics;邓小平的政治观与中国传统文化

2.The Loss and Preservation of Traditional Chinese Culture among English Majors;中国传统文化在英语专业学生中的丢失与保护

3.The Education on Life Values among Medical Students from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Culture浅谈中国传统文化视阈下的医学生生命观教育


