100字范文 > 中国传统法文化 traditional Chinese legal culture英语短句 例句大全

中国传统法文化 traditional Chinese legal culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-16 04:01:11


中国传统法文化 traditional Chinese legal culture英语短句 例句大全

中国传统法文化,traditional Chinese legal culture

1)traditional Chinese legal culture中国传统法文化

1.Studyingtraditional Chinese legal culture is significant both theoretically and practically to carrying forward the national legal culture, reconstructing thetraditional Chinese legal culture of the 21st century, establishing a new legal culture system by absorbing and using the advanced western legal culture for reference based on the national legal culture.研究中国传统法文化精神,对弘扬民族优秀法律文化传统、重构21世纪的中华民族法律文化,对立足于民族根基而吸收、借鉴西方先进法律文化,从而建立全新的法律文化体系,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。


1.The Effects of Chinese Traditional Legal Cultures on the Modernization of Rule of Law;中国传统法文化对法治现代化的影响

2.Traditional Chinese Legal Culture as Recorded in the Book of China;《中国志》中的中国传统法律文化浅析

3.The Qing Guan(Upright Official)Judicature? in Traditional Chinese Legal Culture中国传统法律文化视野中的清官司法

4.The "Combination of Etiquette and Laws" in Traditional Chinese Legal Culture;中国传统法律文化中的“礼法结合”

5.Traditional Chinese Legal Culture in the Course of Modern Rules of Law;现代法治进程中的中国传统法律文化

6.Impact of China s Traditional Legal Culture on the Development of Commercial Law;中国传统法律文化对商法发展的影响

7.On the Basic Way of Modernization of Traditional Chinese Culture;试论中国传统文化现代化的基本方法

8.On Modernization Reformation of China Traditional Law Culture浅论中国传统法律文化的现代化改造

9.The Thought "Taking Heaven as Principle" in China s Traditional Legal Culture;中国传统法律文化中的“则天”思想

10.The View on "Harmony and Compatibility" Spirit in Chinese Traditional Law Culture;论中国传统法律文化中的“和合”精神

11.Good Faith: the notion of the traditional public Law culture in China;“诚信”——中国传统公法文化中的观念

12.Explanation of the"Non-Litigation"Thought in Chinese Traditional Legal Culture解读中国传统法律文化中的无讼思想

13.On legalization of morality and moralization of Law in traditional Chinese culture;论中国传统文化中的"道德法律化"和"法律道德化

14.Chinese Traditional Culture & New Literature中国传统文化与新文学

15.On Chinese Traditional Household-ethics Legal Culture and Its Contemporary Value;中国传统亲伦法律文化及其当代价值

16.On the Legal Professionals in Chinese Traditional Litigation Culture;论我国传统诉讼文化中的法律职业者

17.The Analysis of Lacking the Thought of Rule by Law in Chinese Traditional Culture;中国传统文化对法治思想的缺失分析

18.Chinese Traditional Legal Culture Reflected by Non-lawsuit;“无讼”折射出的中国传统法律文化


China traditional legal culture of action中国传统诉讼法律文化

1.China traditional legal culture of action is of great characteristics.中国传统诉讼法律文化极具特色,与此相适应,中国传统诉讼审判的判决依据表现出特殊的风格。

3)Chinese traditional legal culture中国传统法律文化

1.During its long history,Chinese traditional legal culture has evolved unique value system and systematic characteristics,which imposes deep influences on the construction of socialistic legislation modernization.中国传统法律文化源远流长,形成了自身独特的价值体系和制度特征,必然会对当前社会主义法制建设产生深远影响。

2.The sharp contrast betweenChinese traditional legal culture,characteristic of family-centered ethics,emphasis on penalty and authority-pervasive social structure,and the western legal culture,however,constitutes a great challenge to the practice of restorative justice in china.中国传统法律文化中的家族伦理、重刑轻民以及家国一体与西方法律文化形成鲜明对比,对恢复性司法在中国的实践带来了挑战。

3.WT5”BZ]:No matter to its system or to people s ideology, sorcery has caused great influence onChinese traditional legal culture.巫术对中国传统法律文化无论是在制度层面上还是在观念层面上 ,都具有巨大的影响。

4)Chinese traditional culture中国传统文化

1.Discussion on the relation between modern packaging design andChinese traditional culture;现代包装设计与中国传统文化的关系

2.Chinese Traditional Culture and the new Generation of Leaders Concept of Governance;论新一代领导集体的执政理念与中国传统文化的关系

3.On the essential factors ofChinese traditional culture outlook on life and its influence on modern outlook on life;中国传统文化人生观要素对现代人生观的影响

5)traditional Chinese culture中国传统文化

1.Traditional Chinese Culture and Deng Xiaoping s Outlook on Politics;邓小平的政治观与中国传统文化

2.The Loss and Preservation of Traditional Chinese Culture among English Majors;中国传统文化在英语专业学生中的丢失与保护

3.The Education on Life Values among Medical Students from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Culture浅谈中国传统文化视阈下的医学生生命观教育

6)the Chinese traditional culture中国传统文化

1.However,this paper thinksthe Chinese traditional culture can provide fit nutrition for the development of modern science.然而中国传统文化却能为近现代科学的发展提供适宜的养料。

2.Based on the humanism,the Chinese traditional culture implies rich humanistic spirits and life wits.中国传统文化具有丰富的人文思想和人生智慧,它是以人为中心,基于对人的生存意义、人格价值和人生境界的探寻和追求,旨在说明人应当有什么样的精神境界,以及怎样才能达到这种理想境界。

3.The topic of this article is how to distinguish The advanced culture i n modern China and The Chinese traditional culture.本文主要对当代中国先进文化与中国传统文化加以精密的甄别。


