100字范文 > 石油天然气企业 oil and natural gas英语短句 例句大全

石油天然气企业 oil and natural gas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-04 19:01:06


石油天然气企业 oil and natural gas英语短句 例句大全

石油天然气企业,oil and natural gas

1)oil and natural gas石油天然气企业

1.Effect of "Enterprise s accounting criterion No.27—exploitation ofoil and natural gas" on accounting ofoil and natural gas enterprises;《企业会计准则第27号——石油天然气开采》对石油天然气企业会计的影响分析


1.Thinking about the Innovative in Petroleum and Natural Gas Enterprises Management;石油天然气企业管理创新的若干思考

2.Effect of "Enterprise s accounting criterion No.27-exploitation of oil and natural gas" on accounting of oil and natural gas enterprises;《企业会计准则第27号——石油天然气开采》对石油天然气企业会计的影响分析

3.Influence of ERP s Application in Petroleum and Gas Enterprises on Accounting;ERP在石油天然气企业中运用对会计工作的影响

4.Accounting for DR & A Costs of Oil and Gas Producing Companies;石油天然气生产企业DR&A成本的会计核算

5.The trend of oil and natural gas resources enterprise status and supply and demand analysis石油天然气资源走势、企业状况和供需分析

6.Flourishing Specialized Enterprise for Long-Distance Gas Transmission--Gas Transmission Administrative Office of Sichuan Petroleum Administration蓬勃发展的天然气长输专业化企业——四川石油管理局输气管理处


8.An International Comparison on Accounting Standards concerning Oil and Gas Industry;中外石油天然气行业会计准则的对比

9.estimation of oil and gas reserves石油和天然气储量计算

10.oil and natural gas map石油和天然气分布图

11."fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas"矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气)

12.Surging of natural gas in China:A new journey of China"s petroleum industry中国天然气大发展——中国石油工业的二次创业

13.The chemical industry depends very heavily on petroleum, natural gas, and natural gas liquids as sources of raw materials.化学工业的原料材料来源严重依赖石油、天然气和液态天然气。

14.Natural Resources: crude oil, natural gas, limestone, fish.自然资源:原油、天然气、石灰石、鱼。

15.Tubing is used to extracting petroleum and natural gas from a well.油套管用于油井中抽取石油或天然气。

16.Researches on the Development and Status Quo of Oil and Natural Gas Industry in the West;西部石油天然气产业的发展与现状研究

17.Influence of the New Accounting Conversion Rule on the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry;新的会计核算规则对石油天然气行业的影响

18.Design of an Evaluation System for the Competitiveness of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry;石油天然气产业竞争力评价指标体系设计


oil and gas producing companies石油天然气生产企业

1.143 "Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations" in June,2001,which dramatically alters accounting for future DR & A costs ofoil and gas producing companies that are associated with the retirement of oil and gas production equipment and facilities.该准则的发布与实施将对石油天然气生产企业油气资产报废所涉及的拆卸、恢复和废弃成本(DR&A成本)的会计处理实务产生重大影响,将导致其会计核算方法的重大变革。

3)petroleum industry石油天然气工业

4)natural gas enterprise天然气企业

1.In the light of the main problems existing in currentnatural gas enterprise, this paper probes into the mode of marketing management ofnatural gas enterprise.针对目前天然气企业存在的主要问题,探讨了天然气企业市场营销管理模式。

2.Technological innovation ofnatural gas enterprise is an important part of national and industry technological innovation system.天然气企业技术创新体系是国家和行业技术创新体系的重要组成部分,其研究和建设是国家和行业创新体系建设、天然气企业自身发展、环境保护和社会可持续发展及科技创新资源合理配置的需要和必然选择。

5)oil and gas石油天然气

1.With the construction ofoil and gas pipelines,despite of a variety of anti-corrosion and preventive measures,the pipeline leakage still occurs.随着石油天然气管道建设的大力发展,尽管人们采取了多种防腐和防范措施,但管道泄漏仍时有发生。

2.It is difficult for China to recognize, measure, record and report the production activity ofoil and gas industry.石油天然气会计与报告长期以来是困扰我国会计理论界与实务界的难题。

3.The study ofoil and gas accounting in China started in the 1980"s, which is, on the whole, divided into blankness period before the 1980"s, the translation period of the 1980"s to the middle 1990"s, and deeply systematic research period after the middle 1990"s.我国对石油天然气会计的研究起步于20世纪80年代,大致可分为80年代以前的空白时期、80至90年代中期的翻译介绍时期和90年代中期以后的深入系统研究时期。

6)oil and natural gas石油天然气

1.Oil and natural gas are the national important energy resources.石油和天然气是国家重要的能源资源,省级国土资源管理部门肩负着本行政区域内石油天然气矿产勘查开采监督管理的重要职责。


石油天然气国际贸易(见石油市场与天然气市场)石油天然气国际贸易(见石油市场与天然气市场)石油天然气国际贸易(internotional tradeof011 and只as)见石油市场与天然气市场。
