100字范文 > 油气 oil and gas英语短句 例句大全

油气 oil and gas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-04 09:51:03


油气 oil and gas英语短句 例句大全

油气,oil and gas

1)oil and gas油气

1.The Dongco graben structures and effects on theoil and gas preservation in the Tuonamu region,Xizang;西藏洞错地堑构造及其对油气的影响

2.High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of fan deltas and its relations tooil and gas accumulation: A case study of the T76 block on the falling wall of the Shengbei fault in the Dongying depression,Shandong;扇三角洲高精度层序地层及其与油气聚集关系——以东营凹陷胜北断层下降盘坨76块为例

3.Influence and evaluation of fracture through source rocks on theoil and gas reservoir-forming in west slope region;源断裂对兴安岭群油气成藏的影响及评价


1.Liquefied petroleum gas of oil and gas fieldGB9052.1-1998油气田液化石油气

2.Technics of oil production in high gas oil ratio with ESP高油气比油井潜油电泵采油工艺研究

3.cargo oil tank gas-free installations货油舱油气驱除装置

4.oil transfer station输油中转站 -输油气

5.some is the adjustment from the former reservoir to new one.还有些则是油气从古油气藏向新油气藏的调整。

6.liquefied petroleum gasesGB11174-1997液化石油气

7.liquefied petrolem gas high-pressure holder液化石油气高压气罐

8.liquefied petroleum gas液化石油气液化丙烷液化石油气体

9.clean fuels such as gas, liquified petroleum gas and natural gas煤气、液化石油气和天然气等清洁燃料

10.Discussion on Residential Area Gas Supply by Heated Vaporization of LPG液化石油气强制气化小区供气的探讨

11.work - over equipment for oil and gas wells油气井井下作业设备

12."The Gas, Petrol, and Oil Engine"煤气、汽油与柴油发动机

13.gas-air mixture汽油和空气的混合气

14.Gas drive (gas channeling) features of gas cap heavy oil reservoir and countermeasures against气顶稠油油藏气驱(窜)特征及平复对策

15.Plug the fixed containers around air vent of F.O. tanks.收紧油舱透气孔处油池放油孔的塞子。

16.Tubing is used to extracting petroleum and natural gas from a well.油套管用于油井中抽取石油或天然气。

17.Research on the Outside Surface Corrosion of Downhole Tubes in Wet Gas Reservoir;湿气气藏天然气井油管外壁腐蚀研究

18.The Air Flow and Intake Port Improvement on 4112 Four Valves Diesel;4112四气门柴油机进气流动及气道优化



1.Primary studies on the role ofoil-gas in sandstone type uranium mineralization of Yaojia formation in south Songliao basin;浅析油气对松辽盆地南部姚家组砂岩型铀矿成矿的作用

2.Division and features of vertical alteration zones ofoil-gas reduction in the Mesozoic of Baicheng area in Songliao Basin;松辽盆地白城地区中生界油气还原蚀变垂向分带的划分及其特征

3.Relationship betweenoil-gas trap and uranium metallogenesis at northern Ordos basin;油气圈闭与鄂尔多斯盆地北部铀成矿关系探讨


1.Characteristics of surfacehydrocarbon anomalies in Shiwu faulted depression in southern Songliao basin and their significance as an oil/gas indicator;松辽盆地南部十屋断陷地表烃类异常特征及油气指示意义

2.Relationship between structural subsidence filling evolution andhydrocarbon in Baiyinchagan;白音查干凹陷构造沉降充填演化与油气关系

3.Relationship between sequence stratigraphy andhydrocarbon accumulation in Es_3 -Es_1 of the Shahejie Formation,Dongying Sag;东营凹陷沙三段—沙一段层序地层与油气


1.Conditions for the formation ofpetroleum accumulations in the Shuanghu area,Qiangtang basin,northern Tibet;藏北羌塘盆地双湖地区油气成藏条件

2.The reflection horizon T_5 in Lufeng Sag:Its sequence stratigraphy and significance inpetroleum exploration陆丰凹陷T_5地震反射层特征及其油气勘探意义

3.From a tectonic point of view,foreland basins related to plate collision are areas favorable forpetroleum accumulation.从区域构造的观点看,同板块碰撞有关的前陆盆地是油气聚集的有利地区。

5)oil gas油气

1.According to diameter, viscosity,pressure and coalescence of theoil gas, a system for filtration and separation was developed.轻质油品在温度升高时极易挥发,根据油气的粒径、黏度、阻力以及可聚结性设计的该套新型过滤——分离系统,在气源入口微负压的工作状态下运行,保证了原系统的稳定同时成功实现了对压缩机油箱内挥发油气的分离和回收。

2.An enclosed or semi enclosed subsidence basin with persistent developing is advantageous to form salt potash andoil gas ,the rock series bearing salt and potash enclose and protect the oil accumulation ,and their deformation are very important for the migration of oil and gas.盐钾与油气有着密切的共存关系。

3.A mechanism of the formation of the thrust zone is first put forward and is followed by a preliminary evaluation of theoil gas resources.本文据地震和地质观察资料,解释和阐述了塔里木盆地北部前陆区库车坳陷中、新生界滑脱推覆构造平面、剖面特征,结合前缘隆起区有关资料,提出了库车坳陷滑脱推覆构造的成因机制,并对库车坳陷油气进行了初步评价,认为秋里塔克弧形构造内侧断弯褶皱、楔状三角体及推覆构造前缘盐构造控油有

6)petroleum gas油气


