100字范文 > 采集数据 Gathered data英语短句 例句大全

采集数据 Gathered data英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-26 16:30:14


采集数据 Gathered data英语短句 例句大全

采集数据,Gathered data

1)Gathered data采集数据


1.data-collection interval采集数据的时间间隔

2.ADDAS (Airborne Digital Data Acqusition System)机载数字数据采集系统

3.data acquisition and conversion unit数据采集和转换装置

4.data acquisition and monitoring equipment数据采集和监督设备

5.master seismic data acquisition unit主地震数据采集单元

6.16-channel data acquisition unit16通道数据采集单元

7.data acquisition and processing center数据采集和处理中心

8.missile intercept data acquisition system导弹截击数据采集系统

puter data acquisition system计算机数据采集系统

10.control and data acquisition system控制和数据采集系统

11.data acquisition and conversion system数据采集和转换系统

12.data acquisition and interpretation system数据采集和解释系统

13.microcomputer data acquisition and processing system微机数据采集加工系统

14.data acquisition and recording system数据采集和记录系统

15.space tracking and data acquisition net work航天测控和数据采集网

16.data acquisition and reduction system数据采集和简约系统

17.MOBIDAC (Mobile Data Acquisition System)机动的数据采集系统

18.source-oriented data acquisition面向源程序的数据采集


Data acquisition数据采集

1.Design of Data Acquisition System for Measuring Circular Degree Error;圆度误差测量数据采集系统设计

2.Development and application of data acquisition system for 1450 mm hot strip mill in Panzhihua Iron and Steel Co;攀钢1450热连轧数据采集系统

3.Application of modulation noise to data acquisition of petroleum logging;调制噪声在石油测井数据采集中的应用

3)Data Collection数据采集

1.Long transporting pipe oriented cost optimized data collection system model;长输管道数据采集系统的成本优化模型

2.Accomplishing the data collection and distant monitor of the dosing system of industrial circulating water by Visual Basic;用VB实现工业循环水加药系统的数据采集和远程监控

3.Design and implementation of data collection and control system based on PLC for oil-well measurement station.;基于PLC的油井计量站数据采集与控制系统设计

4)data collecting数据采集

1.Technical procedure for design and development of clinical trialdata collecting and reporting documents;临床试验数据采集与报告文件设计制作的技术规程

2.Scheme design of thedata collecting for urban subassembly of Hangzhou city and its practice;杭州市城市部件数据采集方案设计与实践

3.Low-frequency signalsdata collecting system design based on SPI bus;基于SPI总线的低频信号数据采集系统的设计

5)Data gathering数据采集

1.Investigation and development of data gathering system for natural gas engines;天然气发动机数据采集系统的研究开发

2.Using PowerBuilder to Design the Data Gathering Program;用PowerBuilder设计串口数据采集程序

3.The design of the data gathering system of evaporation duct refractivity profile;蒸发波导折射率剖面数据采集系统设计

6)data sampling数据采集

1.Using DSP to realize signal input channel ofdata sampling card;基于DSP的自适应数据采集卡前向通道的实现

2.Application of FPGA in the high-speed multi-channeldata sampling system;FPGA在高速多通道数据采集中的应用

3.Study and manufacture of high speeddata sampling instrument on basis ofmultichannels communication technology;基于多通道通信技术的高速数据采集器的研制


CT数据采集系统CT数据采集系统CT设备的元件之一。CT设备的扫描-探测环节中的主要组成部分。位于机架内,与X线管相对。在电子束CT扫描机(eletron beam scanner)内则位于机架(gantry)顶部,与钨靶环相对。主要功能是在主计算机控制下,接收由探测器输出的模拟电信号,并使其经过模/数(A/D)转换成为数字化的投影信息,即原始数据(raw data),输给阵列处理器(AP)进行处理。数据采集系统的主要部件是模/数转换器。
