100字范文 > 数据采集器 data collector英语短句 例句大全

数据采集器 data collector英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-17 13:29:49


数据采集器 data collector英语短句 例句大全

数据采集器,data collector

1)data collector数据采集器

1.Data collector and book local collection;数据采集器与高校图书现采

2.This system numbered props by the information button,collected and stored numbers and times by thedata collector,and then transmitted data to the management center by M-BUS,so as to realize automatic tracking and processing of prop"s information.该系统采用信息钮扣对支柱进行编号,由数据采集器采集、存储编号和相应的时间,然后通过M-BUS将数据传输到管理中心,实现支柱信息的自动跟踪与处理。

3.This paper presents the agent-based distributed intrusion detection system model-ADIDS,in whichdata collectors receive request of filter mode from detective agents,decide the range of detection and preprocess data collected,then send data that have preprocessed to detective agents.文章采用面向对象的思想设计数据采集器,其可扩展性好,可动态加载。


1.Choice and Application of PDT in book purchasing图书采购中数据采集器的选择与应用

2.Research of Data Collector for Petroleum Exploration MEMS Sensor;石油勘测MEMS传感器数据采集器设计

3.Application of Portable Data Terminal in Library便携式数据采集器在图书馆的应用

4.Design of the Seismic Data Acquisition Instrument for Tunnel Advanced Detection;隧道超前探测地震数据采集器的设计

5.Study of the Intelligence Data Acquisition Device Based on CAN Field-bus;基于CAN总线的智能数据采集器的研究

6.The Development of Data Acquisition Module Based on USB;基于USB总线的数据采集器的研制

7.The Development of GPS Data Collector Based on Palm-size PC;基于掌上电脑的GPS数据采集器的开发

8.A Design and Implementation of Data Collector Based on Table;基于表格的数据采集器的设计和实现

9.The Study on Data Acquisition Based on SoC and RTOS;基于SoC与RTOS的数据采集器的研制

10.Design and implementation of a data-collecting module based on GPS;GPS定位数据采集器的设计与实现

11.High Accuracy Data ollector Based on SPIBus;基于SPI总线的高精度数据采集器

12.The WEBGIS Data Acquisition Design Based on FPGA基于FPGA的WEBGIS数据采集器设计

13.The data collection hub terminal development based on RTX51Tiny基于RTX51Tiny的数据采集集线器终端的开发

14.Research on Data Acquisition and Fusion of Fiber Optic Multi-sensors System;多光纤传感器数据采集与数据融合方法研究

15.Data Acquisition and Processing of Embedded Network Data Server嵌入式网络数据服务器的数据采集与管理系统

16.A Real Time Compression Algorithm by Multi-Sensor Signals Data Acquisition多传感器信号数据采集实时压缩算法


18.Data Collection and Signal Analysis System of Pulse Transformer Based on ARM;基于ARM的脉冲变压器数据采集与分析


Data acquisition数据采集器

1.Two-dimensional bar codes data acquisition based on the embedded system;基于嵌入式系统的二维条码数据采集器

2.In the light of the characteristics and operational condition of the seismic precursor DSC data acquisition device at the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" period——an embedded ethernet communication interface equipment,the EP95 IP data acquisition device based on TCP/IP protocol is developed.针对"九五"期间地震前兆台站DSC系列公用数据采集器的工作状况及特点,研制出一种基于TCP/IP协议的嵌入式以太网通信接口设备——EP95型IP采集转换器。

3.The routine controls and inspects the patch-clamp amplifier by employ-ing the personal computer and data acquisition, and then evaluates the analog parameters using relative arithmetic.利用计算机和参数控制与数据采集器对膜片钳放大器进行数字控制和参数检测,并采用最小二乘拟合等算法计算相关参数。

3)data logger数据采集器

1.Advanced portabledata logger for greenhouse environment parameters based on USB;基于USB的温室环境便携式数据采集器

2.In this paper,the author proposes that the structural design of AWS should adopt open configuration,the development of sensors should stick to the principles of localization,sophisticated technology and unified standards,thedata logger shou.本文简要介绍现有自动气象站的工作原理和结构组成,总结了国内外自动气象站的发展现状,重点提出自动气象站和气象传感器未来的发展趋势,认为自动气象站在结构设计上宜采用分布式的开放性结构,在传感器发展方面应坚持国产化、精工艺和统一标准,数据采集器要具备可扩展性和通用性,同时需要适当修订地面气象观测规范,真正推动新一代自动气象站和气象传感器的研制、发展和应用。

3.Data logger takes micro-electronics chip- DS2438 as mensurative chip, which specially used for battery checking.本文设计开发的蓄电池充放电监测集成系统是由蓄电池数据采集器和蓄电池充放电监测系统两大主要组成部分构成,两者配合使用,能连续监测1~4节蓄电池在充放电过程中电压、电流的变化。

4)data acquisition unit数据采集器

5)data acquisition instrument数据采集器

1.A new kind ofdata acquisition instrument of flow calibrating instrument in field by using the standard flow meter has been developed.介绍了一种自行研制的标准表法现场流量校准装置的数据采集器,详细阐述了采集器的硬件组成、软件结构及实现的功能。

2.To remedy the faults, the author designed thedata acquisition instrument for the five wheels.现有五轮仪在车辆试验的数据采集过程中存在着不足 ,为此设计了五轮仪数据采集器 该采集器以 89C5 1单片机为核心 ,采用了虚拟I2 C总线技术 ,体积小 ,功耗低 ,存储量大 ,并实现了与PC机的通讯 该装置具有很强的实用性 ,改善了五轮仪的数据采集过程 ,并提供了进一步分析采集数据的手

3.The system numbers all struts using newfashioned digital recognition component -information button which is anti-jamming, corrosion-resisting, easily numerated and written, The portabledata acquisition instrument on-site collects, sto.该系统采用一种抗干扰、防腐蚀、易读写的新型数字识别器件—信息钮扣对所有支柱进行编号,由便携式数据采集器现场采集、存储支柱编号及时间,并通过RS232/RS485转换器与计算机进行数据通信,将支柱信息准确、实时地传输到计算机的支柱数据库,由中文管理软件系统对数据库进行自动处理,实现信息查询、支柱报警、费用统计、报表显示与打印等功能。

6)MC 50 data collectorMC50数据采集器


CT数据采集系统CT数据采集系统CT设备的元件之一。CT设备的扫描-探测环节中的主要组成部分。位于机架内,与X线管相对。在电子束CT扫描机(eletron beam scanner)内则位于机架(gantry)顶部,与钨靶环相对。主要功能是在主计算机控制下,接收由探测器输出的模拟电信号,并使其经过模/数(A/D)转换成为数字化的投影信息,即原始数据(raw data),输给阵列处理器(AP)进行处理。数据采集系统的主要部件是模/数转换器。
