100字范文 > 买卖价差 bid-ask spread英语短句 例句大全

买卖价差 bid-ask spread英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-24 11:53:26


买卖价差 bid-ask spread英语短句 例句大全

买卖价差,bid-ask spread

1)bid-ask spread买卖价差

1.An Analyses of the Components of the Bid-ask Spreads in Shanghai Stock Market;上海股市买卖价差成分分析

2.Effect of B shares opening to domestic investors on information asymmetry——Usingbid-ask spread decomposition method;B股向境内居民开放对市场信息不对称的影响——买卖价差分解方法

3.In a quote-driven market,bid-ask spread is composed of order processing costs,stock holding costs and asymmetric information cost.买卖价差是金融市场微观结构理论研究的重要组成部分。


1.The Decomposition of Probability of Informed Trading and Bid-Ask Spread;信息性交易概率分解与买卖价差研究

2.Bid-Ask Spread and Informed Trading: Evidence from Shanghai Stock Exchange;沪市买卖价差和信息性交易实证研究

ponents of the Bid-Ask Spread in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange;深圳证券交易所买卖价差的构成分析

4.The Components of Bid-ask Spread in Order-driven Market;订单驱动机制下买卖价差构成分析——兼论以买卖价差度量流动性的可靠性

5.A Study on Bid-Ask Spread in Shanghai Interbank Borrowing Market;上海银行间同业拆借市场买卖价差研究

6.The Market Model of No-Arbitrage with Transaction and Ask-Bid Spreads;有交易费和买卖价差的无套利市场模型

7.Empirical Study on Bid-Ask Spread of Shanghai Stock Market Based on the Market Microstructure;基于市场微观结构的上海股票市场买卖价差的实证研究

8.Effect of B shares opening to domestic investors on information asymmetry--Using bid-ask spread decomposition method;B股向境内居民开放对市场信息不对称的影响——买卖价差分解方法

9.An Analysis of the Components of Bid-Ask Spread in Chinese Stock Market--A Case Study of the Order-Driven Market;中国股市买卖价差成分分析——基于指令驱动市场的实证研究

10.Liquidity, Trading Activity and Bid-Ask Spread: An Empirical Study on Shanghai Stock Market;流动性、交易活动与买卖价差——一个基于上海股市的实证研究

11.The permitted margin between the buying and selling rate could not exceed 0.5 per cent.买入价和卖出价之间的差额不得超过0.5%。

12.Should the price of a re-auction be lower than the price of the original auction price, the original buyer shall pay for the balance.再行拍卖的价款低于原拍卖价款的,原买受人应当补足差额。

13.The first is the bid-offer spread- the difference between the prices at which market makers are willing to buy and sell securities.第一项衡量标准就是差价——庄家愿意买卖有价证券的价之间的差距。

14.The cost of transaction is usually the differ-ence between the purchase price and sale price of the bond, and may vary from bank to bank.交易成本通常是债券的买价和卖价之间的差距,每家银行不一样。

15.An option to buy or sell a stock, including put, call, spread, and straddle.优先购买权买卖股票的选择权,包括投资、交货、买卖差额和买空卖空

16.buy low and sell high低价买入而高价卖出

17.Offering of prices at an auction(拍卖时的)竞买,喊价,出价

18.LOTS of money can be made in the tiny gaps between the buying and selling prices of shares.即使在股票买卖差价很小的情况下,还是可以赚入很多的钱。


bid-ask spreads买卖差价

3)bid-ask spreads买卖报价价差

1.Annual reports influence on the components ofbid-ask spreads was investigated for the order-driven stock market in Shanghai,which aims at understanding the process of information diffusion in our native stock market.针对上海这样一个指令驱动的股票市场,研究了年度报告的发布对买卖报价价差各组成成分日内变动模式的影响,旨在了解信息在中国股票市场的传播过程。

4)relative bid-ask spread相对买卖价差

5)Long butterfly put spread买入碟式卖权价差

6)Short butterfly call spread卖出碟式买权价差


