100字范文 > 拉萨地块 Lhasa block英语短句 例句大全

拉萨地块 Lhasa block英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-05 21:03:02


拉萨地块 Lhasa block英语短句 例句大全

拉萨地块,Lhasa block

1)Lhasa block拉萨地块

1.SHRIMP U-Pb ages and inclusions of zircons from the Sumdo eclogite in theLhasa block, Tibet,;青藏高原拉萨地块松多榴辉岩的锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年龄及锆石中的包裹体

2.MORB-type eclogites in theLhasa block, Tibet, China:Petrochemical evidence.;西藏拉萨地块MORB型榴辉岩的岩石地球化学特征

3.Oceanic subduction-type eclogite in theLhasa block, Tibet, China:Remains of the Paleo-Tethys ocean basin?;青藏高原拉萨地块中的大洋俯冲型榴辉岩:古特提斯洋盆的残留?


1.Early Mesozoic high-pressure metamorphism within the Lhasa Block,Tibet and its implications for regional tectonics青藏高原拉萨地块早中生代高压变质作用及大地构造意义

2.Geochemistry of Cretaceous Volcanic Rocks of Duoni Formation in Northern Lhasa Block:Discussion of Tectonic Setting拉萨地块北部白垩纪多尼组火山岩的地球化学:形成的构造环境

3.Petrogenesis and implications of the volcanic rocks in Zabuye salt lake area,western Lhasa terrane,Tibet,China西藏拉萨地块西部扎布耶茶卡火山岩的成因与意义

4.Geotectonic Pattern and Geological Evolution of the Gandise-Lasha Landmass in Tibet;西藏冈底斯—拉萨陆块中部构造格局及地质演化

5.The collision and matching of the Lhase terrane with the Qiangtang terrane have caused the formation of the tectonic framework of Eurasian plate.拉萨地体与羌塘地体碰撞拼合形成欧亚板块构造格局。

6.Sara closed the door firmly.萨拉把门紧紧地关上。

7.Lhasa is a sacred place of TiBetan Buddhism.拉萨是西藏佛教的圣地。

8.Areas in North Carolina are getting pelted by snow and sleet while states like Texas and Oklahoma are starting to thaw out.北卡罗莱纳州一些地区正雨雪交融,而象得克萨斯和俄克拉荷马等州的冰块却在开始融化。

9.Sarah! Sarah! Where are you?萨拉!萨拉!你在哪儿?

10.The Historic Quarter of the City of Colonia del Sacramento移民城市萨克拉门托的历史地区

11.Name Roots of "Gamakusang" in Lhasa浅析拉萨“噶玛贡桑”地名的由来

12.The Calculation and Analysis of Surface Water Environment Capacity of Lhasa City;拉萨市区地表水环境容量计算与分析

13.Some Proposals for Compiling the Textbook of Home Geography of Lhasa;编写《拉萨市乡土地理》教材的几点建议

14.The Progenitive Ecosystem of Altirana Seeingeger in Lhasa District;高山蛙(AItirana Seeineger)在拉萨地区的繁殖生态

15.The breeding biology of white wagtail in Lhasa Tsering Purpu Lahkdor Basang Xupenghui;白鹡鸰(Motacilla alba alboides)在拉萨地区的繁殖生态


17.Reservoir Geology Study of Sarta and Putaohua Oil layer in the Talaha Area in the North of Songliao Basin;松辽盆地北部他拉哈地区萨油层储层地质研究

18.Sediment Character and Sediment Environment of the Cretaceous Period Stratum in Lasa Basin拉萨盆地白垩纪地层的沉积特征及沉积环境


Lhasa area拉萨地区

1.Based on the results of the first land use survey in Tibet Autonomous Region carried out in the late 1980s, land use map ofLhasa area in 1990 was compiled for the main agricultural area in Lhasa valley using aerial photos obtained in April, May and October 1991 and Landsat imagery in the late 1980s and 1991 as remotely sensed data sources.根据1990年、1995年和2000年3期西藏拉萨地区土地利用现状调查数据,利用GIS空间分析方法,系统地分析了1990年至2000年间拉萨地区的土地利用时空变化特征。

2.5 and PM1 (collectively called atmospheric particles hereinafter, when possible) made in over theLhasa area of China, leading to some aspects of their variations in, and inherent correlativity between, atmospheric particles and BC there.通过对我国拉萨地区黑碳气溶胶、PM10、PM2。

3)Lhasa block拉萨地体

1.Tongka garnet pyroxenite in eastern Tibet and Songduo blue schist inLhasa block藏东同卡石榴辉石岩和拉萨地体松多蓝片岩

4)the Lhasa Observatory拉萨地磁台

5)Around Lasa region环拉萨地区



《藏汉对照拉萨口语词典》中国第一部藏语口语词典。以记录现代藏语拉萨口语词汇为主,并用汉语解释词义。于道泉主编。1983年10月由北京民族出版社出版。于道泉(1901~)山东临淄人。早年就读于齐鲁大学和北京大学,攻数学,精通藏语、蒙古语、满语、英语、法语、德语、梵语等。1931年将六世达赖仓洋嘉错情歌从藏文译为汉文和英文,轰动国际藏学界。1934年赴法留学,专攻土耳其文,后执教于英国伦敦东方非洲研究院。1949年归国,先后任北京大学和中央民族学院藏文教授。 这部词典共收词语2.9万余条。除日常生活用语外,还包括一部分常用的新词术语、人名地名、成语谚语以及医药、科技、天文历算等方面的专业用语。以藏文正字为主要词目,按藏文字母顺序排列,少数无正字的口语词,依实际读音,用藏文拼写。遇有不规则读音,在正字后面用括孤注出俗字,以便初识字的藏族读者从音查字。此外,为了便于其他民族学习和研究藏语拉萨方言,每一词条后均附有准确的拉丁注音,并用汉语作详细的释义。较难解释的语法词附有例句。此书收词多,注音精确,释义详细,是学习和研究现代藏语拉萨方言的重要工具书。
