100字范文 > 高新技术产业 high-tech industry英语短句 例句大全

高新技术产业 high-tech industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-06 07:26:50


高新技术产业 high-tech industry英语短句 例句大全

高新技术产业,high-tech industry

1)high-tech industry高新技术产业

1.Calculating to contribution rate of economic growth of our country of newhigh-tech industry;高新技术产业对我国经济增长贡献率的测算

2.International comparison for Chinesehigh-tech industry development;我国高新技术产业发展的国际比较

3.Policies and measures of High-Tech industry of Wuhan during the 11th five year plan periodes;武汉市“十一五”高新技术产业发展的政策措施


1.High-tech Industrialization and Higher Vocationaland Technical Education;高新技术产业化与高等职业技术教育

2.high and new technology industrial development zone高新技术产业开发区

3.speed up the industrialization of new and high technology加速高新技术产业化

4.Develop the New High-tech Industry to Transform the Traditional Industry;发展高新技术产业 用高新技术改造传统产业

5.Research on Technological Innovation Capability of High-tech Industry in China;我国高新技术产业技术创新能力研究

6.The technology innovation mechanism in hi-tech industrialization;高新技术产业化的技术创新机制研究

7.Discussing on the Technology Supply of China’s New hi-tech Industry;论发展我国高新技术产业的技术供给

8.Transformation of Scientific Research Achievements in Colleges and Universities and Industrial Applicationof New and High Technologies;高校科技成果转化与高新技术产业化

9.Information technology and other new and high-tech industries grew rapidly.信息产业等高新技术产业迅速成长。

10.On the High-new Technique Industrialization and Industrial Structure Inteneration;高新技术产业化与产业结构软化升级

11.Discussion of the technological innovation of new high-tech industry policy under the new situation;新形势下高新技术产业技术创新政策的探讨

12.Hi-tech Industry Development: Hi-tech Industry Development Zone, Industry Cluster, and Institutional Arrangement;高新技术产业的发展:高新区、产业集群、制度安排

13.Study of Venture Capital in Forestry Hi-Tech Industry;林业高新技术产业创业投资问题研究

14.Improving Innovative Capacity of Agricultural Science & Technology to Develop New Hi-tech Industry of Agriculture;增强农业科技创新能力 发展农业高新技术产业

15.The Study on the Issues of Intellectual Property Rights of Hi-tech Industry in West China;西部高新技术产业知识产权问题研究

16.Rise of Central China:High-Tech Industrialization and High-Tech Property Capital Market;中部崛起:高新技术产业化与技术产权资本市场

17.On the Innovation of Financing Institution in High-tech Industry of China我国高新技术产业融资制度创新研究

18.Research on Financing Mode Innovation of Chinese High-Tech Industry;我国高新技术产业融资模式创新研究


hi-tech industry高新技术产业

1.Centralization ofhi-tech industry;对高新技术产业集群化的分析

2.Analysis of newhi-tech industry export non-zero sum realization s routh analysis;高新技术产业出口贸易非零和博弈实现的路径分析

3.The R&D Capital Stock and Output Efficiency of the Hi-tech Industry in China;中国高新技术产业研发资本存量和研发产出效率

3)high-tech industries高新技术产业

1.Study on industrial cluster strategy for the development ofhigh-tech industries in Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省高新技术产业集群发展战略研究

2.Research on Harbinhigh-tech industries development countermeasure;哈尔滨市高新技术产业发展对策研究

3.Tax preference policy analysis for the development ofhigh-tech industries;高新技术产业发展的税收优惠政策分析

4)new high-tech industry高新技术产业

1.Discussion of the technological innovation ofnew high-tech industry policy under the new situation;新形势下高新技术产业技术创新政策的探讨

2.The supporting policy ofnew high-tech industry of our country;对我国高新技术产业政策调整的几点建议

3.The imagination of setting up the risk investment system ofnew high-tech industry in Henan province;建立河南省高新技术产业风险投资体系的设想

5)high and new technology industry高新技术产业

1.Efficacy assessment ofhigh and new technology industry policy based on gray analysis and fuzzy evaluation——a case of Heilongjiang Province;基于灰色分析和模糊评价的高新技术产业政策效力评估——以黑龙江省为例

2.Develop the High and New Technology Industry Otimize and Promote the Economic Structure in Huanggang;努力发展高新技术产业 推进黄冈经济结构优化升级

3.In order to properly evaluate land ofhigh and new technology industry,a new analysis index system is put forward.根据构建的高新技术产业土地适宜性评价指标体系,应用GIS和BP神经网络的L-M优化算法对济南市高新技术产业用地适宜性进行了评价。

6)high-tech industrialization高新技术产业化

1.Research on the interaction mechanism&application betweenventure investment andhigh-tech industrialization;风险投资与高新技术产业化互动机理及应用研究

2.The incubator is the cradle of breeding small and middle sci-tech firms,and is the critical part ofhigh-tech industrialization and regional innovation system.孵化器是培育中小型科技企业的摇篮,是高新技术产业化和区域创新体系的重要组成部分。

3.The dissertation brings forward sieving and evaluation index system ofhigh-tech industrialization and designs the decision model ofhigh-tech industrialization.针对高新技术产业化过程中的筛选评估问题,构建了高新技术产业化筛选评估指标体系,设计了高新技术产业化决策模型,并运用模糊综合评价理论和模糊优选理论分别建立了高新技术产业化模糊综合评价模型和模糊优选模型。


