100字范文 > 深圳高新技术产业政策 Shenzhen Hi-tech industrial policy英语短句 例句大全

深圳高新技术产业政策 Shenzhen Hi-tech industrial policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-10 17:01:42


深圳高新技术产业政策 Shenzhen Hi-tech industrial policy英语短句 例句大全

深圳高新技术产业政策,Shenzhen Hi-tech industrial policy

1)Shenzhen Hi-tech industrial policy深圳高新技术产业政策

2)Quichong zone of new high-tech industrial band of Shenzhen深圳高新技术产业带葵涌园区

3)high-new technology industry policy高新技术产业政策

1.In this paper, the direction, principle and content of adjustment and existing problem about Chinahigh-new technology industry policy were discussed under the background of entering the society.本文探讨了在入世的新背景下,我国有关高新技术产业政策存在的问题及其调整的方向、原则与内容。


1.Policy Environment Evaluation and Methods Research of High-tech Industry;高新技术产业政策环境评价及对策研究

2.Research on Policy-evaluating System and Method of Hi-tech Industry;高新技术产业政策评估体系及方法研究

3.Systematic Research on Evaluation Method of High-tech Industry Policy;高新技术产业政策评估方法的系统研究

4.Studies on Effect of Implemented Evaluation of Beijing s High-tech Industrial Policy;北京市高新技术产业政策实施效果评价研究

5.Analysis of international high-technology industrial policy environment;高新技术产业政策环境国内外比较分析

6.Discussion of the technological innovation of new high-tech industry policy under the new situation;新形势下高新技术产业技术创新政策的探讨

7.Research on the Choice of High-new Technology Industries Developing Public Policy;高新技术产业发展公共政策选择研究

8.The Research in Policy of Finance and Tax about Promoting Industrialization of New and High Technology;促进高新技术产业化的财税政策研究

9.Financial Support for Hi-tech Industries and its Enlightenment;高新技术产业的财税扶持及政策思考

10.Talk about supporting of public property policy on high and new technology industries;浅谈公共财政政策对高新技术产业的支持

11.On the Policy of Public Finance and Taxation Supporting of New Hiqh-Tech Industries;支持高新技术产业发展的公共财政政策研究

12.Policy Researches on High-tech Industries Development by Governments Abroad;国外政府发展高新技术产业的政策研究

13.Research on Fiscal and Tax Policies about High and New Technological Industry of the Binhai Newly Developed Area滨海新区高新技术产业财税扶持政策研究

14.Advice on the Policy of Vigorously Developing High and New Technology Industry of Colleges and Universities;大力发展高校高新技术产业的政策建议

15.Government policy support for hi-technology industry and our government s policy orientation;高新技术产业的政府政策扶持与我国政府的政策取向

16.Studies on the Tax Policy to Accelerate the Development of High-tech Industry in China促进我国高新技术产业发展的税收政策研究

17.Study on the Taxation Policies Effect of High-Tech Industry of Hebei Province;河北省高新技术产业税收政策效应研究

18.The Research of Taxation Preferential Policy for the Promotion of High and New Technology Industry;促进高新技术产业发展的税收优惠政策研究


Quichong zone of new high-tech industrial band of Shenzhen深圳高新技术产业带葵涌园区

3)high-new technology industry policy高新技术产业政策

1.In this paper, the direction, principle and content of adjustment and existing problem about Chinahigh-new technology industry policy were discussed under the background of entering the society.本文探讨了在入世的新背景下,我国有关高新技术产业政策存在的问题及其调整的方向、原则与内容。

4)Industrial Technology Policy产业技术政策

1.Study on China sIndustrial Technology Policy in the New Situation;新形势下产业技术政策研究

2.Through comparing the industrial technology policy of China and foreign countries,and connecting with the development of energy industry in Shanxi and the practical situation of the selection of energy industry technology policy,this paper analyzes the influences of energy industrial technology policy of Shanxi Province on the development of energy industry in Shanxi Province.通过对比国内外产业技术政策,结合山西省的能源产业发展以及山西省能源产业技术政策选择的实际情况,分析了山西省能源产业技术政策对山西省能源产业发展的影响。

3.It is of great importance to analyze and compare industrial technology policy between China and South Korea and to learn Korean experience of industrial policy evolution.分析、比较中韩两国的产业技术和产业技术政策,借鉴韩国产业政策演变的经验教训,对我国沿海经济较发达地区的持续发展和对韩互补经济交往具有现实意义。

5)high-tech industry高新技术产业

1.Calculating to contribution rate of economic growth of our country of newhigh-tech industry;高新技术产业对我国经济增长贡献率的测算

2.International comparison for Chinesehigh-tech industry development;我国高新技术产业发展的国际比较

3.Policies and measures of High-Tech industry of Wuhan during the 11th five year plan periodes;武汉市“十一五”高新技术产业发展的政策措施

6)high and new technology industry高新技术产业

1.Efficacy assessment ofhigh and new technology industry policy based on gray analysis and fuzzy evaluation——a case of Heilongjiang Province;基于灰色分析和模糊评价的高新技术产业政策效力评估——以黑龙江省为例

2.Develop the High and New Technology Industry Otimize and Promote the Economic Structure in Huanggang;努力发展高新技术产业 推进黄冈经济结构优化升级

3.In order to properly evaluate land ofhigh and new technology industry,a new analysis index system is put forward.根据构建的高新技术产业土地适宜性评价指标体系,应用GIS和BP神经网络的L-M优化算法对济南市高新技术产业用地适宜性进行了评价。


深圳深圳ShenzhenShenzhen深圳(shenzhen)中国经济特区,港口城市,广东省辖市。因地处深圳河岸,故名。位于广东省南部,珠江口东侧。西北距广州108千米。辖罗湖、福田、南山、宝安和龙岗5区。面积2 020.5平方千米,人口87.69万(1993)。秦属南海郡。东晋咸和六年(331)置东官郡,并置宝安县(辖境相当今东莞、深圳、香港地区)为郡治,县治南头城。唐至德二年(757)改名东莞县。北宋开宝六年(973)移治今东莞县莞城镇。明万历元年(巧73)设立新安县(辖境包括今深圳和香港地区)。19新安县复称宝安县,县治南头城。1953年县治迁往深圳。1979年3月宝安县改为深圳市,11月改为省辖市。1980年8月设置深圳经济特区。1981年7月恢复宝安县,县治新安镇。1 992年撤销宝安县,设立宝安区、龙岗区,属深圳市。深圳东临大亚湾,西连珠江口伶仃洋。翻曙 深圳李国城摄地势东南高,西北低,海岸山脉向北及西北逐渐降为丘陵、台地和平原。境内最高峰梧桐山,海拔943.7米。境内多短小河流,主要有深圳河、石马河、大破河、茅洲河。特区,东起大鹏湾背仔角,西到珠江口安乐村,南与香港接壤,北靠梧桐山和羊台山脉,东西长49千米,南北宽平均7千米,呈狭长形,面积327,5平方千米。背山面海,山前为波状台地,沿海一带为平坦的海滨平原。土质坚实,多为花岗岩风化土层。沿海分布有大鹏湾、深圳湾、赤湾、蛇口湾等。属亚热带海洋性气候,年平均气温22浮℃,1月平均气温14.1℃,7月平均气温28.2℃。年平均降水量1 948毫米,每年5一9月为雨季。常年多东南凤,夏秋季多台风。主要农作物有水稻、花生、黄豆、甘蔗、蔬菜等;水果有荔枝、龙眼、香蕉、菠萝等;水产有淡水鱼和海水蚝、鱼、虾、蟹等。矿产有铁、锰、钨、钥和大理石、石灰石等。深圳原是一边境小镇,人口不足3万。经过多年建设,深圳经济特区已成为现代化口岸城市。以工业为主的外向型经济迅速发展,形成了电子、机械、纺织、轻工、石化、食品饮料、建材、家具、医药、服装、装饰工程等行业。农业已向集约化经营和外向型方向发展,兴办了蔬菜、禽畜、水产、水果4大生产基地。建有一批旅游景区。深圳交通便利,北京一九龙、广州一九龙铁路线经此,还有广州一深圳准高速铁路线。干线公路通往邻近各市、县和香港的九龙。深圳一广州、深圳一惠州高速公路已通车,深圳一汕头高速公路在建设中。
