100字范文 > 二次手术 Reoperation英语短句 例句大全

二次手术 Reoperation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-19 03:19:53


二次手术 Reoperation英语短句 例句大全



1.Cause Analysis and Countermeasures forReoperation of Lumbar Disc Protrusion;腰椎间盘突出症二次手术原因分析及其对策


1.Perioperative nursing care of 126 patients with thyroid cancer treated with reoperation甲状腺癌二次手术126例围术期护理

2.To improve medical quality by enhancing re-operation management加强二次手术管理 提高医疗质量

3.Clinical analysis of 36 cases of esophageal and gastric cardia cancer with secondary operation36例食管贲门癌术后二次手术临床分析

4.A Clinical Study of Laryngeal Function Preservation for Secondary Operation in Recurrent Laryngeal Carcinoma喉复发癌二次手术保留喉功能的临床研究

5.Re-operation extent of primary lesion of thyroid cancer甲状腺癌二次手术原发灶的切除范围探讨

6.A clinical analysis and prevention for hypoparathyroidism caused by total,subtotal thyroidectomy or second operation甲状腺全次全切除或二次手术致甲状旁腺功能低下352例临床分析

7.Preparation of corneal flap in secondary LASIK procedure准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术二次手术角膜瓣制作的研究

8.Methods, The operation data of 56 cases of thyroid carcinoma were retrospectively reviewed.方法:回顾分析56例二次手术甲状腺癌的资料,结合文献进行探讨。

9.Evidence-Based Medicine and Meta-Analysis of Secondary Surgery in Recurrent Ovarian Cancer;复发性卵巢癌二次手术的循证医学研究及Meta—分析

10.Hepatic anterior segmentectomy was done but a tumor mimicking a cyst recurred over the left hepatic lobe7 months after the second operation.然而在第二次手术退出的7个月后,在左肝叶又发现一个类似囊肿的肿瘤。

11.There were 1 case bone grafting failure because of osteomyelitis and 2 cases aclusion.1例下颌角骨折口内入路,外斜线固定,形成假关节,经二次手术植骨后达到骨性愈合。

12.Analysis of perioperative second operation for esophageal and cardiac carcinoma食管贲门癌围手术期二次开胸治疗分析

13.Two Simulation Studies on the Closed and Open Peritoneum in Abdomenal Operations腹部手术闭合腹膜与未闭合腹膜二次探查研究

14.The first operation lasted ten hours and the second five hours.第一次手术持续了十个小时,第二次持续了五个小时。

15.has just had an operation.刚刚接受了一次手术。

16.collection angle收集角 -二次离子质谱术

17.Secondary Development Technology of SolidWorks;SolidWorks的二次开发技术

18.Introduction to the Customization and Exploitation Technology of AutoCAD 2000 and its Application in Engineering Mapping;AutoCAD二次开发技术及应用


second operation二次手术

1.An analysis of the causes forsecond operation in postoperative patients of esophageal diseases.;食管疾病二次手术的原因分析

3)Second exploratory operation二次探查手术

4)Heart reoperation二次心脏手术

5)Second laparotomy二次开腹手术


1.The Application Of Roux-y Modus Operandi in Bile DuctReoperation;Roux-y术式在胆道再次手术的应用

2.Reoperation for recurrent gastric carcinoma;复发性胃癌的再次手术治疗

3.Analysis of Causes ofReoperation for Intraspinal Benign Tumors;椎管内良性肿瘤再次手术原因分析


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