100字范文 > 任意皮瓣 random pattern skin flap英语短句 例句大全

任意皮瓣 random pattern skin flap英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-02 08:37:54


任意皮瓣 random pattern skin flap英语短句 例句大全

任意皮瓣,random pattern skin flap

1)random pattern skin flap任意皮瓣

1.Effect of vascular endothelial growth factor on the resistance against infection inrandom pattern skin flap;任意皮瓣局部注射血管内皮生长因子对其抗菌力影响的实验研究

2.Random pattern skin flaps have been an important tool to repairing wounds, reconstructing organs and tissue transplantation in plastic surgery.任意皮瓣是整形外科应用最为广泛的皮瓣,因皮瓣内不含轴型血管,移植时皮瓣长宽比例受到一定限制,如果皮瓣过长,其远端容易出现缺血坏死。


1.The Study on the Effects of Papaverine on Flap Survivalafter Local Application in Rats;盐酸罂粟碱对任意皮瓣微循环影响的实验研究

2.The Influence of Resveratrol on the Survival of Rat Random Pattern Skin Flap白藜芦醇促进任意皮瓣成活的实验研究

3.The efect of bFGF-impregnated microsphere system on random dorsal skin flap survival in ratbFGF微球对大鼠背部任意皮瓣存活的影响

4.Thepreparation of VEGF/bFGF-impregnated Microsphere and Its Effect on the Survival of Ischemic Dorsal Random Skin Flap in a Rat Mode;VEGF/bFGF缓释微球制备及促进大鼠背部任意皮瓣存活的实验研究

5.Effects of L-Arginine on the Survival of the Random Pattern Skin Flap;L-精氨酸对任意型皮瓣成活的影响的实验研究


7.The types of vascular division of an terolateral femoral flap and its clini cal significance股前外侧皮瓣血管的临床分型及意义

8.The effects of basic fibroblast growth factor-fibrin glue on the survival of the random pattern skin flapbFGF-FG对大鼠随意皮瓣早期断蒂的影响

9.The Effect of Amlodipine Besylate Through Percutaneous Penetration on the Survival of Random Ischemic Skin Flaps;氨氯地平经皮给药对缺血随意皮瓣成活的影响

10.Effect of Dexamethasone Through Percutaneous Penetration on Survival of Random Skin Flaps;地塞米松经皮给药对随意皮瓣成活的影响

11.An Anatomical Study on the Venous Architecture of the Flap and Its Clinical Significance皮瓣静脉构筑的解剖学研究及其临床意义

12.Experimental Study of the Effects of Pioglitazone on the Survival of Random Pattern Skin Flaps in Rats;大蒜素对大鼠随意皮瓣成活影响的实验研究

13.Experimental Study of the Effects of Phenytoin Sodium on the Survival of Random Pattern Skin Flaps;苯妥英钠对随意皮瓣成活影响的实验研究

14.The Effect of Epidermal Growth Factor on Random Dorsal Skin Flap Survival in the Rat;EGF对大鼠背部随意皮瓣存活影响的实验研究

15.Experimental Study of the Effects of Ulinastatin on the Survival of Random Pattern Skin Flaps in Rats;乌司他丁对大鼠随意皮瓣存活影响的实验研究

16.The Thoracodorsal Artery Musculocutaneous Perforator Flap: Anatomic Study and Clinical Significance;胸背动脉肌皮穿支瓣的解剖学研究与临床意义

17.The Experimental Study of Relationship between Random Flap and Pedicle随意性皮瓣存活与蒂宽关系的实验研究

18.Study for the reason of abdominal skin flap accidental avulsion and it"s nursing strategies腹部皮瓣意外撕脱原因分析及护理对策


random flap任意皮瓣

1.Objective: To examine the level of platelet activating factor in the skin flap tissue, to evaluate the possible benefit and to investigate the effect of platelet activating factor antagonism in the survival ofrandom flaps.目的 :检测任意皮瓣移植时 ,皮瓣局部组织中的血小板激活因子 (PAF)水平 ,探讨PAF及其受体拮抗剂(BN5 2 0 2 1)在移植皮瓣成活过程中的作用。

2.The purpose of this study was to evaluate its possible effect on flap inflammatory reaction and investigate the mechanism of platelet activating factor antagonism in the survival ofrandom flaps, using a SD rat dorsirandom flap model.目的 :通过对皮瓣组织中毛细血管内皮细胞表面的ICAM - 1表达量的观察 ,反映皮瓣局部的炎症反应程度、白细胞浸润情况 ,了解血小板激活因子受体拮抗剂BN5 2 0 2 1对皮瓣局部的炎症反应的拮抗作用和血小板激活因子 (PAF)对鼠任意皮瓣成活能力的影响。

3)Random flap随意皮瓣

1.Establishment of animal models of radiation injury on random flap and pathological study;随意皮瓣放射损伤动物模型的建立及病理学研究

2.Epidermal growth factor promoting survival of random flap in rats;表皮生长因子促进大鼠随意皮瓣的成活

4)skin flap随意皮瓣

1.The creation method of flap:A rectangular randomskin flap(3 cm x10 cm)was outlined as on the back of the animals and the cranial side was designed as pedicle.以鼠背中线为准,蒂位于头侧,设计3cm×10cm长方形随意皮瓣,皮瓣长轴与大鼠长轴平行,左右对称,划线标记。

5)random flap随意型皮瓣

1.Clinical application ofrandom flap with SMAS in treatment of ectropion含SMAS的随意型皮瓣在修复睑外翻中的临床应用

2.We concluded that:(1) the pedicle width was not the determinative factor of the survival length ofrandom flap,and there was no direct ratio relationship between pedicle width and survival length;(2)Narrowing the pedicle of arandom flap which can survive completely,transforming it into a kind of flap which ratio of length to width exceeds the limitation.目的:随意型皮瓣是整形科医生常用的修复创面缺损的手段之一,然而因为皮瓣的长宽比限制使其在临床应用上又受到严重制约;另一方面,自从有了该长宽比理论以来,就不断有学者提出异议。

6)arbitrary shape sidelobe任意形状旁瓣


ANSYS中在任意面施加任意方向任意变化的压力方法在任意面施加任意方向任意变化的压力 在某些特殊的应用场合,可能需要在结构件的某个面上施加某个坐标方向的随坐标位置变化的压力载荷,当然,这在一定程度上可以通过ANSYS表面效应单元实现。如果利用ANSYS的参数化设计语言,也可以非常完美地实现此功能,下面通过一个小例子描述此方法。 !!!在执行如下加载命令之前,请务必用选择命令asel将需要加载的几何面选择出来 !!! finish /prep7 et,500,shell63 press=100e6 amesh,all esla,s nsla,s,1 ! 如果载荷的反向是一个特殊坐标系的方向,可在此建立局部坐标系,并将 ! 所有节点坐标系旋转到局部坐标系下. *get,enmax,elem,,num,max dofsel,s,fx,fy,fz fcum,add !!!将力的施加方式设置为"累加",而不是缺省的"替代" *do,i,1,enmax *if,esel,eq,1,then *get,ae,elem,i,area !此命令用单元真实面积,如用投影面积,请用下几条命令 ! *get,ae,elem,i,aproj,x !此命令用单元X投影面积,如用真实面积,请用上一条命令 ! *get,ae,elem,i,aproj,y !此命令用单元Y投影面积 ! *get,ae,elem,i,aproj,z !此命令用单元Z投影面积 xe=centrx !单元中心X坐标(用于求解压力值) ye=centry !单元中心Y坐标(用于求解压力值) ze=centrz !单元中心Z坐标(用于求解压力值) ! 下面输入压力随坐标变化的公式,本例的压力随X和Y坐标线性变化. p_e=(xe-10)*press+(ye-5)*press f_tot=p_e*ae esel,s,elem,,i nsle,s,corner *get,nn,node,,count f_n=f_tot/nn *do,j,1,nn f,nelem(i,j),fx,f_n !压力的作用方向为X方向 ! f,nelem(i,j),fy,f_n !压力的作用方向为Y方向 ! f,nelem(i,j),fz,f_n !压力的作用方向为Z方向 *enddo *endif esla,s *enddo aclear,all fcum,repl !!!将力的施加方式还原为缺省的"替代" dofsel,all allsel
