100字范文 > 动脉皮瓣 Arterial skin flap英语短句 例句大全

动脉皮瓣 Arterial skin flap英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-01 04:05:38


动脉皮瓣 Arterial skin flap英语短句 例句大全

动脉皮瓣,Arterial skin flap

1)Arterial skin flap动脉皮瓣


1.Repairing Finger Soft Tissue Defects with Using the Second Dorsal Metacarpal Flap and Compund Flap;第二掌背动脉皮瓣修复手部组织缺损

2.Anatomic study of the island flap pedicled with the popliteal intermediate cutaneous artery(PICA)腘窝中间皮动脉岛状皮瓣的解剖研究

3.Minimal invasive anatomy of the cutaneous branches-chain flap pedicled with cutaneous branches of radial and ulnar artery桡动脉和尺动脉皮支链皮瓣的应用解剖

4.Anatomical Study of Superior Ulnar Collateral Artery Perforator Flap;尺侧上副动脉穿支皮瓣的解剖学研究

5.Retrospective Analysis in 95 Patients with Pulmonary Stenosis Treated with Percutaneous Balloon Pulmonary Valvuloplasty;95例肺动脉瓣狭窄经皮球囊肺动脉瓣成形术的回顾性分析

6.Clinical applied research of percutaneous balloon pulmonary valve for congenital pulmonary valve stenosis经皮肺动脉瓣球囊扩张治疗先天性肺动脉瓣狭窄临床应用研究

7.A clinical analysis of percutaneous balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty with inoue-balloon for pulmonary valve stenosis in adultsINONUE球囊经皮肺动脉瓣成形术治疗成人肺动脉瓣狭窄临床疗效分析

8.Effects of Percutaneous Balloon Pulmonary Valvuloplasty on Children With Congenital Pulmonic Valvular Stenosis经皮球囊肺动脉瓣膜成形术治疗小儿肺动脉瓣狭窄

9.Anatomical Study of Reverse Insular Flap of Medial Sural Cutaneous Artery;腓肠内侧皮动脉逆行岛状皮瓣的解剖学研究

10.Repair of palmar defects with akin flap pedicled with dorsal carpal branch of ulnar artery尺动脉腕上皮支皮瓣修复手掌软组织缺损

11.Clinical appilication of axial fascial flap with superficial branches of transverse cervical artery颈横动脉颈浅皮支轴型筋膜皮瓣临床应用

12.Skin flap with a branch of the tibial posterior artery for repairing the skin defect of foot and ankle胫后动脉穿支皮瓣修复足踝部皮肤缺损

13.Reconstruction of nasal tip and columella using dorsal forefinger skin flap based on proper palmar digital artery and reverse forearm skin flap on tiny cutaneous branches of radial artery示指固有动脉指背皮瓣和前臂逆行桡动脉皮支皮瓣修复鼻尖、鼻小柱缺损

14.The repair of dorsal skin and tendon defects in fingers with modified arterialized venous flap of palmaris longus改良带掌长肌腱静脉动脉化皮瓣移植修复指背皮肤肌腱缺损

15.Repair of the donor area of wrap around flap with reverse second dorsal metatarsal artery island flap第二跖背动脉逆行岛状皮瓣修复?甲瓣切除后的创面

16.Clinical Application of the Reversed Island Flap Pedicled with the Posterior Tibial Artery and the Fasciocutaneous Flap Pedicled with the Septocutaneous Perforators of the Posterior Tibial Artery;胫后动脉逆行岛状皮瓣及胫后动脉肌间隔穿支筋膜皮瓣的临床应用

17.Repairing skin and soft tissue defects around malleolus with flaps based medial supramalleolar branches of the posterior tibial artery胫后动脉内踝上皮支皮瓣修复足踝部皮肤软组织缺损

18.Repairing fingertip defect by transplanting flap nourished with cutaneous branches (8 cases report)游离指动脉皮支皮瓣移植修复指端皮肤缺损(附8例报告)


Digital artery flap指动脉皮瓣

3)Arterialized venous flaps动脉化静脉皮瓣

4)arterialized venous flap静脉动脉化皮瓣

1.A study on survival effect ofarterialized venous flap with intermittent positive pressure;间歇式正压对静脉动脉化皮瓣成活的影响

2.The repair of dorsal skin and tendon defects in fingers with modifiedarterialized venous flap of palmaris longus改良带掌长肌腱静脉动脉化皮瓣移植修复指背皮肤肌腱缺损

3.Objective To evaluate the effect of intermittent positive pressure toarterialized venous flap.目的 探讨间歇式正压对静脉动脉化皮瓣成活面积、成活质量及血液循环的影响。

5)Dorsal foot skin flap足背动脉皮瓣

6)croin flaps旋髂浅动脉皮瓣


动脉dongmai动脉tremulous pulse从心脏运送血液到全身各器官、组织的血管。直接由心脏起始的动脉有两条大干,即主动脉和肺动脉。两条动脉在行径中不断分支,愈分愈细,最后移行为毛细血管。动脉因承受压力较大,管壁较厚,平滑肌比较发达,弹力纤维也较多,管腔断面呈圆形,具有弹性和收缩性,可随心脏的收缩,血压的高低而有周期性的压力变化,可引起动脉血管的明显搏动。心室射血时管壁扩张;心室舒张时,管壁回缩,促使血液向前流动。动脉的管壁由内层、中层和外层所组成。管壁较厚,中小动脉,特别是小动脉平滑肌比较发达,在神经支配下收缩舒张,以调节局部血流量,维持正常血压。动脉管壁组织随年龄增长而变化,可发生动脉硬化等病变。
