100字范文 > 眼动法 eye-tracking measures英语短句 例句大全

眼动法 eye-tracking measures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-10 15:54:11


眼动法 eye-tracking measures英语短句 例句大全

眼动法,eye-tracking measures

1)eye-tracking measures眼动法


1.The Effect of Schema Theory and EMSR on the Fast Reading among College Students;图式理论和快速眼动法对大学生快速阅读的影响

2.A New Methodology for Determining Point-of-Gaze in Head-Mounted Eye Tracker一种头盔式眼动仪的注视点定位方法

3.Implementation of Eye Movement Tracking System Based on Camshift Algorithm基于Camshift算法的眼动跟踪系统的实现

4.Research and Realization on Real-time Linear Prediction Algorithm for Desktop Eye-Tracking眼动交互的实时线性算法构造和实现

5.An Approach to Usability Evaluation for Mobile Computing User Interface Based on Eye-tracking移动计算用户界面可用性评估的眼动方法

6.Totally 23 people tested in the eye movement survey method, including 10 males, 13 females.眼动测量法实验人数共23人,其中男10人,女13人。

7.Designing and Realization With A New Method For Eye Movement Measuring System Based On Infrared TV;基于红外电视法眼动仪新方案的设计与实现

8.The Analysis of Eye Movement and the Research of Countermeasure in the "Women s Basketball Playing in Male Features";“女子篮球打法男性化”的眼动分析与对策研究

9.Current Status and Trends in the Analysis of Eye Movements in Psychological Research;眼动方法在心理学研究中的现状及其趋势

10.Eye movement is a determination method for the effectiveness of plane advertisement;平面广告有效性检验方法中的眼动评价

11.Automatic Correction of the Ocular Artifacts in EEG Based on a Cortex Imaging Method一种基于皮层成像的自动眼电伪迹去除方法

12.Effect of different operation methods on oculomotor nerve functional recovery不同手术方法对动眼神经功能修复的影响

13.To roll or bulge.Used of the eyes.转动眼珠转动眼珠或瞪眼。用作描述眼睛

14.Methods 12 blocking rabbits were selected. Right eyes were experimental eyes, left eyes were control ones.方法选用家兔12只,右眼为实验眼,左眼对照眼。

15.Could not locate the size and shape of the red eye area. Please select Manual Red Eye to correct this area无法确定红眼区域的大小和形状。请选择“手动纠正红眼”来校正这个区域

16.Could not locate the size and shape of the red eye areas. Please select Manual Red Eye to correct this area.无法确定红眼区域的大小和形状。请选择“手动修整红眼”来校正这个区域。

17.Effects of different recording methods for orbicularis oculi muscle activity on acquisition of trace eyeblink conditioning in guinea pigs不同眼轮匝肌活动记录方法对豚鼠痕迹性眨眼条件反射建立的影响

18.motor ocular dominance运动性眼优势 运动性眼优势


eye-movement therapy眼动疗法



1.The Effect of Schema Theory andEMSR on the Fast Reading among College Students;图式理论和快速眼动法对大学生快速阅读的影响

5)eye tracking techniques眼动分析法

6)eye tracking technique眼动记录法

1.As an important method,eye tracking techniques have been widely used in psychology research in recent years.眼动记录法作为一种重要的研究手段,在心理学中的应用越来越广泛。


动眼神经损伤动眼神经损伤injury of oculomotor nerve外伤伤及动眼神经。常因颅底骨折,特别是眶尖及眶顶骨折引起。可与其他眼球运动神经及其他颅神经同时受累或仅单一神经损伤。表现为伤后立即出现受伤侧瞳孔扩大,直接与间接光反射迟钝或消失,上睑下垂,应注意与小脑幕切迹疝引起的进行性瞳孔扩大相鉴别。
