100字范文 > 主体读者 main body of readers英语短句 例句大全

主体读者 main body of readers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-04 23:44:11


主体读者 main body of readers英语短句 例句大全

主体读者,main body of readers

1)main body of readers主体读者

2)the main body of readers读者主体

1.The function of practical writing is achieved bythe main body of readers.读者主体是写作活动的重要组成部分,只有通过读者主体,才能实现应用文本的功能。


1.Ibwards Unification of Self-Awareness of Editors,Writers and Readers;试论编者、作者、读者主体意识的统一

2.The Enlightenment of Constructive Translation Studies to Readers" Subjectivity建构主义翻译研究对读者主体的观照

3.Subjective Role of the Reader and Its Influence on the Translator s Activity;读者主体性地位及其对译者翻译策略的影响

4.The Types,Reading Characteristics and Reading Psychology of Readers of Practical Writing;应用文本读者主体的类型、阅读特点及阅读心理分析

5.Keeping Readers" Secrets and Self-help Search: Thinking Based on Maintaining Readers" Dominant Position保守读者秘密与自助检索:基于维护读者主体地位的思考

6.Subject of Redaction:Author,Redactor,Audience and It s Interaction;编辑主体:作者、编辑、读者及其互动

7.Translator s Subjectivity in the Trilateral Relations of Author,Translator and Reader;从作者-译者-读者三元关系看译者的主体性

8.On the Realization of Reader s Individuality in the Appreciation of Literature;从附庸到主体——谈读者作为文学研究主体的实现

9.A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions of Beloved-from the Perspective of Translator s Subjectivity;从译者主体性视角解读Beloved两个中译本

10.The Translator s Subjectivity: A New Perspective for Interpreting the Two Complete English Versions of Hong Lou Meng;从译者主体性视角解读《红楼梦》两译本

11.Serve the Readers Actively and Set up the Multilevel Service System主动为读者服务 建立多层次服务体系

12.On Translation of the Lantern Riddles in Hongloumeng from the Perspective of Translator s Subjectivity;从译者主体性视角解读《红楼梦》灯谜翻译

13.Analysis of "internet service provider" starting from net copyright infringement subjects网络著作权侵权主体——“网络服务提供者”之解读

14.It is argued that inter-subjectivity of translation is mutual exchange and effect among the author, the translator, and the reader through the media of object.翻译的主体间性为原作者、者、文读者借助客体而进行的主体间的相互交流和互动。

15.On Translator s Subjectivity and Intended Reader s Aesthetic Reception in Literary Translation;文学翻译中译者主体性和潜在读者美学接受之研究

16.The Relationship between the Fiction Writer and the Reader from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics;主体关系的断裂——论接受美学引致的小说作者与读者关系问题

17.person who writes replies to letters printed in an agony column(2)读者来信专栏主持人

18.Cultural Definition on Subjectivity of Translator during Translation Progress-About "Translation as a Decision Process" by Jiri Levy;译者主体性的文化界定——再读吉里·列维的《翻译是一个抉择过程》


the main body of readers读者主体

1.The function of practical writing is achieved bythe main body of readers.读者主体是写作活动的重要组成部分,只有通过读者主体,才能实现应用文本的功能。

3)Reader"s subjectivity读者主体性

4)literature perceiver (reader)接受主体(读者)

5)active reader主动读者

6)intended readers主要读者


