100字范文 > 阅读主体 the main body of reading英语短句 例句大全

阅读主体 the main body of reading英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-24 02:49:22


阅读主体 the main body of reading英语短句 例句大全

阅读主体,the main body of reading

1)the main body of reading阅读主体

1.In the course of the teaching of Chinese reading,there are three basic periods of the motional reactive movement ofthe main body of reading.在语文阅读教学过程中 ,阅读主体的情感反应运动有三个基本的阶段 :阅读欲望 ,即情感反应运动的始发期 ,主要是阅读兴趣和阅读动机的激发力在起作用 ;阅读愉悦 ,即情感反应运动的冲动期 ,主要是伴随着阅读和知觉直接产生的知觉情感在起作用 ;阅读判断 ,即情感反应运动的悟解期 ,主要是读者对文本的阅读认识在起作用。


1.reading silently and skimming step by step ;学生阅读主体地位的确立,是实现提高学生阅读素养的重要手段。

2.The Types,Reading Characteristics and Reading Psychology of Readers of Practical Writing;应用文本读者主体的类型、阅读特点及阅读心理分析

3.Thematic Progression, Genre and TEFL Reading;主位推进,语篇体裁与英语阅读教学

4.Variables Affecting Reading Comprehension and Reader Development;影响阅读的变量分析及主体技能培养

5.The Avant-Garde Novel and the Subject in Its Reading;“先锋小说”及其文本阅读的主体性

6.Students Subjectivity in the Teaching of Reading--About Ye Shengtao s Idea on Reading Teaching;阅读教学过程中的学生主体观——叶圣陶阅读教学思想浅谈

7.Establish"ReadingOnOwn"Choice, Advance Learners Capabilities of Self-studying;建构“自主化阅读”教学模式 促进学生主体性发展

8.Reading-based Principle and Reading Strategy--On Liu Guozheng s perspective of reading-based teaching;阅读本体与阅读策略——论刘国正阅读教学观

9.Autonomic Reading-the Key to College English Reading;“自主”阅读——大学英语阅读关键

10.Establishing Self- access Reading Modei to Develop Independent Reading;建立自主阅读机制 发展独立阅读能力

11.The Main-body Training on Teaching of Classical Chinese Reading to High School Students;中学文言文阅读教学中学生主体性培养

12.On Autonomous Reading in Chinese in Multimedia-teaching Environment;语文自主阅读多媒体网络课堂教学模式研究

13.Student-involved Teaching Model for Postgraduate English Applied in Reading Classes;公外研究生英语阅读课主体参与教学模式

14.Culture Teaching Of Multimedia in English Extensive Reading Based On Constructivism;基于建构主义的英语多媒体阅读文化教学

15.Independent Study and Emotional Experience -A New Way-out for Teaching Chinese Reading;自主学习 情感体验——语文阅读教学的新出路

16.On the subjectivity of teacher and reading teaching论教师的主体性及其在阅读教学对话中的发挥

17.Deconstruction of Phallus-centric Ideology and Reconceptualization of Female Subjectivity: A Feminist Approach to The Golden Notebook;解构菲勒斯中心:构建新型女性主义主体——《金色笔记》的女性主义阅读

18.From Subjectivity Monologue to Inter-subjectivity Dialogue--Theory and Practice of Dialogues in Reading Teaching;从主体性独白到主体间性对话——阅读教学对话的理论与实践


the teaching for reading characterized by subjectivity主体性阅读教学

1.The thesis synthesizes new research results concerning of teaching for reading, probing the connotation and the characteristics ofthe teaching for reading characterized by subjectivity and so on, trying to construct a new model of teaching for reading and to sensor the teaching for reading wholly and objectively on dialectic standing.本文综合关于阅读教学理论的最新研究成果,探讨主体性阅读教学的内涵、特点等,力图构建阅读教学新模式,并力争站在辩证的立场上,对阅读教学进行全面的客观的审视。

3)theme reading主题阅读

4)autonomous reading自主阅读

1.From the angle of autonomous learning,this paper makes an exploration into the cultivation of students cognitive strategies,meta-cognitive strategies and emotional strategies in reading,which is supposed to improve studentsautonomous reading ability.进而以自主性学习为切入点,重点探讨培养学生在阅读中的认知策略、元认知策略以及情感策略,最终提高学生的自主阅读能力。

2.This thesis aims at studying the theoretical significance and practical value of networkautonomous reading.本文旨在探索网络自主阅读的理论意义和实践价值。

3.This thesis reports an applied study on whether it is effective to promote Englishautonomous reading through portfolio assessment.本论文旨在就能否利用档案袋评估方式有效促进学生的英语自主阅读能力进行了应用研究,并对实验前后受试者在自主阅读学习过程中元认知策略的变化进行了比较。

5)reading autonomy自主阅读

1.The Effect of Reading Autonomy on the Reading Competence;自主阅读对高中生阅读能力的影响

6)independent reading自主阅读

1.Primary Ancient Poetry Independent Reading and Ccomplishment Raise;小学古诗自主阅读及素养培养

2.This paper cxplored theindependent reading course by which to change present mono\|classroom mode in junior middle school.通过自主阅读课的尝试 ,改变单一的课堂教学模式 ,目的是激发学生的主动学习精神 ,提高学生的自主学习能力 ,提高阅读教学效益 ,最终培养出适合社会发展的创新人才。

3.During the Chinese teaching, theindependent reading should go back to the natural situation.语文教学中 ,文学的自主阅读应回归到阅读的本真状态 ,其基本要义是自由开放 ,多向解读 ,这是确立学生主体地位的根本保证。


