100字范文 > 人地和谐观 theory for man-land harmony英语短句 例句大全

人地和谐观 theory for man-land harmony英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-01 16:24:36


人地和谐观 theory for man-land harmony英语短句 例句大全

人地和谐观,theory for man-land harmony

1)theory for man-land harmony人地和谐观


1.The Research for Sustainable Use of Land Resource in Yuzhong by Theory of Man-land Harmony人地和谐观视阈中的土地资源可持续利用研究

2.The Necessity for Cultivating Land Ethics for a Harmonious Man-land Relationship;和谐人地关系亟需树立土地伦理观念

3.The Lifestyle of a Harmonious Society and Harmonious Values of Life和谐社会生活方式与和谐人生价值观

4.Promoting Harmonious Relations Between Self and Others of Harmony Education in University Students大学生“和谐”观教育之促进个人与他人的和谐

5.Sticking to Dialectical Unity of Social Harmony and Man s Harmony;坚持社会和谐与人的和谐的辩证统一观

6.Harmonize Mankind and Nature in Zuojiang Area through Implementing Scientific Development Concept;贯彻落实科学发展观,促进左江地区人与自然的和谐

7.Steinbeck s Environmental Ethics: Humanity in Harmony with the Land;人与土地的和谐共处——评美国作家约翰·斯坦贝克的环境伦理观

8.Constructing Harmonious Society and Education of World View Outlook on Life View of Value;构建和谐社会与世界观人生观价值观教育

9.The View of Human Nature and the Harmonious Personality in China Confucian Arts and Culture;中国儒家文化中的人性观与和谐人格

10.The Starting Point of Constructing Harmonious Society:Harmonious Cooperation People Concepts构建和谐社会的始点——树立人本和合观

11.the value of harmony of man and nature from which " the golden mean of the Confucian School " originated;“中道缘起”人与自然和谐的价值观;

12.On human value outlook of China s classic harmonious philosophy;中国经典“和谐”哲学的人生价值观

13.On the Concept of Harmony Between Man and Nature in Ancient Chang an Culture from the View of Dao Fa Zi Ran;从“道法自然”看长安文化的天人和谐观

14.Sage and social harmony in Mozi s ethics;墨子伦理观中的圣人与天下和谐理想

15.Scientific Development Concept: a Harmonious Unity of Humans,Nature and Society;科学发展观:人、自然、社会的和谐统一

16.The Opinion about the Core Values of"Human-oriented"in the Harmonious Society;和谐社会“以人为本”的核心价值观刍议

17.Judging development by harmony Anthropological orientation of scientific development view;以和谐看发展——科学发展观的人学向度

18.The People-oriented and the values of the Socialist harmonious society;以人为本与社会主义和谐社会价值观


Man-earth harmony人地和谐

1.The present thesis attempts to investigate man-earth harmony of Chinese mountain-type“world heritage of nature and culture”on the basis of a review on the study of“world heritage”both domestic and abroad.在对国内外“世界遗产”研究进行评述的基础上,本研究选定以中国山岳型“世界自然-文化遗产”为研究对象,以人地和谐为研究主题。

3)interpersonal harmony values人际和谐观

1.The author started the research with the perspective of management science and applied psychology, and then investigatedinterpersonal harmony values, the feature of innovation values and the present situation of innovative behavior of employees by methodologies like literature review, questionnaire survey and interview etc.本文以管理学、应用心理学为研究视角,综合运用文献分析法、问卷调查法、访谈法等研究方法对员工人际和谐观、创新价值观特征以及创新行为现状作了调查,同时对三者之间的关系进行深入分析,并在此基础上提出人际和谐与创新管理的相关措施。

4)harmonious relation between man and land人地和谐关系

5)the consciousness that humankind and nature harmonizemutually人与自然和谐发展观

6)The humanity concept that man develops comprehensively and harmoniously人的全面和谐发展观


人地1.品学门第。 2.指当地的人与当地的情况。参见"人地生疏"。
