100字范文 > No.30 夏尔丹 | 法国着名静物画大师

No.30 夏尔丹 | 法国着名静物画大师

时间:2022-08-21 15:21:28


No.30 夏尔丹 | 法国着名静物画大师

油画世界 ArtYouhua


Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin


法国, (1699-1779)


——By ArtYouhua


The water tank,1734

1699年11月2日生于巴黎,1779年12月6日卒于同地。法国18世纪市民艺术的杰出代表,早年入学院派画家P.-J.卡泽的画室,后为N.-N.科伊佩尔的助手。1728年静物画《鳐鱼》展出,一举成名 ,被接纳为皇家学院院士。

The Silver Goblet,1728


A Game of Billiards,1721-1725


Still life,1728


Still Life with Cat and Fish,1728


Still Life with Cat and Rayfish,1728

The Attributes of Painting and Sculpture,1728

The Buffet,1728

鳐鱼The Ray or, The Kitchen Interior,1728

The Silver Tureen,1728

Game Still Life with Hunting Dog,1730

Wild Rabbit with Game Bag and Powder Flask,1728-1730

A Green Neck Duck with a Seville Orange,1728-1730

A Lean Diet with Cooking Utensils,1731

Still Life with Herrings,1731

Still life: Fast Day Menu,1731

The Attributes of the Sciences,1731

Lady Sealing a Letter,1732

Woman Drawing Water from an Urn,1733

A Chemist in his Laboratory (A Philosopher giving a Lecture),1734

Still Life of Cooking Utensils, Cauldron, Casserole and Eggs,1733-1734

Boy with a Top,1735

Rabbit and Copper Pot,1735

Soap Bubbles,1733-1735

The House of Cards,1735


Thetea drinker,1735

Young Man with a Violin (Portrait of Charles Theodose Godefroy),1734-1735

Still Life with Pestle, Bowl, Copper Cauldron, Onions and a Knife,1734-1735

Young Draughtsman copying an Academy study,1733-1735

Frau, Geschirr scheuernd,1736

The Embroiderer,1735-1736


Still Life with Pipe an Jug,1737

The House of Cards,1736-1737

The Attentive Nurse,1738


The Cellar Boy,1738

Still Life with a Rib of Beef,1739

The Governess,1739


Girl with Racket and Shuttlecock,1740

The Hard working Mother,1740

The kitchen maid,1738-1740

The morning toilet,1740

The Prayer before Meal,1740

The Young Schoolmistress,1740

Woman Cleaning Turnips,1740

Still Life with Glass Flask and Fruit,1750

Still Life with Pheasant,1750

Still Life with Two Rabbits,1750

The Canary,1750

The Silver Beaker,1750

Still lifewithturkeyhanged,1750

The Butler s Table,1756

Jar of Apricots,1758

Basket ofPlums,1759

Still Life with Dead Pheasant and Hunting Bag,1760

Still Life with Jar of Olives,1760

Strawberry Basket Canasta de fresas,1760

Water Glass,1760

Still lifewith Brioche,1763

Still lifewith porcelainteapot,1763

Still Life, Flowers in aVase,1760-1763

Duck with an Olive Jar,1764

The Attributes of Art,1766

The instruments ofmilitary music,1767

The instrumentsof musiccalendar,1767

Basket of Peaches,1768

Pears, Walnuts and Glass of Wine,1768

Self-Portraitwith Spectacles,1771

Portrait of Françoise Marguerite Pouget,1775

Self-portrait wearing Glasses,1775

Portrait of a Young Girl,1777

Portrait of a child,1777

Self-Portrait with an Easel,1779

A lady who takes tea

Une Femme occupée à cacheter une lettre

The Left Overs of a Lunch, also called the Silver Goblet


