100字范文 > 241英语二外厦门大学考研真题及详解


时间:2021-02-27 21:01:11






Part I Vocabulary (20%)

Directions: There are 40 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice to complete the sentence and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

1.This university has earned a good _____ for the successful reform in education.

A. resolution

B. solution

C. reputation

D. responsibility


【解析】句意:这所大学因其成功的教育改革而闻名。earn (have) a good reputation for因……而闻名。resolution决心,决定。solution解决(办法)。responsibility责任,take the responsibility for sth.负起对某事的责任。

2.He found it difficult to establish a new _____ at home after retirement.

A. arrangement

B. schedule

C. routine

D. appointment

【解析】句意:他退休后,发现在家很难确立新的日常活动。routine常规,惯例,daily routine例行公事。arrangement安排。schedule时间表。appointment任命,约会。

3.According to the _____ of the agreement, the money must be paid back in monthly accounts.

A. provisions

B. arrangements

C. publication

D. contract


【解析】句意:按照协议条款,钱必须按月偿还。provisions(复数)规定,条款,the provisions of the agreement协议条款。arrangement安排。publication出版,发表。contract契约,合同。

4.A _____ woman wouldn’t weep just because her husband had forgotten her birthday.

A. sensitive

B. sensible

C. rational

D. reasonable

【解析】句意:一位有理性的女士不会因丈夫忘了她的生日而哭。rational理性的。sensitive 敏感的。sensible明智的,觉察的。reasonable合理的,公道的。

5.You don’t have to choose this course; it’s _____.

A. optional

B. required

C. free

D. operational

【解析】句意:你不必选这门课,它是选修的。optional 可任意选择的,optional subjects选修课。required要求的,必修的。free免费的。operational业务上的。

6.Last year our school football team won four _____ games.

A. continual

B. succession

C. successive

D. lasting

【解析】句意:去年我们学校的足球队连续赢了四场比赛。successive连续的。continual不断的,不停的。succession名词,连续,继任;in succession接连地。lasting持久的。

7.I had remembered in _____ detail everything that had happened at that time.

A. minute

B. little

C. vague

D. valid

【解析】句意:我对当时发生的事记得一清二楚。minute微小的,细致的;minute detail细小的细节。little很少;几乎没有。vague模糊不清的。valid有效的。

8.They will fight against _____ in order to create a fairer society.

A. privacy

B. privilege

C. rights

D. power


【解析】句意:他们将与特权斗争,以便建立一个较公平的社会。privilege特权,优惠。privacy隐私。right 权利。power力量,权力。

9.You may think that we have been making a profit, but in fact the _____ is true.

A. revision

B. unusual

C. reverse

D. return


