100字范文 > 常见动物英文介绍:世界真奇妙之蝙蝠(双语)


时间:2024-06-11 17:03:46



· I live on all the continents in the world except Antarctica.

· I like warm, tropical areas but can live anywhere its not too cold. You might see me all over except in polar areas and islands I can fly to.

· I live in places like caves and hollow trees. I also might hang under the awnings of buildings.

· My body is small and I have two thin wings. My legs are long with sharp claws for hanging.

· Im usually dark brown, but I also can be black, gray or shades of red.

· I can be huge – more than 5 feet (about 1.5 meters) from wing to wing. Or very small – just more than 1 inch (about 2.5 centimeters) from the end of one wing to the end of the other.

· Depending on where I live, I can be very light or quite heavy. When Im lighter, I am one of the smallest mammals in the world.

· I usually eat only insects but also might eat fruit and flower nectar. Sometimes I even feast on small birds, lizards and rodents like mice.

· Because I can move around well in the air, few other animals really bother me. But I do have a hard time protecting myself from insect repellents that humans sometimes spray on plants.

· Im famous for sleeping during the day and flying at night. I "see" in the dark by using sound waves to figure out whats close and far away.

蝙蝠——地图上涂棕色的地方是我的家 有趣的常识:全世界有800多种(科学家称之为“物种”)蝙蝠!有一些蝙蝠称作“微型蝙蝠”,他们非常小,而“巨型蝙蝠”则比较大些。有一种巨型蝙蝠住在非洲和印度,人们甚至称之为“飞狐狸”,就是因为它太大了! ·除南极以外,我居住在世界上所有的大陆上。









·我因白天睡觉,夜间飞行而闻名。在黑暗处,我通过声波来“看”并辨别什么在附近和远处。 编辑推荐(编辑:何莹莹)
