100字范文 > 考研党 这些核心词组一定要记住哦!

考研党 这些核心词组一定要记住哦!

时间:2020-03-01 22:05:44


考研党 这些核心词组一定要记住哦!


1, take account of sth 仔细考虑清楚 =take sth into account =take sth into consideration

You must take account of your grades 你必须仔细考虑你的成绩

2,act on sth=act upon sth 对。。。起作用,根据(建议,命令,信息等)行事

A student must follow the rules and act on them 一个学生必须遵守规定

3, be out of action 不再运转, 失去效用

The railway station is out of action 这个火车站不再运转。

4, add up to 合计达

Your several efforts add up to a big victory 你的少许努力达到了一个大的胜利。

5, in advance(of sth)预先,事先, 在。。。之前=ahead of time =ahead of schedule

You must book a ticket in advance of the flight 你必须在这个航班之前早早预订一张机票

6, take advantage of 利用,占。。。的便宜

You must take advantage of your time 你必须利用你的时间

7, to advantage 用某种方法使优点突出

You must dance to advantage 你必须跳舞来突出你的优点

8, be in the air 存在的,即将出现的

Your happiness will be in the air 你的快乐即将出现

9, on the air 在广播中

You can get a lot of news on the air 你能在广播中获得很多消息

10, be off the air 广播结束

You can talk to me off the air 你可以在广播结束以后和我聊天

11, be up in the air 悬而未决

Your problem is up in the air 你的问题还没有解决。

12, on the alert (for )警戒着,随时准备着

He is on the alert for the test 他时刻准备着考试

13, allow for sb 考虑到某人,allow for sth 考虑到某事

You must allow for your family 你必须考虑到你的家人

You must allow for your grades 你必须考虑到你的成绩

14, one after another 一个接一个

You can sing a song one after another 你可以一个接一个的唱一首歌

15, one another 相互

We can learn English one another 我们能相互学英语

16, answer for 对。。。负有责任

You must answer for your mistake 你必须为你的错误负有责任

17, anything but 绝对不

The question is anything but easy 这个问题绝对不简单

18, nothing but 只有,只不过

He is nothing but a little boy 他只不过是一个小男孩

19, apart from =aside from=other than

Apart from a small mistake ,your composition is great 除了一个小的错误,你的作文棒极了。

20, as for =as to =with regard to =with respect to =with reference to 至于

As for math ,we must study harder 至于数学,我们必须更加努力的学习。

21, as it were 可以说,在一定程度上

He is ,as it were ,a tall boy 他在一定程度上是一个很高的男孩。

22, be associated with 与。。。有关,与。。有关系=be involved with =link to=be related to = be bound up with = be involved with

Your success is associated with your effort 你的成果与你的努力有关系。
