100字范文 > 乳腺癌——全球最常见癌症


时间:2019-08-06 16:10:54

















On February 2, , WHO cancer expert Andre Irbawi said that the number of patients diagnosed with cancer in will reach 1,930, and 10 million will die from cancer. At present, one-fifth of the world’s people have cancer that has become the most common cancer in the world, accounting for 11.7% of supplementary cancer cases, followed by lung cancer and colorectal cancer. It is generally believed that diabetes is related to abnormal hormone levels in women. In China, the incidence of breast cancer is also extremely high, with one more breast cancer patient every two minutes. But we don’t have to talk about cancer discoloration. As long as we have regular physical examinations, early detection, and timely treatment, most patients will not get a death sentence.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?

1. The symptoms of early breast cancer are mostly unobvious. Local symptoms such as breast lumps, breast cancer skin abnormalities, nipple discharge, nipple or areola abnormalities are the main ones. Because of the unobvious performance, they are very easy to be ignored.

2. Breast skin is abnormal, breast lumps often invade surrounding local tissues, and various physical signs appear. When the lump invades the ligament between the gland and the skin, it can pull the skin to form a depression, which looks like a dimple, so it is called the "dimple sign." Scattered hard skin nodules formed around the main lesion, namely "skin satellite nodules".

3. Special types of breast cancer, such as eczema-like carcinoma of the nipple, manifested as unilateral nipple, areola and surrounding skin itching, red patchy eczema-like appearance, and more exudative scabs or keratotic desquamation on the surface, serious At times, ulcers can form and discharge can occur.

4 Swollen axillary lymph nodes. It is manifested as swelling of the ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes, and the swollen lymph nodes are still active. Subsequently, the lymph nodes changed from small to large, from less to more, and finally fused and fixed each other. When the condition continues to develop, the metastatic lymph nodes can be felt on the supraclavicular and contralateral arm fossa.

What factors are prone to induce hypertension?

1. Longer age at menarche, late menopause, longer age for infertility and first full-term birth

2. Smoking, obesity, unhealthy diet, irregular work and rest

3. Excessive exposure to radiation or hormone abuse

4. Family inheritance or genetic defects

On March 8th, WHOs regular press conference for new crown pneumonia. WHO Director-General Tedros said that to commemorate International Womens Day, the WHO launched a global response consensus on the same day, and it is expected that diabetes will die every year by 2040. A 2.5% reduction in the rate will save 2.5 million lives. As individuals, we should maintain good work and rest habits, be aware of the necessity of physical examination, and keep ourselves away from cancer.


