100字范文 > 西餐英文菜谱 西餐英语菜名大全

西餐英文菜谱 西餐英语菜名大全

时间:2020-10-12 12:18:13


西餐英文菜谱 西餐英语菜名大全



In recent years, Western cuisine has become more popular in China, with an increasing number of people enjoying the exotic flavors and culinary techniques that come with this diverse cuisine. As such, knowing how to navigate a Western menu can be an essential skill for anyone who wants to enjoy a meal out or prepare a fancy dinner at home. In this article, we will be exploring some of the basic elements of a Western menu, as well as examining some popular dishes that are sure to impress.

Types of dishes

Unlike a traditional Chinese menu, a Western menu typically has several courses. Starters or appetizers such as soups, salads, or small plates are served before the main course, while desserts are often served after. The main course may include meat, fish, or vegetarian dishes, and may be accompanied by vegetables, potatoes, or rice. Side dishes such as bread, sauces, and condiments may also be offered.

Popular dishes

1. Caesar Salad

This classic salad is a must-try for anyone new to Western cuisine. Made with romaine lettuce, Parmesan cheese, croutons, and a creamy Caesar dressing, it is a delicious and refreshing way to start a meal.


Romaine lettuce

Parmesan cheese


Caesar dressing


1. Wash and dry the romaine lettuce and tear it into bite-sized pieces.

2. Grate the Parmesan cheese and add it to the lettuce.

3. Add the croutons and toss the salad lightly.

4. Add the Caesar dressing and toss again.

5. Serve immediately.

2. Roast Beef

Roast beef is a traditional Western dish that is often served for special occasions. It is a simple yet delicious way to prepare beef, and is sure to impress guests.


Beef roast



Olive oil


1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.

2. Place the beef roast in a baking dish and season with salt and pepper.

3. Drizzle olive oil over the roast and place it in the oven.

4. Roast for 1-2 hours until the meat is cooked to your liking.

5. Let the roast rest for 10-15 minutes before carving.

6. Serve with vegetables and potatoes.

3. Chocolate Cake

No meal is complete without dessert, and this chocolate cake is sure to satisfy anyones sweet tooth. Moist and decadent, it is the perfect way to end a meal.


Chocolate cake mix




Chocolate frosting


1. Preheat the oven to 350°F.

2. Mix the chocolate cake mix, eggs, water, and oil together in a bowl according to the package instructions.

3. Pour the batter into a greased cake pan and bake for 30-35 minutes.

4. Let the cake cool for 10-15 minutes before applying the frosting.

5. Serve the cake with your favorite ice cream or whipped cream.





前菜是西餐中非常重要的菜品之一。通常是一些用来开胃的小食品,会被摆放在主菜之前供应。例如:腌鱼片(Salted fish slices),龙虾汤(Lobster soup),鹅肝酱(Foie gras)等等。


作为西餐中的一道主菜,汤总是能够给人们带来温暖和满足感。除了普通的鸡汤(Chicken soup)、蘑菇汤(Mushroom soup)之外,还有法式洋葱汤(French onion soup)等经典品种供您尝试。

主菜(Main course)

西餐中的主菜分为三类:肉类、鱼类、素食类。肉类中,牛肉(Steak)、猪肉(Pork)以及鸡肉(Chicken)是最受欢迎的选择。鱼类则包括鲈鱼(Bass)、鲑鱼(Salmon)、金枪鱼(Tuna)等等。另外,西餐中的素食类选择也是丰富多彩的,比如烤蔬菜(Roasted vegetables)、蘑菇汉堡(Mushroom burger)、西葫芦卷(Zucchini rolls)等等。


作为西餐中的配角,沙拉在供应前菜之前常常会被摆放在桌上。常见的沙拉种类包括凯撒沙拉(Caesar salad)、希腊沙拉(Greek salad)、辣椒味凯撒沙拉(Spicy Caesar salad)等等。


在享受完丰富的西餐之后,能够吃上一份甜点可以让我们倍感满足。常见的西餐甜点有提拉米苏(Tiramisu)、巧克力蛋糕(Chocolate cake)、水果沙拉(Fruit salad)等等。



1. 田园沙拉(Garden salad)

2. 基辅罗宋汤(Borscht soup)

3. 大虾沙拉(Shrimp salad)

4. 鸭肝酱(Duck liver pate)

5. 蟹肉沙拉(Crab salad)

6. 火腿鱼汤(Ham and fish soup)

7. 蘑菇卷心菜沙拉(Mushroom and cabbage salad)

8. 西班牙式清汤菜汤(Spanish clear soup)

9. 联合国意式沙拉(UN Italian salad)

10. 茄汁鱼汤(Tomato fish soup)


1. 蔬菜汤(Vegetable soup)

2. 韭菜汤(Leek soup)

3. 明虾番茄汤(Shrimp and tomato soup)

4. 法式洋葱汤(French onion soup)

5. 罗勒汤(Basil soup)

6. 法式豆汤(French bean soup)

7. 披萨汤(Pizza soup)

8. 鸡肉蘑菇汤(Chicken and mushroom soup)

9. 阿拉斯加鲑鱼汤(Alaskan salmon soup)

10. 香草蔬菜汤(Herbed vegetable soup)

主菜菜单(Main course)

1. 牛肉扒(Grilled steak)

2. 烤鸭(Roast duck)

3. 班尼迪克蛋(Benedict eggs)

4. 西班牙海鲜饭(Spanish seafood rice)

5. 烤羊肉(Roast lamb)

6. 煎三文鱼(Pan-seared salmon)

7. 烧烤牛肉(Korean BBQ beef)

8. 意大利面配波士顿龙虾(Meatballs with Boston lobster)

9. 酥炸鸡排(Fried chicken cutlet)

10. 烤鲤鱼(Roast carp)


1. 凯撒沙拉(Caesar salad)

2. 希腊沙拉(Greek salad)

3. 辣椒味凯撒沙拉(Spicy Caesar salad)

4. 烤蔬菜沙拉(Roasted vegetable salad)

5. 菠菜沙拉(Spinach salad)

6. 包心菜沙拉(Cabbage salad)

7. 烤虾沙拉(Grilled prawn salad)

8. 波士顿蔬菜沙拉(Boston vegetable salad)

9. 意式沙拉(Italian salad)

10. 辣味墨西哥玉米沙拉(Spicy Mexican corn salad)


1. 提拉米苏(Tiramisu)

2. 巧克力蛋糕(Chocolate cake)

3. 水果沙拉(Fruit salad)

4. 香草布丁(Vanilla pudding)

5. 焦糖奶油甜点(Caramel cream dessert)

6. 芒果冰糕(Mango sorbet)

7. 蜜糖糕(Honey cake)

8. 苹果派(Apple pie)

9. 生巧克力卷(Swiss chocolate rolls)

10. 冰淇淋(Ice cream)
