100字范文 > 围城书评_书评:移动Web开发


时间:2022-11-30 19:47:27




谁写的? (Who Wrote It?)

Mobile Web Development is written by Nirav Mehta, the head of Magnet Technologies a software development firm in India. He blogs about a variety of business and tech topics at .

移动网络开发由印度软件开发公司Magnet Technologies的负责人Nirav Mehta编写。 他在上发布了有关各种商业和技术主题的博客 。

涵盖了什么? (What’s Covered?)

Mobile Web Development covers a wide variety of topics related to…guess what….mobile web development. Nirav does a fantastic job of introducing a wide variety of technologies needed to begin mobile web development including sending and receiving SMS and MMS messages, optimizing your site for mobile devices and using AJAX on the mobile web.

移动Web开发涵盖了与……猜测什么……移动Web开发相关的各种主题。 Nirav出色地介绍了开始进行移动Web开发所需的各种技术,包括发送和接收SMS和MMS消息,为移动设备优化站点以及在移动Web上使用AJAX。

The book, from Packt Publishing, takes a very solution-based approach. Each chapter, with the exception of the first and last, has a very specific task that it is concerned with accomplishing. Usually, I’m not too awful fond of the format. It often feels like such books aren’t teaching me a topic so much as giving me snippets of code I am comfortable with manipulating.

这本书来自Packt Publishing ,采用非常基于解决方案的方法。 除了第一章和最后一章外,每一章都有一个非常具体的任务,与完成有关。 通常,我不太喜欢这种格式。 通常,感觉到这些书并没有教给我一个主题,而是给了我一些我喜欢处理的代码片段。

This book, however, is an exception to that rule. Each chapter, in addition to accomplishing the task at hands, takes the time to explain the possible solutions to the problem, and their pros and cons. The result is that once you’ve finished the book, you have a nice foundation of real working knowledge that will allow you to immediately get started with mobile web development. For those of us that may want a deeper understanding of the technologies, there are plenty of nods towards resources that will provide that information.

但是,这本书是该规则的例外。 除了完成手头的任务外,每一章还花时间解释该问题的可能解决方案及其优缺点。 结果是,一旦您完成了本书的学习,便拥有了真正的实用知识基础,可让您立即开始进行移动Web开发。 对于我们中可能想要更深入地了解技术的人,有很多人向可以提供该信息的资源致敬。

我应该读吗? (Should I Read It?)

The book is intended for people with at least a basic understanding of CSS, Javascript and PHP. In particular, there is a fair amount of PHP code, so you should probably be comfortable with looking through it.

本书的读者对象至少对CSS,Javascript和PHP具有基本的了解。 特别是,有大量PHP代码,因此您可能应该对它有所了解。

The book manages to cover a surprisingly large amount of information for being such a brisk read. The truth though, is that at least in the beginning, the basics of mobile web development are quite similar to the basics of web development, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by just how easy it is to get started.

这本书轻快地阅读,涵盖了令人惊讶的大量信息。 但是,事实是,至少在开始时,移动Web开发的基础与Web开发的基础非常相似,并且上手如此简单,您会惊喜地发现。

One of the things I enjoyed most about Nirav’s approach to the book is the emphasis on the user. Keeping the user in mind is always important, but particularly when the user needs to get the information quickly and needs to do it with a very small amount of screen real estate. Each chapter makes sure to mention how a given solution can help or detract from the user experience, ensuring that you have the understanding necessary to make good decisions that will benefit your users.

关于Nirav编写本书的方式,我最喜欢的事情之一就是对用户的重视。 牢记用户始终很重要,尤其是当用户需要快速获取信息并且需要使用非常少的屏幕空间来获取信息时。 每章都确保提及给定的解决方案如何帮助或降低用户体验,从而确保您具有必要的知识,以做出有利于用户的良好决策。

轻微投诉 (One Minor Complaint)

The one and only issue I have with the book is that the editing could have been a bit better. Don’t worry though, the editing is no-where near bad enough to confuse you. There’s just a fair amount of a’s and the’s that are AWOL. Like I said, not enough to cause you trouble understanding the information, just enough that you’ll notice.

我对这本书的唯一唯一的问题是编辑本来可以更好一些。 不过,请放心,编辑的质量差到足以使您感到困惑。 AWOL和AWOL相当多。 就像我说的那样,还不足以引起您对信息的理解,只是足以引起您的注意。

最终裁决 (Final Verdict)

Mobile web development is one of the most important new avenues for web developers to pursue. The amount of people making use of mobile devices to get their information on the run is growing very quickly. Minor editing issues aside, the book was a great introduction to getting started with these technologies. I would highly recommend picking up the book and giving it a thorough reading. It’s surprising how easy it is to get started in the mobile web, and after reading it you’ll have a solid base of working knowledge to allow you to start creating your own mobile web content.

移动Web开发是Web开发人员追求的最重要的新途径之一。 使用移动设备获取运行中的信息的人数正在Swift增长。 除了较小的编辑问题外,这本书还很好地介绍了这些技术的入门。 我强烈建议您拿起书,并仔细阅读。 令人惊讶的是,开始在移动网络中是如此容易,阅读之后,您将拥有扎实的工作知识基础,可让您开始创建自己的移动网络内容。

太好了……我在哪里可以得到副本? (Great…Where Do I Get a Copy?)

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