100字范文 > 乡镇图书馆(室) Township library (room)英语短句 例句大全

乡镇图书馆(室) Township library (room)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-16 01:20:13


乡镇图书馆(室) Township library (room)英语短句 例句大全

乡镇图书馆(室),Township library (room)

1)Township library (room)乡镇图书馆(室)

1.Township library (room) and rural library are two similar projects to protect basic cultural rights and interests of farmers, and both of them face long-term mechanism.乡镇图书馆(室)建设与农家书屋建设是保障农民基本文化权益的两个相似工程,共同面临着长效机制建立问题。


1.Service Innovation Practice of Rural Township Library in New Countryside Construction乡镇图书馆(室)在新农村建设中的服务创新实践

2.Integrated Marketing Popularization of "Three Rural" Publications Based on Farmers Book Store and Township Library(Room);基于农家书屋与乡镇图书馆(室)合作的“三农”出版物整合营销传播

3.Cooperation and Reference: the Exploration of Building the Rural Librany and Township Library (Room)合作与借鉴:农家书屋与乡镇图书馆(室)建设路径探索

4.The Development of the Cuture Construction of New Countryside and the Libraries of Villages and Towns;新农村文化建设与乡镇图书馆的发展

5.Analysis on the Feasibility of Constructing the Rural Libraries Relying on the Joint Schools of Villages and Towns依托乡镇联校建设乡村图书馆的可行性分析

6.On the rural library s functions in the new countryside reconstruction;浅谈乡镇图书馆在新农村建设中的作用

7.Town Library: Important Force to Rural Economic and Cultural Development;乡镇图书馆:农村经济和文化发展的重要推动力

8.Discussion on the Important Functions of Rural Library in Cultural Construction of New Countryside论乡镇图书馆在新农村文化建设中的重要作用

9.The Independent Organizational System Is the Fundamental Way for the Sustainable Development of Village and Town Libraries独立建制是乡镇图书馆可持续发展的根本途径

10.On the Service of human nature to Left-behind Children in countryside of Rural library试论乡镇图书馆对农村留守儿童的人性化服务

11.Town Library Should Be the Spiritual Home of Left-behind Children乡镇图书馆应成为留守儿童的精神家园

12.Emphasizing the Construction of Rural Libraries to Improve the Rural Culture Service System重视乡镇图书馆建设 完善农村文化服务体系

13.Exploration on Rural Library Implementing Services of Culturing New-type Farmer乡(镇)村图书馆开展培养新型农民服务工作探悉

14.On Construction of Rural Libraries in Building a New Countryside;新农村建设中的乡村图书馆(室)建设探讨

15.Research on the Construction of Rural Library from the Perspective of Ecological Civilization生态文明视野下的乡村图书馆(室)建设研究

16.a public, reference, university, etc library公共图书馆、 图书参考室、 大学图书馆的藏书

17.Construction and Development of Intensivism-typed Township Libraries after the Adjustment of Rural Regions;农村区划调整后集约型乡镇图书馆的建设与发展

18.study room [library]学生自修室〔图书馆〕


town library乡镇图书馆

1.This paper discusses the measures and concrete methods oftown library construction and illustrates the consideration oftown library construction.阐述了构建乡镇图书馆的措施及具体做法,说明了对构建乡镇图书馆的设想。

2.As the deepest grass root level library providing agricultural information service for the peasants, thetown library should make full use of its agricultural information resources and provide agricultural information services of various forms.乡镇图书馆作为为农民提供农业信息服务的最基层馆,应充分利用馆藏的相关农业信息资源,开展多种形式的农业信息服务。

3.This paper analyzes the present situation and feature of China’s left -behind children, probes into the necessity of making thetown library become the spiritual home of left -behind children, and expounds some concrete measures for constructing thetown library into the spiritual home of left-behind children.分析了我国留守儿童的现状及特点,探讨了乡镇图书馆成为留守儿童精神家园的必要性,阐述了把乡镇图书馆建设成为留守儿童精神家园的具体措施。

3)Township library乡镇图书馆

1.Briefly Talking about the Development of Chinese Township Library Cause;浅谈我国乡镇图书馆事业的发展

2.This paper expounds the necessity of township library s developing the health education to peasants, analyzes the superiorities and some difficulties of the township library in developing the health education to peasants, and probes into some measures that should be adopted in health education.阐述了乡镇图书馆对农民开展健康教育的必要性,分析了乡镇图书馆在开展农民健康教育中的优势及困难,并进一步探讨了进行健康教育应采取的措施。

3.On the basis of the existing problems in township library(room),this paper has forward suggestions that under the favorable situation at present,we should further expand the scales,form long-term effective mechanism,solve the difficulty in farmer reading,the problem of few readers,so as to unfold a series of measures for farmer reader service.根据乡镇图书馆(室)存在的问题,提出在目前的大好形势下,应进一步扩大规模、形成长效机制、解决农民读书难、读书人少的问题,以及开展一系列为农民读者服务的措施。

4)rural library乡镇图书馆

1.This paper points out that therural library is an important place for the construction of new countryside, analyzes the functions of therural library in the construction of new countryside, and draws some corresponding conclusions.指出乡镇图书馆是新农村建设的重要场所,分析了乡镇图书馆在新农村建设中的职能和作用,得出相应的结论。

2.This paper analyzes the present situation of therural library,and advances some countermeasures that should be adopted in developing therural library.分析了乡镇图书馆的现状,提出了发展乡镇图书馆应采取的对策。

3.Therural library cause is the weakest link of the whole library cause.中国的乡镇图书馆事业是整个图书馆事业中最为薄弱的环节。

5)Village and Town Library乡镇图书馆

6)township libraries乡镇图书馆

1.Interaction of the Development of Township Libraries and the Construction of the Well-off Villages;乡镇图书馆发展与农村小康建设的互动

2.This paper has elaborated on the urgent need of developingtownship libraries in western China during the building of a rural harmonious society,pointed out some outstanding problems existed in currenttownship libraries in western China,and puts forward corresponding solutions.阐述了在构建农村和谐社会的重要时期,发展西部地区乡镇图书馆是时代发展的需要,指出了当前西部地区乡镇图书馆存在的一些突出问题,提出了相应的发展对策。

3.As grass -roots libraries most closed to farmers’life,township libraries serves both as important windows for the spread of socialist spiritual civilization and scientific and cultural knowledge and as important positions for the improvement of farmers’cultural quality.乡镇图书馆作为最贴近农民的基层图书馆,是传播社会主义精神文明和科学文化知识的重要窗口,是提高农民文化素质的重要阵地,如何实现乡镇图书馆的可持续发展,是当前摆在我们面前的一项重要课题。


