100字范文 > 乡镇 township英语短句 例句大全

乡镇 township英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-09 01:39:38


乡镇 township英语短句 例句大全



1.Countermeasures to solve the environmental pollution intownship non-mental mineral product industry in Anhui Province;安徽省乡镇非金属矿物制品业的环境污染及对策

2.On the planning of centralized water-supply works in thetownship of Beijing suburbs;浅谈北京市昌平区乡镇集中供水工程规划

3.Determination of Township Bus Station Scale;乡镇汽车客运站场规模确定方法研究


1.Safety Inspector安全员(乡镇政府)

2.A Relationship Between the Construction of the Town and County Coffer and Economic Development;完善乡镇金库建设 促进乡镇经济发展

3.Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Township Enterprise Management台州市乡镇企业管理局

4.Growth recovery of economic returns for township enterprises.乡镇企业效益有所回升。

5.Township enterprises should pay attention to quality, too.乡镇企业也要抓质量。

6.(6) Expediting the reform of township enterprises.(6)加快乡镇企业改革。

7.The rural town stretched along the bay.这个乡镇沿着海湾伸展。

8.People moved from the countryside and small towns,人们从农村和乡镇,

9.Townships were only authorized to implement measures.乡镇被授权执行措施。

10.2 845 reporting cards were from the township hospitals,covering 10.21%.乡镇卫生院2 845张,占10.21%;

11.A Feasibility Study of Abolishment of Township Goverments and Setting up Township Official Bureau in Poor-Stricken Areas贫困地区撤销乡镇改设乡镇公所可行性研究

12.The Reorientation of the Relation between Township Enterprise and Township Government in China;论我国乡镇企业与乡镇政府关系的重新定位

13.The Present Bearing Preference in Towns and Villages--An Example from Heze City;乡镇人口生育意愿现状——以菏泽市乡镇人口为例

14.The Dilemma of Debt in Countries & the Solutions Taking 125 towns in Nantong as examples;乡镇债务的困境与出路——以南通市125个乡镇为例

15.An Inquiry into the Relationship between Township Debts and Rural Fiscal "Transparency";化解乡镇债务与乡镇财政透明度关系探析

16.The Historical Change and Future Trend of the Villages and Towns Reform in China;论乡镇改革与乡镇机构改革的性质差异

17.Characteristics of sports organization and management in rural areas in overseas Chinese hometown--Jinjiang;侨乡晋江乡镇体育的组织与管理特征

18.The Matching Development of the Small Towns Enterprises and Towns Construction;论乡镇企业与小城镇建设的协调发展


Villages and towns乡镇

1.Purpose Have a good understanding of the condition of medical and health service in the villages and towns of Guangxi,and explore the application of Principal Component Analysis in evaluating them.目的全面了解广西乡镇医疗卫生服务状况和探索主成分分析法在评价医疗卫生服务中的应用。

2.To understand the lead level of preschool children in villages and towns of Huidong county,the hematic lead level of 790 children aged 3~6 years old in this area was investigated and determined in 10~11 month,.为了解惠东县乡镇3~6岁儿童血铅水平。

3.In these years,the difficult of finance get more standing out in villages and towns,the paper analyses the reasons,expounds the existing status,and gives the advises to settle the difficult after tax and fee reform in rural areas.近几年来,乡镇财政困难问题越来越突出,文章通过对乡镇财政困难原因的分析,并结合乡镇政府现有的财政状况,对农村税费改革后,乡镇财政如何解困提出了几点建议。


1.Survey on Township Institution of Architectural Design ——Case of Duerbote County Architectural Design Studio;乡镇建筑设计机构调查——以杜尔伯特县建筑设计室为例

2.Effect and Countermeasures on Organization Reform of Town Forestry Station in Xining;西宁市乡镇林业站机构改革的影响及对策

3.On Village-town System Reform in Post-agricultural Tax Times;论后农业税时代乡镇体制改革


1.Research on Several Problems in the Process of General Plan s Amendment for Land Use in Economically DevelopedTownships;经济发达地区乡镇土地利用总体规划修改若干问题研究

2.Research on the Financial Deficit and Debt Problem ofTownships in China;我国乡镇财政赤字与债务问题研究


1.Feasibility of cooperative medical system invillages of zhejiang province with different economic level;浙江省乡镇不同经济水平与实行合作医疗的可行性

2.Inner Mongolia Village Refined Weather Factors Prediction Model and Its Operational Application内蒙古乡镇精细化预报模型及业务试验

3.This paper discusses the current situation ofvillage library ,points out which factors it needs and which serving methods to rural ecnomy.本文通过对乡镇图书馆现状的分析,指出了乡镇图书馆发展所需要的条件以及为乡镇经济服务的方式。

6)village and township coal mines乡镇煤矿

1.According to include crisis management tovillage and township coal mines,highly efficient system of crisis forecast and crisis management against coalaccidents,therefore,controlling the possibility of accidents,diminishi.乡镇煤矿是我国煤炭工业中一支重要的力量,同时它也构成了煤炭安全生产中最不稳定的领域。


