100字范文 > 高考英语作文邀请函万能


时间:2022-03-09 16:54:25






1. 邀请对方参加活动的内容、时间和地点;

2. 与该活动有关的注意事项;

3. 期待对方接受邀请,并可表示感谢。


1. 邀请 invite/ invitation

2. 做演讲 make/deliver a speech

3. 评委 judge

4. 感激 appreciate (vi. )/ be grateful

5. 荣幸 honor (v./n.)

6. 欢迎 welcome (v./n./adj.)

7. 接受邀请 accept sb’s invitation

8.代表学校 on behalf of our school

9. 我想邀请你做... I’d like to invite you to...

10. 举办活动的目的是... The purpose of the activity is to

11. 活动的细节有... Here are some details about the activity...

12.如果......我将感到荣幸 It’s my honor if...

13.欢迎你参加 You are welcome to...

◇ 词句模板 ◇


(1)I am writing to invite you to…

(2)I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in…

(3)I wonder if you can come…

(4)How would you like to join us in…?


(1)Would you please drop me a line(写信给我) to let me know if you can come to…?

(2)My family and I would feel much honored if you could come.

(3)We would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure.

(4)I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon.


Dear ________,

How is everything with you? I am writing to tell you that there will be a ______ (内容)at/in ______ (地点)on ______ (时间). We would be honored/delighted to have you there with us.

The _____(activity) will start at ________ (具体时间). This will be followed by a ________ (进一步的安排).At around ________ (时间), ________ (另一个安排).

Ring me up and tell me whether you will come or not, will you? My phone number is ________.I really hope you can make it. Looking forward to ________.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华, 你校举办关于“人与自然”的英语演讲比赛, 邀请Ms. Smith做评委。请参照以下内容给她写一封信.

1. 时间:6月15日下午 2:00-5:00

2. 参赛选手:10名学生

3. 联系人:李华(电话 3299517759)

注意:词数100左右; 可以适当增加细节,以 使行文连贯。

Dear Ms. Smith,

I'm Li Hua, Chairman of the Student Union of Yucai Middle School, which is close to your university. I'm writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest to be held in our school on June 15. It will start at 2:00 pm and last for about three hours. Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic "Man and Nature". It’s my honor if you can accept our invitation. Please call me at 3299517759 if you have any question.

I am looking forward to your reply. With best wishes,

Li Hua




讲座时间: 11月28日早上9点到11点

讲座地点: 3号教学楼201教室

联系方式: englishtec@


Dear Professor Smith,

I am Li Hua, chair of the Students’ Union of Xinhua Middle School. Our school will have the Second Culture Festival next weekend and I am writing to invite you to give us a lecture about the cultural differences between America and China, which will begin at 9 o’clock and end at 11 o’clock on Nov. 28th in Classroom 201 of the third teaching building.

As an expert in international culture, you must have a good knowledge of the cultural differences between America and China, so we hope you could help us increase our knowledge and clear some cultural confusion.

Could you please contact us in advance at englishtec@ if you could come to our culture festival? We are looking forward to your reply.




假如你是李华, 你所在的学校在下个月举办美国电影节(American Film Festival ) .请你根据以下要点给你的美国朋友Peter写一封信., 邀请他给学生们作一次讲座.

信的内容包括: 1. 讲座目的.: 使学生对美国电影有所了解.

2. 讲座内容:简要介绍电影(制片)业的历史.

3. 讲座时间: 一个半小时左右.

Dear Peter ,

Our school is planning to hold An American Film Festival nest month. I’m writing to ask you to come and give a talk on the history of American films and filmmaking industry. It will help us understand how the industry has developed into a big business as it is today .This understanding should go a long way toward increasing our knowledge of American culture in general. Do you think one and half hour will be enough?Please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements.

I’m looking forward to seeing you and enjoying the talk.

With best wishes.


Li Hua


假设你是你校学生会主席王海。针对目前你校学生英语写作中存在的问题,你准备邀请英语专家Frank Jason教授来你校做一次关于如何提高英语写作水平的讲座。请根据以下要点给Frank Jason 写一封邀请信。

要点: 1. 邀请的目的; 2. 讲座时间、地点; 3. 讲座内容。

Dear Professor Frank Jason,

I am Wang Hai, the chairman of the Student Union of our school. I am writing to invite you to give a lecture to the students in our school on how to improve the English writing from 22nd to 25th, September, .

English writing has always been our headache and we’re trying every means to improve it but have little good result. It would be our great honor if you could come to give us a lecture on it. Enclosed in this letter is a time schedule for it. The school would cover the traveling and other expenses.

Please let me know your date of arrival if you can come. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Look forward to your favorable reply.


Wang Hai

