100字范文 > 【罗密欧与朱丽叶的故事】罗密欧与朱丽叶的故事内容.要英文的注意!是故事情节梗概!不


时间:2020-03-18 17:01:30




罗密欧与朱丽叶的故事内容.要英文的注意!是故事情节梗概!不是简介!英文150字左右. 英语



This story happened in Italy. Romeo born on the family of montague, and Juliet belong to the family of capulet. both are posted family. And they consider each other as enemy from their ancestral times. Animosity was so deep in they mind that it took the mind of the hosts, the servants, and even the relatives, it controlled their minds and bodies.

White just in such environment, romeo and julilet fell in love with each other quickly before they knew each other’s background. The love between they was so strong that on one could live without another. Under laurence’s help, they secretly got married. Later, romeo in order to help his friend killed julliet’s cousin. So he had to flee away. At the same time Juliet was forced to marry paris who was the relative of prince by her parent’s arrangement. Except romeo, Juliet wouldn’t marry anyone else, and in the help of Laurence , she took the medicine and pretend to die. And inform romeo back to bring her leave. Unluckily, Romeo took the rumours that Juliet had died. And want to the Juliet’s tomb, there he killed the paris and then he commit suicide by taking the poison. When Juliet waked up and saw the body of romeo, she also killed herself. At the end of the story the parents of the two families made peace by shaking hands aside their children’s bodies.

