100字范文 > 【泰坦尼克影评】《泰坦尼克号》英语影评(200字左右)


时间:2019-03-29 05:44:33




《泰坦尼克号》英语影评(200字左右) 英语


【答案】 Titanic is a poem. Ten years ago, it swept the world, won 11 Oscars large giant system to passion, dreams, sadness, couage and momentum rainbow scene to the differences between Jack and Rose secular love of life and death, as well as disaster flashed out of glorious epic of human nature, and warmth touched countless heart and become a rich humanistic atmosphere overflowing disaster film classic.

Wandering artist Jack Rose and beautiful, in the luxurious Titanic encounter love, but the unexpected tragedy, the Titanic collided with the tip of the fracture, jack will be Rose onto a floating plank, himself immersed in Ice in frozen to death. In addition to creative the theme song my heart forever, Jack and Rose standing on the bow railing the wind to fly, as well as their time and survived,etc ink rendering, the film there is a lens language , depiction of a critical the calm , serene and elegant, compared to the comfusion, panic and ugly.

Perhaps, fortume or misfortune, sadness and happiness, are forever time in reincarnation, life should be realized is the this seene gaze of God?


