100字范文 > 1.用所给动词和副词短语造句1.用所给动词和副词短语造句every day/often last s

1.用所给动词和副词短语造句1.用所给动词和副词短语造句every day/often last s

时间:2020-04-23 21:53:05


1.用所给动词和副词短语造句1.用所给动词和副词短语造句every day/often last s


1.用所给动词和副词短语造句1.用所给动词和副词短语造句every day/often last sunday/yesterday/two days ago tomrrowattend


I often attend a club.I didn attend a club yesterday.I will attend a club tomrrow.

our teacher explained new words in English yesterday.our teacher will explain new words in English tomrrow.

He often steals things.He stole things yesterday.He will steal things tomorrow.

I often invite her to see a film.I invited her to see a film yesterday.I will invite her to see a film tomorrow



attend I attend english lecture every day.

I will attend an english seminar tomorrow.

explainI didn explain clearly why I was late.

I will explain it to you tomorrow.

steal He often wants to steal the famous painting.

The thief stole a watch yesterday.

He will teal a flower from her garden tomorrow.

invite I often invite the old lady to my house for a cup of coffee.

I invited him to my new house yesterday.
