100字范文 > 英语翻译中文:福建位于中国东南沿海地区 地形多山区 年雷暴日高 架空线路在山区间

英语翻译中文:福建位于中国东南沿海地区 地形多山区 年雷暴日高 架空线路在山区间

时间:2021-01-08 00:54:13


英语翻译中文:福建位于中国东南沿海地区 地形多山区 年雷暴日高 架空线路在山区间




Fujian in the southeast coastal areas, more mountainous terrain, high annual thunderstorm days, overhead lines in mountainous areas highly affected by cloud cover between the discharge activities. 本人所在市电业局送电部(主要维护35-220kV输电线路37条)所辖输电线路由于所经地区的地形、地貌、雷电活动情况(包括气候条件)以及线路自身的防雷设计和绝缘水平不同,雷击引起的故障率有很大的差别. Transmission Power Supply Bureau, which I Department (mainly maintenance of 35-220kV transmission line 37) under the jurisdiction of the transmission line by the topography of the area, landscape, lightning activity (including weather conditions), and line their own lightning protection design and insulation different levels, the failure rate caused by lightning is very different. 在运行过程中承受工作电压、操作过电压或大气过电压时,都可能发生绝缘闪络与雷击跳闸事故,每年发生因雷击引起线路调闸次数均在15至20之间,这对电网的安全与稳定运行构成了较大的威协,并且造成了较大的经济损失. During operation under voltage, over voltage or air operation over voltage, insulation flashover can occur with lightning trip accidents caused by lightning strikes occur each year due to the number of line transfer gates are between 15 to 20, which is the safety of power grid constitute a large and stable operation of the Gateway Association, and has created a large economic losses. 目前针对于土壤电阻率与雷暴日高的地区主要采取架设耦合地线、减少地线保护角、改造接地装置、安装线路避雷器等措施来减少雷击跳闸率. Present for the soil resistivity and thunderstorms mainly in areas of high ground to set up the coupling and reduce angle of ground protection, reconstruction grounding device, install the line arrester and other measures to reduce the rate of lightning trip. 本文主要根据现的技术规程及资料对架空线路的防雷与接地的原理、技术方面进行论述,其主要内容为雷电产生及放电过程、送电线路的防雷保护、防雷装置、接地电阻及运行维护.

英语翻译中文:福建位于中国东南沿海地区 地形多山区 年雷暴日高 架空线路在山区间极易受云层放电活动的
