100字范文 > My son lives in a town in France. It is a wonderful but busy town. People there are very k

My son lives in a town in France. It is a wonderful but busy town. People there are very k

时间:2021-10-16 00:46:23


My son lives in a town in France. It is a wonderful but busy town. People there are very k


My son lives in a town in France. It is a wonderful but busy town. People there are very kind. On the old streets, there are many. You can eat a lot of delicious food there. My son is ain a restaurant. He makes Chinese food for it. It is veryto go shopping because there are many supermarkets and shops. There is a big cinema near my sons home,he can see great films there. People in the town willfeel bored(无聊)because there are a lot of things to do. Also, it is easy for them toa bus to get to the city centre from their town.

However(然而),I like the nature(自然).So I would like to live in the country(农村). Here, I canthe field and sunflowers. Sometimes rabbits run into my garden. I think its veryto be in this kind of fun place.

my home! You will feel very happy here.

【小题1】A.hospitalsB.restaurantsC.museumsD.schools【小题2】A.waiterB.waitressC.managerD.cook【小题3】A.busyB.hardC.easy D.heavy【小题4】A.afterB.soC.ifD.but【小题5】A.alwaysB.usuallyC.oftenD.never【小题6】A.takeB.byC.makeD.with【小题7】A.goodB.betterC.wellD.very【小题8】A.missB.leaveC.enjoyD.worry【小题9】A.difficultB.closeC.badD.comfortable【小题10】A.Welcome to B.Go away fromC.Stay toD.Play withB




【小题1】考查名词及语境的理解。A. hospitals医院; B. restaurants餐馆; C. museums博物馆; D. schools学校。在古老的街上有许多餐馆。根据You can eat a lot of delicious food there 可知这里指的是餐馆,故选B。

【小题2】考查名词及语境的理解。 A. waiter服务员; B. waitress女服务员; C. manager经理; D. cook厨师。我的儿子是这个餐馆的厨师。根据He makes Chinese food for it 可知这里指的是厨师,故选C。

【小题3】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. busy忙的; B. hard难的; C. easy 容易的; D. heavy重的。出去购物很容易。根据because there are many supermarkets and shops.可知出去购物很容易,故选A。

【小题4】考查连词及语境的理解。 A. after 在……之后; B. so 因此; C. if 如果; D. but但是。在我儿子的家附近有一个大的电影院,所以他可以到那里去看电影。因为根据句意可知前后表示因果关系,故选B。

【小题5】考查副词及语境的理解。A. always总是; B. usually通常; C. often 经常; D. never从不。那个城镇的人们从不感觉无聊,因为他们有许多事情可以做。根据because there are a lot of things to do. 可知他们不会感觉无聊的,故选D。

【小题6】考查动词及语境的理解。A. take动词,乘坐; B. by介词“乘坐;”;C. make 制造; D. with介词“和……在一起”。他们很容易从他们的城镇乘坐汽车去城里。这里是句式It takes sb some time to do sth做某事花费某人多长时间,故选A。

【小题7】考查形容词的比较级及语境的理解。 A. good 好的; B. better更好; C. well 好; D.very很。然而我更喜欢大自然。根据So I would like to live in the country 可知这里是暗含比较,是农村和城里相比较而言,所以应该用比较级,故选B。

【小题8】考查动词及语境的理解。 A. miss 想念; B. leave离开; C. enjoy喜欢; D. worry担心。我喜欢田地和太阳花。根据So I would like to live in the country 可知喜欢田野,故选C。

【小题9】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. difficult 困难的; B. close关闭的; C. bad 坏的; D. comfortable舒适的。我认为在这种有趣的地方是舒适的。根据be in this kind of fun place 可知这是舒适的地方,故选D。

【小题10】考查动词短语及语境的理解。A.Welcome to欢迎; B. Go away from远离; C. Stay 呆; D. Play with和某人玩。欢迎来我家,你将感觉在这里很高兴的。根据You will feel very happy here.可知前面一句应该是邀请去做客,故选A。
