100字范文 > At East China University of Science and Technology students will get a coupon (优惠券) if th

At East China University of Science and Technology students will get a coupon (优惠券) if th

时间:2022-08-06 03:53:37


At East China University of Science and Technology  students will get a coupon (优惠券) if th


At East China University of Science and Technology, students will get a coupon (优惠券) if they eat up their food.

Students can collect coupons and exchange them for small gifts, such as books, magazines, mobile phone covers and hand warmers.

Its been such a surprise, said Liang Zhaoyun, 19, a student at the university in Shanghai. It has given us one more motivation to finish our food.

The measure is part of a national eat-up campaign(行动) which is organized by students to deal with food waste on campuses(校园).

Why only on campuses, you might ask? Because according to a report by Xinhna News Agency, students waste twice as much food as the national average(平均).

The campaign on campus food waste is receiving attention across the country.

The aim of the campaign is not only to encourage students to finish their food. We hope it can also encourage students to choose a more environment-friendly and healthy lifestyle, said Tao Siliang, secretary of the Youth League Committee at Shanghai University.

But some school food is poorly prepared, so students do not like to finish it all. Some schools have taken notice of this and they are taking measures to improve it.

Im glad that weve reduced food waste since the eat-up campaign began. But if we call on students to waste less food, we should also improve the service and food standard on campuses. said Tao.

【小题1】From Paragraph l, we know that the students will get a coupon .A.when they eat school foodB.after they exchange giftsC.if they finish all their foodD.if they collect the waste【小题2】The underlined word motivation in Paragraph 2 means in Chinese.A.动力B.机会C.试验D.条件【小题3】The purpose of the campaign is mainly to .A.improve the school food standardB.encourage a greener and healthier lifestyleC.receive attention from the societyD.further improve the service in universities【小题4】The best title for this passage may be .A.Enjoy Your Food!B.Reduce Waste on CampusC.Meals in Universities.D.Eat-up Campaign on CampusC




【小题1】C细节理解题。问题问的是:第一段里,学生在什么情况下可以得到优惠券?选项A. when they eat school food当他们吃学校的饭菜时;B. after they exchange gifts他们交换礼品之后; C. if they finish all their food如果他们吃完饭菜的话;D. if they collect the waste如果他们收起浪费的东西。根据第二句students will get a coupon (优惠券) if they eat up their food.中eat up是“吃光”的意思。故选C。

【小题2】A词义猜测题。第一段的内容说,吃光饭菜可以得到优惠券,优惠券能兑换一下礼品。第二段中的句子Its been such a surprise, It has given us one more motivation to finish our food. 的意思是“它给了我们这么大的惊喜,给了我们又一个吃光饭菜的……”,根据语境,可以猜出“动力”,故选A。

【小题3】B主旨大意题。问题:这个(光盘行动)运动的目的是……?选项A. improve the school food standard提高学校饭菜的标准;B. encourage a greener and healthier lifestyle鼓励绿色、健康的生活方式;C. receive attention from the society 受到社会的重视;D. further improve the service in universities进一步改善大学里的服务。根据本文的意思我们可以排除ACD三个选项。故选B。

【小题4】D标题归纳题。选项A. Enjoy Your Food! 喜爱你的饭菜!B. Reduce Waste on Campus减少校园浪费;C. Meals in Universities.大学里的饭菜D. Eat-up Campaign on Campus校园里的光盘行动。可知答案为D。
