100字范文 > Before her 21-year-old daughter died in an accident in early Pam Weiss had never log

Before her 21-year-old daughter died in an accident in early Pam Weiss had never log

时间:2021-11-20 14:09:44


Before her 21-year-old daughter died in an accident in early   Pam Weiss had never log


Before her 21-year-old daughter died in an accident in early , Pam Weiss had never logged on to Facebook, a social-networking site. At that time, social-networking sites were used almost only by 36. But she knew her daughter Amy Woolington, a UCLA student, had a(n) 37, so in her sadness Weiss turned to Facebook to look for photos. She found what she was looking for and more. She was soon communicating with her daughter’s many friends, 38memories through passages that her daughter had written. “It makes me feel 39that Amy had a positive effect on so many people, and I wouldn’t have had a clue if it hadn’t been 40Facebook,” says Weiss.And she wouldn’t have had a 41if she had waited too long. She managed to copy most of her daughter’s profile in the three months before Facebook 42.

Like a growing number of sad relatives, Weiss tapped into one of the most powerful treasures of memories available: a loved one’s online presence. As people spend more time at 43, there’s less being stored away in dusty attics(阁楼).These pieces of our lives that we put online can feel as eternal as the Internet itself, but what happens to our 44identity after we die?

Facebook 45its policy a few months after Woolington died. “We first realized we needed a protocol(协定书) for 46 users after the Virginia Tech University shooting, when students were looking for ways to remember and 47their classmates,” says Facebook spokeswoman Elizabeth Linder.

36. A. men B. the youthful C. women D. students

37. A. status B. post C. account D. memory

38. A. sharing B. storing C. accumulating D. devoting

39. A. enthusiastic B. upset C. well D. good

40. A. with B. for C. on D. of

41. A. blueprint B. poet C. picture D. clue

42. A. took it up B. took it on C. took it over D. took it down

43. A. television B. music C. keyboard D. sports

44. A. digital B. virtual C. real D. false

45. A. made B. declared C. fixed D. changed

46. A. dying B. active C. alive D. dead

47. A. honor B. recognize C. recall D. observe36B。37. C38. A。39. D。40. B。41. D。42. D。43. C。44. B。45. D。46. D。47. A。


(答案→)36. B。37. C38. A。39. D。40. B。41. D。42. D。43. C。44. B。45. D。46. D。47. A。


36. B。根据上下文,在那个时候,社交类网站的主流用户几乎都是“年轻人”。

37. C。根据句意,Weiss得知她的女儿在网站上拥有的是“账户”。

38. A。根据前文Weiss联系上了女儿的朋友,“分享”他们的记忆;后面and并列的是现在分词,因此选sharing。

39. D。根据下文,Weiss看到艾米曾经对这么多人产生过积极的影响,这会让她感觉“很好”。

40. B。介词for在这里表示原因,“因为,由于”。

41. D。根据上文可以知道,如果没有登录脸谱网,Weiss根本就不会得到这个线索,从下文可以得知,如果她动作慢一点,也难以得到这个线索。

42. D。take down原意表示“拿下,取下”,文中表示“注销”。

43. C。根据全文的内容,都是谈到死去的人们在网络世界留下的痕迹,因此此处是指人们在“键盘”上花的时间越来越多,尘封在阁楼之上,留给亲人好友睹物思人的物件就越来越少。

44. B。网络上面当然是“虚拟”的身份。

45. D。根据下文来看,脸谱网意识到有必要针对离世的用户制定一套新的操作规程,因此是“修改”了他们的服务条款。

46. D。根据下文可知,这个协议书是为了在弗吉尼亚理工大学校园枪击案中“死去”的用户。

47. A。弗吉尼亚理工大学校园枪击案发生之后,学生们寻找各种方式回忆和“纪念”他们的同学。
