100字范文 > A strong wind was blowing hard thunder could be heard and lightning flashedthe dark sky.

A strong wind was blowing hard thunder could be heard and lightning flashedthe dark sky.

时间:2022-05-10 10:16:29


A strong wind was blowing hard  thunder could be heard  and lightning flashedthe dark sky.


A strong wind was blowing hard, thunder could be heard, and lightning flashedthe dark sky. Rain was pouring down;it lookedheaven had been broken open.

Gleams of light(微弱的闪光) appeared fromof faraway houses, shining like jewels in all the dark.

Awoman dressed in rags(衣衫褴褛) and trembling with cold wason a lonely road, while the merciless rain washer without stop.

She knocked at a door, and aanswered it. She begged him to let her stay a while. The boylet her into the sitting room and leave her sitting by the fire.

The woman appeared old and tired under the bright electric light, she was only in her early thirties. She sat for a moment, and then her eyes began to look about the. When her eyes rested on the picture of a young man, sheup, looking thunderstruck.

Just then, the boy came with his. The man at once recognized the woman as his wife. They hadtouch with each other during the war, he thought he had lost her forever.

words needed to be spoken. They ran into each other’s armsthe boy stared at them,puzzled.

The storm was over and the sky cleared. Feeling very, the couple stood face to face with their child between them, watching the rain as it gradually.

【小题1】A.intoB.belowC.acrossD.through【小题2】A.only if B.as ifC.what ifD.even if【小题3】A.doorsB.roofsC.wallsD.windows【小题4】A.poorB.prettyC.uglyD.rich【小题5】A.cryingB.wanderingC.strugglingD.wondering【小题6】A.strikingB.beating C.hittingD.flowing【小题7】A.boyB.girlC.manD.woman【小题8】A.nearB.outC.outsideD.inside【小题9】A.firstB.thenC.nowD.last【小题10】A.becauseB.soC.thoughD.However【小题11】A.stillB.thirstyC.hungryD.straight【小题12】A.pictureB.fireC.roomD.house【小题13】A.lookedB.cameC.pickedD.stood【小题14】A.brotherB.fatherC.sisterD.mother【小题15】A.madeB.gotC.keptD.lost【小题16】A.whoB.whichC.butD.and【小题17】A.SomeB.NotC.NoD.Many【小题18】A.whileB.asC.whenD.since【小题19】A.happyB.disappointedC.sorryD.calm【小题20】A.beganB.stoppedC.endedD.finishedC




【小题1】考查介词辨析。第一句描写的是天气,lightning flashedthe dark sky闪电划过黑暗的天空,A进入;B在......下面;C从表面穿过,横跨;D从内部穿过。难点在C、D两项,像“游过河流”、“划过天空”,最好用across,through强调从事物内部或空间里通过,故选C。

【小题2】考查连接词辨析。大雨倾盆而下,it lookedheaven had been broken open看起来,天似乎要开裂了一样,A只有;B似乎;C如果......将会怎样;D即使。故选B。

【小题3】考查名词辨析。Gleams of light(微弱的闪光) appeared fromof faraway houses微弱的闪光从远处房子的窗户里透出来,A门;B屋顶;C墙壁;D窗户。A、B、C都不能透光,故选D。

【小题4】考查形容词辨析。根据“dressed in rags(衣衫褴褛) ”可知,这个妇女很可怜,A可怜的,贫穷的;B漂亮的;C丑陋的;D富裕的。故选A。

【小题5】考查动词辨析。Awoman dressed in rags(衣衫褴褛) and trembling with cold wason a lonely road一个穿着破旧、在寒风中颤抖的可怜的妇女在荒凉的街上挣扎着,A叫喊,大哭;B徘徊;C挣扎;D怀疑,想知道。故选C。

【小题6】考查动词辨析。while the merciless rain washer without stop毫无同情心的雨水不停地敲打在她身上,A敲打;B有节奏的敲击;C击中;D流动。beat指有节奏的敲击,故选B。

【小题7】考查名词辨析。根据“She begged him”可排除B、D;根据下句的The boy排除C。A男孩;B女孩;C男人;D女人。故选A。

【小题8】考查副词辨析。She begged him to let her stay a while.她向男孩乞求进屋待一会儿,A附近;B出来;C外边;D里边。故选D。

【小题9】考查副词辨析。The boylet her into the sitting room男孩于是让她进到客厅里,A首先;B然后;C现在;D最后。Then在此意为“于是”,故选B。

【小题10】考查连接词辨析。The woman appeared old and tired..., she was only in her early thirties.前后表示转折含义,尽管她才三十多岁,但是看起来很老很累,A因为;B因此;C尽管;D然而。故选C。

【小题11】考查形容词辨析。She sat for a moment她安静地坐了一会儿,A不动的,静止的;B口渴的;C饥饿的;D径直的,连续的。故选A。

【小题12】考查名词辨析。根据“When her eyes rested on the picture of a young man”可知,那个妇女开始环顾房间--客厅,A图片;B大火;C房间,空间;D房子。故选C。

【小题13】考查动词辨析。根据前面可知,女人是坐着的,sheup, looking thunderstruck她站起来,像是被雷击到了一样,A看;B到来;C捡起;D站立。故选D。

【小题14】考查名词辨析。根据“The man at once recognized the woman as his wife.”可知,和男孩一起出来的是男的,并且是那个女人的丈夫,排除C、D、A,A弟弟,哥哥;B父亲;C妹妹,姐姐;D母亲。故选B。

【小题15】考查动词辨析。They hadtouch with each other during the war他们在战争中失去了联系,lose touch with sb与某人失去联系,A制作;B得到;C保持;D失去。故选D。

【小题16】考查连接词辨析。he thought he had lost her forever并且,他以为他失去了妻子,这里表示递进关系,A谁;B哪个;C但是;D并且。故选D。

【小题17】考查代词辨析。words needed to be spoken.不需要说任何言语,not不能直接加名词,需要与any连用,not any相当于no,A一些;B不是;C没有;D许多。故选C。

【小题18】考查连接词辨析。the boy stared at them,puzzled.然而,男孩疑惑地看着他们,这里表示对比关系,用while,A当,然而;B随着,正如,当;C当,既然;D自从,因为。故选A。

【小题19】考查形容词辨析。根据“the couple stood face to face with their child between them”看着,一家人团聚,他们夫妻感到开心和幸福,A开心的;B失望的;C遗憾的;D冷静的。故选A。

【小题20】考查动词辨析。watching the rain as it gradually.一家人看着雨渐渐的停止,end作为“结束”来讲,是及物动词,这里没有宾语,故用stopped,A开始;B停止;C结束;D结束,完成。故选B。
