100字范文 > There was a little boy his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot(弹弓)to play

There was a little boy his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot(弹弓)to play

时间:2022-09-11 20:07:58


There was a little boy his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot(弹弓)to play


There was a little boy his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot(弹弓)to play with, out in the woods. Hein the woods, but he could never hit the target. Getting a little, he headed back to dinner. Then, he saw Grandma’s pet duck, so he let it fly, hit the duck in the head, and it. He was shocked and upset. In , he hid the dead duck in the woodpile, only to see his sister .Sally had seen it all,she said nothing.

lunch that day grandma said, “Sally, let’s wash the dishes.” But Sally said, “Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted toin the kitchen today, didn’t you Johnny?” And then she said to him in a(n) _ voice, “Remember, the duck?” So Johnny did the dishes.

Later Grandpa asked ifwanted to go fishing, and Grandma said, “I’m sorry but I need to help make supper.”

Hearing this, Sally said with a smile, “Well, that’sbut Johnny told me he wanted to help.” the duck, Johnny had to stay and Sally went fishing.

After several days of Johnny doing both hisand Sally’s, he finally couldn’t it any longer. He came to Grandma and told her that he the duck. She knelt down, gave him a hug(拥抱),and said,“Sweet heart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and Ithe whole thing. But because I love you, I you. But I was just how long you would let Sally make a slave of you.”

【小题1】A.helpingB.visitingC.attending D.respecting【小题2】A.practisedB.playedC.workedD.hunted【小题3】A.exhaustedB.tiredC.pleasedD.discouraged【小题4】A.caughtB.injuredC.killedD.bothered【小题5】A.surpriseB.disappointmentC.angerD.fear【小题6】A.watchingB.cryingC.laughingD.avoiding【小题7】A.soB.andC.insteadD.but【小题8】A.AtB.AfterC.BeforeD.Cooking【小题9】A.workB.stayC.helpD.get【小题10】A.highB.lowC.angryD.friendly【小题11】A.the childrenB.SallyC.JohnnyD.Grandma【小题12】A.all of youB.one of youC.JohnnyD.Sally【小题13】A.easyB.all rightC.amusingD.impossible【小题14】A.SearchingB.HidingC.RememberingD.Loving【小题15】A.homeworkB.houseworkC.farm workD.cooking【小题16】A.standB.changeC.likeD.cover【小题17】A.boiledB.hatedC.lovedD.killed【小题18】A.knewB.heardC.sawD.understood【小题19】A.missedB.excusedC.congratulatedD.punished【小题20】A.wonderingB.sayingC.imagingD.expectingB




【小题1】B 动词辨析。下文提到He was given a slingshot(弹弓)to play with,说明小男孩不可能一直在农场上帮忙。A 帮忙 B看望,拜访 C照顾 D尊敬 句意:有个小男孩到农场上看望爷爷奶奶。根据句意所以选择B。

【小题2】A 动词辨析。根据后句话but he could never hit the target“他从来没能射中目标”可知前面是说“他在树林里练习弹弓。A. 练习,训练; B玩;C工作; D打猎。根据句意选择A。

【小题3】D 形容词辨析。因前一句说,“他从来没能射中目标”所以这时候他的心情是“感到有些泄气”A.和B都表示疲惫的;劳累的, C.高兴的 D.泄气的,根据句意选择D。

【小题4】C 动词辨析。前句说到he let it fly, hit the duck in the head他让鸭子飞起来,打中了它的头部,所以后面就是说把鸭子给“打死”了。A.抓住 B.受伤 C.杀死 D.打扰,根据推断选择C。

【小题5】D 名词辨析。打死鸭子因为害怕,所以他把鸭子藏在了木头堆里。A.惊讶 B 失望 C生气D害怕,所以选择D。

【小题6】A 动词辨析。 藏起来之后,结果发现姐姐Sally把整个过程都看见了。only to do 表示意想不到的结果。 A 观看,看见 B哭 C笑 D避免,所以选择A.

【小题7】D 连词辨析。姐姐看到整个过程,正常思维会是去告状,结果姐姐并没有说什么,所以前后是转折关系。用but连接。

【小题8】B 介词辨析。后面写到“Sally, let’s wash the dishes.”要去洗碗,那就得知应该是吃完饭后,所以用After。

【小题9】C 原词再现。奶奶让姐姐洗碗,但姐姐这时故意说Johnny told me he wanted to 59 in the kitchen today, didn’t you Johnny? 她想让Johnny帮她洗碗,后文也有一句话Johnny told me he wanted to help所以用help。

【小题10】B 形容词辨析。提醒Johnny别忘了鸭子的事,那这时应该是以很低的声音偷偷说给Johnny,所以用in a low voice。

【小题11】A 考查上下文。爷爷去钓鱼,就问孩子们去不去。

【小题12】D 考查上下文。奶奶说做饭需要人帮忙,从后文知道奶奶早就知道了Johnny把鸭子打死的事情,也知道Sally在故意刁难Johnny,所以这时奶奶故意说让Sally留下来帮忙做饭。

【小题13】B 习语。根据后一句but Johnny told me he wanted to help。所以可推知Sally故意笑着说,“好吧”(That’s all right.)

【小题14】C 原词再现。上文提到“Remember, the duck?”说明这时Johnny想起了鸭子的事,只能留下来不能去钓鱼了。

【小题15】B 名词辨析。A作业 B家务活 C农活 D 做饭,从上文提到的两件事一个是洗碗另一个是做饭,这都属于家务活,所以用B。

【小题16】A 动词辨析。Johnny天天都受姐姐的支使,几天之后就终于忍受(stand)不住了。B改变 C喜欢D 覆盖,根据句意所以选择A。

【小题17】D 上下文联系。上文54个空就填了killed,这儿Johnny向奶奶承认了自己把鸭子射死的事实。

【小题18】C 动词辨析。奶奶听了Johnny的告白后也表示自己当时就在窗前,所以也看到了整个过程。跟前文56个空处相照应。

【小题19】B 动词辨析。奶奶为什么不揭穿Johnny是因为爱他,宽恕他。A想念 B原谅,宽恕 C庆祝 D惩罚,根据句意选择B。

【小题20】A 动词辨析。但是奶奶又说“我只是想知道你想让Sally支使你多长时间”make a slave of sb “把某人当奴隶”A想知道 B说 C想象 D期望,根据句意选择A。
