100字范文 > Mr. Brown is an experienced doctor. He is always when faced with emergency.A. as poor as a

Mr. Brown is an experienced doctor. He is always when faced with emergency.A. as poor as a

时间:2024-07-19 05:10:36


Mr. Brown is an experienced doctor. He is always when faced with emergency.A. as poor as a


Mr. Brown is an experienced doctor. He is always when faced with emergency.

A. as poor as a church mouse

B. as busy as a bee

C. as cool as a cucumber

D. as strong as a horse


A. as poor as a church mouse

B. as busy as a bee

(答案→)C. as cool as a cucumber

D. as strong as a horse

解析:句意:布朗先生是一位有经验的医生,当面对紧急情况时他总是镇定自若。as poor as a church mouse家贫如洗;as busy as a bee忙碌;as cool as a cucumber镇定自若;as strong as a horse非常健康。根据句意故选C。
