100字范文 > 单词拼写【小题1】At the age of 18 he was told that he had been a by a couple who didn’t have any

单词拼写【小题1】At the age of 18 he was told that he had been a by a couple who didn’t have any

时间:2019-09-13 17:01:06


单词拼写【小题1】At the age of 18  he was told that he had been a by a couple who didn’t have any



【小题1】At the age of 18, he was told that he had been a by a couple who didn’t have any children.

【小题2】My brother picked up French when he studied as a(n) e student in France

【小题3】A good timetable should be f, which can be changed according to different situations.

【小题4】Could you tell the (确定的) time for the meeting? I’m not sure about it.

【小题5】He didn’t feel d, even though he faced many difficulties.

【小题6】When she saw the beautiful painting, she wanted to (占有) it.

【小题7】He ahis power as the manager by giving his son a job in the company, which made us angry.

【小题8】English is (分布广泛的) and used in most international meetings.

【小题9】What she told me was not a dream but an (实际的) event.

【小题10】He gave me a (保证) that it would never happen again.adopted





【小题1】an exchange student一个交流生

【小题1】从后面的句子;which can be changed according to different situations.可知是 flexible灵活的




【小题1】abused one’s power滥用职权



【小题1】give sb a guarantee给某人保证
