100字范文 > Paul was a good athlete when he was a middle school student. He liked running and jumping

Paul was a good athlete when he was a middle school student. He liked running and jumping

时间:2022-06-08 17:23:55


Paul was a good athlete when he was a middle school student. He liked running and jumping


Paul was a good athlete when he was a middle school student. He liked running and jumping and won some medals at the sports meetings. So he was tall and strong. Suddenly war broke out and the young man joined the army. He was sent to the front and killed several enemy soldiers. Two years later he raturned to his home town and found a job at the police station. People had known about his bravery by then and they all liked the polite young man.

One day a few young men had drunk too much before they came in a cinema. They danced and sang there and the film couldn be shown. Paul was ill that day and went to the hospital. When he was passing there, the young men were beating an old man. He went to stop them and they began to fight. He caught them all and sent them to the police station. Since then all the bad men in the town were afraid of the brave policeman.

It was a summer evening. The weather was hot and few people could stay indoors. Paul was on duty and sat by the telephone. Suddenly in rushed a beautiful girl with a book in her hand. She stood there, shaking in her shoes.

“Whats the matter, madam? ”asked Paul.

“I wish you could protect me sir, ”answered the girl.

“Protect? ”Paul said in surprise. “For what? ”

The girl showed the book to Paul. The young man understood at once: it was a book about Ghosts(鬼)!

64. Paul won some medals because .

A. he was a middle school student B. he was tall and strong

C. he kept doing morning exercises D. he was good at running and jumping.

65. Paul was after he joined the army.

A. a good athlete B. a brave soldier C. a polite policeman D. a brave policeman

66. Paul sent the young men to the police station because .

A. they made some trouble(闹事)at the cinema B. they drank much in the restaurant

C. they wouldn see the filin D. they wanted to fight with him

67. Paul sat by the telephone that evening because .

A. he was waiting for an important call B. he was going to call somebody

C. he was on duty D. he wasn afraid of hotness64--67 DBAC


(答案→)64--67 DBAC


64. D据“He liked running and jumping and won some medals at the sports meetings. ”可知, 应选 D。

65. B从“He was sent to the front and killed several enemy soldiers. ”可以得知, B是正确选项。

66. A根据文章第二段中: When he was passing there, the young men were beating an old man. He went to stop them and they began to fight. He caught them all and sent them to the police station. 可知最佳答案为A。

67. C 从“Paul was on duty and sat by the telephone. ”来看, 应当选C。
