100字范文 > 气候变化导致食物营养价值下降


时间:2024-02-25 14:28:18



Human-caused climate change is dramatically hurting the Earth"s land, and the way people use the land is making global warming worse, a new United Nations (U.N.) scientific report says. That creates a vicious(恶意的,恶毒的)cycle which is already making food more expensive, scarcer and less nutritious.联合国一则新科学报告指出,人为气候变化正极大地损害地球土地,而人类利用土地的方式则使得全球变暖进一步恶化。这就造成了恶性循环,这种恶性循环使得食物更贵、更少,但营养价值更低。The threat of climate change affecting people"s food on their dinner table is increasing. However, if people change the way they eat, farm and manage forests, it could help save the planet from a far warmer future, scientists said.科学家称,气候变化对食品造成的威胁正与日俱增。然而,如果人类改变饮食习惯、农耕及森林管理方式,可以防止地球进一步变暖。Earth"s land is only 30 percent of the globe. Yet the land is warming twice as fast as the planet as awhole. While heat-trapping gases, such as carbon dioxide, are causing problems in the atmosphere, the land has been less talked about as part of climate change.陆地只占地表30%的面积,但陆地变暖的速率却是整个全球变暖速率的2倍。虽然诸如二氧化碳之类的吸热气体造成了大气问题,但陆地作为气候变化的一部分却很少被提及。The U.N. special report was created by more than 100 scientists and unanimously (全体一致地) approved by diplomats from nations around the world. It was presented at an August 8 meeting at theWorld Meteorological Organization headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The reportproposedpossible fixes and made more serious warnings.这份联合国特别报告是由100多名科学家撰写的,得到了世界各国外交官的一致认可。这一报告是在8月8日于瑞士日内瓦世界气象组织总部举行的会议上提出的,报告指出了可能的解决方案,并发出了更严重的警告。"The way we use land is both part of the problem and also part of the solution," said ValerieMasson-Delmotte, a French climate scientist who helped with the study."Land management can help secure a future that is comfortable."Valerie Masson-Delmotte是一名参与相关研究的法国气候科学家,他说:“我们利用土地的方式既是问题的一部分也是解决方案的一部分,合理利用土地能够保障一个舒适的未来。”高考必背词汇1. dramatically adv.显着地2. cycle n.循环3. scarce adj. 稀少的4. nutritious adj.营养的5.threat n.威胁6. affect v.影响7. farm v. 务农,种田8. manage v. 管理9. trap v. 吸收,捕获10. atmosphere n.大气层11. approve v. 认可,核准12. diplomat n.外交官13. present v. 提出14. propose v. 提议15. fix n.解决方法16. warning n.警告

17. solution n. 解决办法

18. secure v. 获得,取得
