100字范文 > 外交双语|外交部例行记者会(.08.28)


时间:2022-11-22 06:46:43




问:据报道,美国军方几小时前宣布,中方拒绝了美国海军军舰访问青岛的请求。中方能否告知原因?Q: Can you tell us why the Chinese government has refused to grant permission for a US navy ship to visit Qingdao, which the US military has announced within the last few hours?答:我不了解有关情况,建议你向军方询问。A: I am not aware of that and would like to refer you to the PLA.问:美国政府近来多次称,中方未采取有效措施阻止芬太尼输美,中国是美国内芬太尼类物质的主要来源,中方对此有何评论?Q: Recently the US government claimed repeatedly that China failed to take effective measures to stop the flow of fentanyl into the US and that China is the main source of fentanyl-like substances in the US. Do you have a comment on that?答:中国政府历来高度重视禁毒工作,一贯奉行厉行禁毒政策,始终保持对毒品问题“零容忍”态度。中国政府对芬太尼类物质管控极为严格,先后列管了25种芬太尼类物质及2种前体,超过联合国管制品种。今年5月1日,中方对芬太尼类物质进行整类列管。这体现了中国政府维护中国人民生命安全和健康的决心,也彰显了中国政府积极参与全球毒品治理、维护世界安全稳定的责任与担当。A: The Chinese government attaches high importance to counter-narcotics efforts. It maintains a zero-tolerance attitude towards drugs and strictly enforces anti-drug policies. It exercises stringent control over fentanyl-like substances. So far it has scheduled 25 fentanyl-like substances and two precursors, which is longer than the UN list. On May 1, China started class scheduling of all fentanyl-like substances. It shows the government"s resolution to safeguard the Chinese people"s safety and health, as well as its sense of responsibility in taking part in global drugs management to maintain world security and stability.芬太尼类物质整类列管正式实施后,中方全力推进有关工作进度,包括研究制定法律文件、在全国范围开展芬太尼类物质排查整治、组织集中打击网络贩卖芬太尼类物质行动,督促物流寄递公司落实实名寄递、开箱验视、过机安检“三项制度”,部署重点海关关区加大对高风险国际邮包的查缉力度,加快建设有关毒品实验室,加强宣传培训等,确保各项措施落地生效。Since the class scheduling came into force, we have been working hard on all fronts. Legal documents have been formulated, a nation-wide campaign has been conducted to address the issue, and special operations have been organized to crack down on online sales of fentanyl-like substances. Logistic companies are urged to observe three policies: requiring real customer names, opening packages to check contents, and conducting security machine checks. In particular, high-risk international packages at key customs checkpoints are carefully screened. Besides, we are speeding up efforts to set up drug labs and strengthening efforts to raise public awareness. All these specific measures have ensured earnest implementation of the class scheduling.目前,中国芬太尼类物质整类列管工作已取得明显成效。今年以来,中国缉毒执法部门尚未发现一起非法制造、贩卖和走私芬太尼类物质的犯罪案件。美国司法部提供的数据显示,今年第一季度,美国海关和边境保护局仅破获12起来自中国的芬太尼类物质走私案件,缴获量0.29公斤,同比分别下降93%和99%。第二季度破获案件4起,缴获量5公斤,同比分别下降97%和78%。As a result, we have made significant progress. In , not a single case involving illegal manufacturing, sale and trafficking of fentanyl-like substances has been found by China"s counter-narcotics law-enforcement agencies. According to >美方指责中国为其国内芬太尼类物质的主要来源,这缺乏证据,完全与事实不符。中国合法厂家生产的芬太尼类药物从未流入美国。中国执法部门曾经侦破过非法加工和向美国贩卖非法芬太尼类物质,这都是境内外不法分子相勾连,以伪装、夹藏等方式通过国际邮包输往美国,数量极为有限。美国之所以发生芬太尼泛滥危机,主要在于其国内普遍存在滥用处方止痛药的传统,占世界人口总数5%的美国人消费了全球80%的阿片类药物。美方如果要真正解决其国内的芬太尼问题,需要扎扎实实做好自己的事。The US alleges that China is the main source of fentanyl-like substances in the US. That is groundless and false. Fentanyl-like substances for medical use legally produced by Chinese factories never flows into the US. China"s law-enforcement agencies did handle cases involving illegal processing of fentanyl-like substances for US markets. With cross-border collusion, these substances were disguised or hidden in international packages mailed to the US. The amount involved is very limited. The main reason for the US fentanyl crisis lies in a prevalent tradition of prescription painkiller abuse. With 5% of the world"s total population, the US consumes 80% of the global opioid medication. If the US really wants to solve its fentanyl problem, it should put its own house in order.制贩、滥用芬太尼类物质是国际性难题,需要各国共同努力。美方应尊重事实,客观看待中方所做大量工作,停止归咎于人,同时加强美国国内监管力度,以真正有效打击芬太尼类物质的制贩和走私。中国政府愿与包括美国在内的世界各国深化合作,着力推进芬太尼类物质国际共治,携手解决芬太尼类物质滥用难题。The manufacturing, sale and abuse of fentanyl-like substances is a global problem that needs to be jointly tackled by all countries. The US should respect facts, view China"s efforts objectively and stop shifting blames. It should step up regulation at home to effectively address the manufacturing, sale and trafficking of these substances. The Chinese government stands ready to deepen cooperation with the US and other countries to advance joint management of these substances and solve the problem of their abuse.

问:据报道,美国总统国家安全事务助理博尔顿访问乌克兰前对媒体表示,中国企图通过“一带一路”以及各类具有吸引力的投资,进行全球经济扩张。他将向美国的朋友和伙伴警示中国投资带来的风险。中方对此有何评论?Q: Before visiting Ukraine, US National Security Adviser Bolton said to the media that China seeks to expand its economic influence worldwide through the Belt and Road Initiative and other attractive investments, and that he will inform friends and partners about the dangers that Chinese investments bring. I wonder what is China"s comment?答:中方对博尔顿先生抹黑“一带一路”合作、挑拨他国关系的行为表示坚决反对。但坦率地讲,我们对此也并不感到意外。A: We firmly oppose Mr. Bolton"s attempt to smear BRI cooperation and to drive a wedge between China and other countries. However, his comment came as nothing new to us.与美国一些人奉行的“美国优先”理念不同,中国同包括乌克兰在内的160多个国家和国际组织开展共建“一带一路”合作,始终坚持共商、共建、共享原则,不断取得互利共赢成果。相信世界上大多数国家能够基于客观事实,独立地作出符合自身利益的政策选择。Unlike the "America First" policy pursued by some in the US, the principle China upholds in its BRI cooperation with over 160 countries and international organizations is extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, which has produced mutually beneficial results. It is the same with our cooperation with Ukraine. I believe most countries in the world are capable of making independent, fact-based policy choices that are in their own interests.问:据报道,墨西哥执法人员近日在该国最大港口查获了超过23吨来自中国的芬太尼,最终目的地是美国。中方对此有何评论?Q: We learned from media reports that Mexican law enforcement officials recently seized more than 23 tons of fentanyl from China bound for the US in the country"s biggest port. Can you comment on that?答:我们注意到有关报道。中方有关部门高度重视,立即部署开展调查,并向美方和墨方了解核实情况。美方和墨方均已确认该批货物不是芬太尼。中方禁毒执法部门正抓紧进行调查核实,一旦发现有公司和人员涉嫌违法犯罪,将依法严惩,绝不姑息,并将及时公布调查结果。A: We noted the reports. Paying high attention to this, the Chinese authority started investigation right away and contacted the US and Mexican sides for verification. Both countries confirmed that the items in question were not fentanyl. The Chinese counter-narcotics authority is doing all it can to investigate this case. Any company or individual found guilty will be punished to the full extent of the law. We will keep you updated on the result of our investigation.

中国-大洋洲关系问题:问:中方日前以间谍罪正式逮捕澳大利亚公民杨军,澳大利亚外长佩恩就此发表了声明。我们注意到昨天发言人已表明中方立场。澳媒体对此十分关注,有很多报道和猜测。中方对此有何进一步评论?Q: After China formally arrested Yang Jun on espionage charges a few days ago, Australian Foreign Minister Payne issued a statement. We know you stated China"s position yesterday. The Australian media are following this with keen interest and there are many reports and speculations. Do you have any further comments?答:我昨天已经阐明中方立场。目前此案正在进一步办理当中。中国国家安全机关依法办案,充分保障杨军的各项权利。澳方一些人发表的言论毫无根据,根本不负责任。A: I already stated China"s position yesterday. The case is still being handled. The national security organ handles the case according to law and fully guarantees Yang"s rights. The remarks by some in Australia are baseless and irresponsible.我想重申,中国是法治国家。我们敦促澳方切实尊重中国司法主权,停止炒作和施压,不得以任何方式干预中方依法办案。I would like to reiterate that China is a country with rule of law. We urge the Australian side to respect China"s judicial sovereignty, stop hyping up the issue and pressuring China and stop interfering in any way in China"s lawful handling of the case.问:据报道,澳大利亚政府正在高校中采取措施应对外国政府干预,包括组建特别工作组保护敏感领域研究、网络安全、言论自由等。不少人认为澳方此举主要针对中国的渗透和影响。中方对此有何评论?Q: Australia moves to counter foreign influence at its universities, establishing a new task force to help protect sensitive research, cyber defenses and free speech, with many saying that this was aimed at China"s infiltration and influence. Does China have any comment?答:我们此前多次就此类问题作出过回应。所谓中方对澳大利亚实施“渗透”以及类似的说法纯属子虚乌有,别有用心。A: As we responded to many similar questions before, "China"s infiltration in Australia" and other accusations simply have no basis at all.中澳在互信、互利基础上开展务实合作和人文交流,增进两国间相互了解,符合两国和两国人民共同利益。将教育合作政治化、人为设置障碍,对双方都没有好处,也不得人心。希望澳方客观看待中澳各领域合作,珍视双方合作成果,多做有利于中澳友好与互信的事。Practical cooperation and people-to-people exchange between China and Australia on the basis of mutual trust and mutual benefit have boosted our mutual understanding and met the interests of both. Politicizing educational cooperation and setting up obstacles will do no good and gain no popularity. We hope Australia will view its cooperation with China in an objective manner, cherish the outcomes and make more efforts towards boosting friendship and trust between our two countries.



























