100字范文 > 我的考古日记:良渚古城——中华五千年文明史的实证


时间:2024-01-11 21:34:19



An aerial view of parts of the Liangzhu Archaeological Site in Yuhang District of Hangzhou City, east China"s Zhejiang Province. /CGTN Photo


The Liangzhu Archaeological Site has been rebuilt as a tourist attraction, preserving the ruins as much as possible.People once described the site as "the 5,000-year civilization demonstrated by jades" because thousands of jade artifacts were unearthed from Fanshan Cemetery at the site. There are 11 tombs discovered in the cemetery.When I arrived there, I saw the tomb pit with the duplicates of burial objects discovered in 1986.Looking at the artifacts, we could tell that tomb owners had different social statuses and identities.

The Jade Cong is displayed at the museum at the Liangzhu Archaeological Site in Yuhang District of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China. /CGTN Photo

Fanshan Cemetery is the highest-grade cemetery in Liangzhu City, given the high specification and perfect jade workmanship. So it can be inferred that this cemetery belonged to the royal family at that time.The recent excavated hydrological system rewrote the history of early Chinese engineering. Since the city was located in the Yangtze River Basin, researchers have found out a system of high and low dams and levees that could among the world"s oldest-known and largest hydrological system projects.Such a huge national project indicates Liangzhu people"s strong social organizing ability and socially productive forces.古城水坝已是如此,城市中心又是一副怎样的图景呢?在周院长的引领下,我来到了良渚古城遗址公园莫角山宫殿区。虽然这里的面积很大,但当时只居住着不到一万人口。而且在五千年前,良渚人的食谱就已经非常丰富了:饲养家猪、种植天然农作物,平时还会打捞河鲜。在满足衣食住行的基本生存条件之后,良渚人还不忘了追求精神享受。在良渚博物院中,我们可以看到大量装饰用的玉器:精美的玉串、玉管都是良渚人追求美的证明。除了这些小的玉片,在反山王陵的墓葬区还出土了大型玉器。其中有一块玉琮尤为显眼,它就是传说中的玉琮王:品质最佳、体量最大、雕琢也最为精美。不过这块玉琮并不是配饰,而是当时祭祀用的礼器。那时的良渚人民有着共同的信仰,玉琮上面雕刻的图案就是先民信奉的神灵,是良渚社会的神徽。强大的国家组织、完善的城市建设、再加上如此高度一致的精神信仰,看着玉琮王上的神徽,我仿佛看到了五千年前良渚社会欣欣向荣的景象。At the museum, I found more relics and traces of their daily use. They had a mature agricultural system and their dishes were actually rich nutritionally in parts, including domesticated rice, pork and fruits.

A miniature of the Mojiaoshan Palace Area at the Liangzhu Archaeological Site in Yuhang District of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China. /CGTN Photo

The facility represents the great achievement of the prehistoric rice-cultivating civilization of China over 5,000 years ago and is an outstanding example of early urban civilization.The archaeological ruins of Liangzhu City reveal an early regional state with rice-cultivating agriculture as its economic base alongside a unified belief system, which existed in the late Neolithic period in China.The excavated objects represented by the series of jade artifacts symbolize the belief system as well as its early age; the water conservancy project reveals their social organizing ability and social force in a national project.The bygone culture also shows the importance of the Yangtze River basin in the origin of Chinese civilization.7月6日,良渚古城遗址成功被列入了《世界遗产名录》,这标志着中华五千年文明史的实证被国际社会广泛认同。这次的良渚遗址之旅,我不仅看到了五千年前的国家文明,更是领略了良渚人民精神信仰的力量……除了赞叹惊讶先祖们的创造力,我更为这古老而辉煌的中华文明感到自豪。
