100字范文 > 系动词 to be 助动词 do(does) have(has) 以及情态动词的读法

系动词 to be 助动词 do(does) have(has) 以及情态动词的读法

时间:2020-01-31 16:26:56


系动词 to be  助动词 do(does)  have(has) 以及情态动词的读法

系动词 to be, 助动词 do(does), have(has), shall(should), will(would) 以及情态动词在句中一般是不重读的。但是它们在以下几种情况下是有句子重音的:


She 'is a doctor.

l 'am a student.

They 'are students.

He 'has done it.

l 'have told you before.

l 'shall come.

He 'will do it.

l 'can do it.

He 'may be there.

2.)和否定副词 not 连写成简缩式 aren't, isn't, don't, doesn't, haven't, hasn't, shan't, shouldn't, won't, wouldn't 和 cannot, can't, mustn't 时,例如:

They 'aren't students.

He 'isn't a doctor.

'Don't open that window.

He 'doesn't have a red pencil.

They 'haven't come yet.

He 'hasn't written the letter yet.

l 'shan't go today.

He won't come with me.

l 'cannot speak Spanish.

He 'can't come today.

You 'mustn't do that.


Are you a student? ——Yes, l 'am.

ls she a nurse? ——Yes, she 'is.

Do you have an exercise-book? ——Yes, l 'do.

Does John have a pen? ——Yes, he 'does.

Have you seen him today? ——Yes, l 'have.

Has he come yet? ——l thank he 'has.

Will you call on them today? ——Yes, l 'shall.

Can you speak English? ——Yes, l 'can.


'ls he a teacher?

'Do they have exercise-book?

Where 'does he work?

'Have you ever been to Hongkong?

What 'have you done?

'Shall we have a group discussion today?

What 'shall we do about it?

'Can you speak French?

'Must l say it in EnglishA?

What 'can we do about it?


what 和 how 一般都有句子重音,例如:

'What 'lovely 'weather we are having!↘

'How 'happy we are!↘

'How 'hard they work!↘

但 what 在下列省略句中不重读,以突出强调它后面的 beautiful 这个词:

What 'beautiful weather!↘
