100字范文 > 100道中考英语形容词 副词必考点单选题

100道中考英语形容词 副词必考点单选题

时间:2021-12-14 17:24:29


100道中考英语形容词 副词必考点单选题


1.Which is ,LessonFive orLessonSix?

A.interesting B. moreinteresting

C.mostinteresting D.the mostinteresting

2.Sorry,I can’t answeryour question.I know about thenews.

A.a little B.little C. few D.a few

3.“I’vegotanAfor my history.”Judy said .

A.sadly B.sad C.happy D.happily

4.Ithink the song inthefilm“Titanic”isone of filmsongs.

A.the mostbeautiful B.mostbeautiful

C.muchmorebeautiful D. abeautiful

5.Jimworksas as Zhang Hua.

A.careful B.carefully

C. morecareful D.mostcarefully

6.Canyou speak toaperson inoldclothes?

A.kind B.kindly C.polite D.friendly

7.Just amoment,please! I’llfinish in fiveminutes.

A.another B.other C.more D.less

8.Whojumped ofallinthelong jump?

A.longest B.longer C. farther D.farthest

9.Mysister isn’t maths.

A.goodfor B.wellin C.good at D.best at

10.Of all theshoesinyour shop,isthispair one?

A.very good B.muchbetter

C.a cheaper D.thecheapest

11.Jackdidn’trun tocatchupwith theother runners.

A.fastenough B.quickenough

C.enoughslow D.slowlyenough

12.India has thesecond population inthe world.

A.most B.largest C.least D.smallest

13.We have milkfor baby.You’d bettergoandbuy some.

A.little B.a little C. few D.a few

14.Jimhas friendshere.Soheoften feelslonely.

A.a little B.little C.a few D.few

15.Lucyhas madequite friendssince shecamehere.She’svery happy.

A.few B.little C.a few D.few

16.The oldwomanlives ,but hedoesn'tfeel .

A.alone, alone B.alone,lonely

C.lonely,lonely D. lonely, alone

17. Mrs. Greengave Lucy toeat.

A.delicioussomething B.Chinesesomething

C. something delicious D.something England

18. Mumwill givehim toeat.

A.something realChinese B.real Chinese something

C. something really Chinese D.really Chinese something

19.Icouldn’tseemuchduring theflight becausetherewas cloud.

A.toomany B.toomuch

C.muchtoo D.alot

20.Thesweater isverybeautiful,but it’s dear.

A.toomuch B.muchtoo C.many D.more

21.Today, treesarestillbeingcut down somewherein theworld.

A.muchtoo B.toomuch

C.many too D. toomany

22.Ithinkfootball is basketball inAmerica.

A.morepopular B. so popular as

C.aspopularas D. less popular

23.Shanghaiisthe ofall thecities inChina.

A.large B.larger C.largest D.mostlarge

24.The boy doesn’trun the bus.

A.muchfaster as B. as fastest as

C.morefastthan D.sofast as

25.Germany has people thanFrance.

A.fewer B. smaller C.large D.more

26.The population of Xi’an is than that ofShanghai.

A.less B. fewer C. more D.larger

27.It rained lastnight.

A.heavily B. heavy C.heavyly D. hardly

28.Eatingmorevegetableswill keep you .

A.good B. fat C. weak D.healthy

29.The elephant is big that hecan’tbeput into a smallcage.

A.so, so B. such, so C.so,such D.such, such

30.Lily saidshe hadn’t heard musicbefore.

A.such abeautiful piece of B.abeautiful

C.sobeautifula D.sucha wonderful

31. Mathsis one ofthe subjectsinmiddleschools.

A.important B. mostimportant

C.moreimportant D.muchimportant

32.Jimis ofthetwo.

A.taller B. the taller C.tallest D. thetallest

33.Thisbook is interestingthan that one.

A.little more B.little much

C.a little more D.a littlemuch

34.He can’thelpyou with your maths.I’mafraidI can’t .

A.too B.else C.also D.either

35.Don’t worry.Your granny will get .

A.wellandwell B.better andbetter

C.welland better D.best andbest


----Sorry,Ican understand you.

A.hardly B.almost C.nearly D.ever

37.The little boy books .

A.lovely B.carefully C.heavily D.sadly

38.Jimcandraw theteacher.

A.as well as B.notsowell as

C.as better as D.asgood as

39.It’s going tobea busy daytoday. Ihave work todo.

A.a hard B.a lot C. many D.much

40.How they areworking!

A.hardly B.a hard C.hard D.ahardly

41.These shoesaremuchtoo for me.

A.big B.bigger C.biggest D. thebiggest

( )42.There aremany talltreeson side ofthestreet.

A.both B.all C.either D. neither

43.In Harbin, it’s in November,butit’s even inDecember.

A.cold, cold B.cold, colder

C.colder,cold D.colder coldest

44.Look! The children areplaying , theyarealways .

A.happy,happy B.happily, happily

C.happily,happy D. happy,happily

45.Jimpleaseturnthe radio alittle .I’mtalkingwithyour uncle.

A.off B. on C.down D.up

46.Everything is onthemoon than onthe earth.

A.muchmorelighter B. muchmorelight

C.morelight D.muchlighter

47.It’s niceofyou tohelp me.

A.true B. truly C.real D.really

48.Don’t eatthemeat.Itsmells .

A.dirty B.delicious C.bad D.sweet

49.Theirschool is three timesas asours.Thatmeansourschool is thantheirs.

A.big,three timessmaller B. small,large

C.big, small D. large, twice smaller

50.The population problemmay be one oftheworld today.

A.the most B.mostdifficult

C.the greatest D.moreinteresting

51.The iceinthe lake isabout onemetre . It’sstrong enough to skate on.

A.long B.high C.thick D. wide

52. MissGreenasked aquestion,but it was that nobody could answer it.

A.very difficult B.too difficult

C.difficultenough D.sodifficult

53.----Mywatch doesn’twork. Could youmend it,please?

----Sorry.Buttheworkers inthat watchshopmay be .

A.kind B.friendly C.nice D. helpful

54.Samoften talks butdoes .Soeveryonesayshe isagood boy.

A.less,more B.few,much

C.more,little D. little,many

55.When thefamoussingerstartedto sing,everyonebegantoshout very .

A.loudly B.loud C.heavily D. high

56. Inspring and summer, we have raininHarbin. It’s goodforgrowingcrops(庄稼).

A.a lot B. quiteafew

C.lotsof D.many

57.----Canyoucomeon Friday orSaturday?

---I’m afraid dayispossible.

A.either B. some C.any D.neither

58.There is a smileon herface.Ithinkshe’s withmy work.

A.strict B. angry C.pleased D.sorry

59.Sheis thanany othergirlinherclass.

A.thiner B.thinner C.thin D. thethinnest

60.Jane’sEnglish isvery good, buther French isnotso asherEnglish.

A.well B.good C.better D. best

61.He istwoyears than I.

A.elder B.smaller C.younger D. less

62.Thesongsounds .

A.sweetly B.nicely C.well D. good

63.Australia is country.

A.an English-spoken B.a speaking-English

C.a spoken-English D.anEnglish-speaking

64.Iseem tohavemetyou .

A.before B.ago C.yet D.sometime

65.Theyhavemovedaway fromBeijing.They don’tlive there .

A.anylonger B.oncemoreC.either D.again

66.Theroad isnot for threetrucks to run side byside.

A.wideenough B. sowide

C. toowide D.enoughwide

67.Thestreets arewetbecause ithasrained all morning.

A. thickly B. strongly C. heavily D. deeply

68.You’llmissyour train ifyou don’t putonyour clothes .

A.fast B.soon C.quick D. quickly

69.Who is of youthree?

A. theoldest B.mucholder C.oldest D. older

70.These apples look .

A. nice B. well C.sweetly D. nicely

71. Canwedoourworkwith money and people?

A. less,fewer B.lesser, few

C. few,less D.little, less

72.Hemade mistakesin thelastexam.

A. theleast B.fewer C.thefewest D. less

73.Whichdoyouthink is ,thechicken orthefish?

A. good B.better C.best D. well

74.Asit wasa rainy night, peoplewent toseethefilm.

A.few B. several C. many D. a few

75.It takes timeto go therebyplane thanbytrain.

A. little B.less C.few D.fewer

76.Thisshirt is not good.The oneiseven .

A. better B. worse C.well D.worst

77. Monday is my day.

A. thebusiest B.busy C.busier D.busiest

78.He drivesmuch than be didthreeyearsago.

A.morecareful B.morecarefully

C. careful D.carefully

79.Icouldn’tfind myEnglish-Chinesedictionary .

A.everywhere B.nowhere

C. somewhere D.anywhere

80.Johndidbadly in the sportsmeeting.I did even .

A.also badly B. worse

C. worst D.morebadly

81.He is teacherthatall of uslike him.

A.such good a B. a so good

C.sogood a D.asuch good

82.Jackdoesn’twork Tom.

A.as so good B. sogood as

C.so hard as D.soharder as

83.The story book was interesting Icould not putitdown.

A.as, that B. so,that C.so, as D.as, as

84.LiYing understand theforeigner.

A.can hardly B.cannot hardly

C.canhardlynot D.cannot hard

85.Hisfatheris than his mother.

A.olderfouryears B. as four yearsolder

C. four years older D. bigger four years

86.Shanghaiislarger than in Japan.

A.anyother city B.other cities

C.the other city D.any city

87.Severalweekslater,Li Leifound maths chemistry.

A. lessdifficult

B.lessdifficult than

C. themoredifficult than

D. asdifficult than

88.TheGreatPyramid(金字塔)isabout 137metreshightoday,but it wasonce .

A.higher B.highest

C.high too D.morehigh

89.“Areyoufeeling ?”“Yes,I’mfinenow.”

A.quite good B.quite better

C.anywell D.anybetter

90.Igot up today thanyesterday.

A.later B.morelately C. lately D. late

91.Sheisn’tso at mathsasyouare.

A.well B.good C.better D. best

92.Who did inthetest, Mary,Kate orBetty?

A.best B.better C.as well D.well

93.It is today thanyesterday.

A.veryhotter B.quite hotter

C.morehotter D.muchhotter

94.Thewater is hotthat Ican’t drink it.

A.quite B.so C.too D.very

95.Today,heis feeling togoChangjiang River.

A.enough good B.wellenough

C.good enough D.enoughwell

96.Yourgrandmother goestothecinema,doesshe?

A.usually B.always

C.hardly D.sometimes

97. SpeakEnglish possibleinclass and after class.

A.as many as B.as soon as

C.asmuchas D.as moreas

98.John wasso tired thathecould hardly keep hiseyes .

A.open B.tobeopen

C.toopen D.opening

99. Canyou believe thatin arich country thereshould be many poor people?

A.such,such B.so, so

C.so, such D.such,so

100.Thereare morebooksinourlibrary than intheirs.

A.much B.toomuch

C.many D.little
