100字范文 > 感悟人生的经典语句 很文艺 适合发心情说说

感悟人生的经典语句 很文艺 适合发心情说说

时间:2021-07-21 14:24:12


感悟人生的经典语句 很文艺 适合发心情说说

一、的明媚,总容易让人沉醉,这恬静的生活,正是我想要的。我想把心交给,随着春风去流浪,在风中徜徉,嗅着花香,领略自然的风光。The bright spring always makes people intoxicated. This peaceful life is exactly what I want. I want to give my heart to spring, wandering with the spring wind, wandering in the wind, sniffing the fragrance of flowers, and enjoying the natural scenery.

二、这样的等待,不是为了你可以回来,只是想找个借口,不离开。做你没做过的事情叫成长,做你不愿意做的事情叫改变,做你不敢做的事情叫突破。This waiting is not for you to come back, but for an excuse not to leave. To do what you haven"t done is to grow up, to do what you don"t want to do is to change, and to do what you dare not do is to break through.


三、有的人走着走着就散了,爱着爱着就淡了!活着,总有看不惯的人,就如别人看不惯我们。人的成熟不是年龄,而是懂得了放弃,学会了圆融,知道了不争。有些苦衷不言痛,不是没感觉,而是知道说与不说都一样;那些暗伤,不是不在乎,而是懂得了慢慢修复。Some people walk away, love fades away! Living, there are always people who can"t get used to, just as others can"t get used to us. Man"s maturity is not about age, but about giving up, learning to melt, knowing not to argue. Some painful hearts do not say pain, not feel, but know to say and not say the same; those dark wounds, not do not care, but know how to repair slowly.

四、生命给予我们的,不是那些艰难,而是成长,是学会举重若轻。我爱你,没理由。我希望,一辈子!努力让自己强大、优秀,你才有底气活出自己。你可以有很多借口让自己懒惰 ,但是也有很多原因 让自己发奋图强!Life gives us not those difficulties, but growth, learning to lift weights lightly. I love you for no reason. I hope, all my life! Make an effort to be strong and excellent, and you will have the courage to live up to yourself. You can have a lot of excuses to be lazy, but there are also many reasons to work hard!


五、喜欢你的人,不管你多差,他都会喜欢你;不喜欢你的人,不管你多好,他都会挑剔你。所以不必为谁做什么觉得太过委屈的事,做好自己就好,为自己而改变将自己的人生过得灿烂!The person who likes you, no matter how bad you are, he will like you; the person who dislikes you, no matter how good you are, he will criticize you. So you don"t have to do anything that feels too wrongful for anyone. Just do yourself a good job and change your life to be brilliant for yourself.

六、有的东西和人,经过时间的洗礼,才知道到底喜不喜欢,重不重要。其实没有谁非谁不可,对待感情最好的态度就是,有你很好,没你也行。Some things and people, after the baptism of time, to know whether they like it or not, is not important. In fact, no one has to be, the best attitude towards feelings is that you are good, you can do without.

七、世界就那么大,为什么不好好努力。唯愿你以后有酒有肉,能笑能贫能干架,此生纵情豁达。没有美丽的外表,根本没人会去在意你美好的内心,这就是现实。The world is so big, why not work hard? I wish you would have wine and meat in the future, laugh and be poor and competent, and be indulgent and open-minded in this life. Without a beautiful appearance, no one cares about your beautiful heart. That"s the reality.

八、情之为伤,苦了多少人,煞了多少忆,情之为悲,冷了多少清,落了多少思,纵使飞蛾扑火却依然义无反顾,只观情,伤人伤己,却是一生无法割断,落一笔长相思,挥洒多少痴情泪,饮一杯浊酒,品了多少世间情!如你是我的莲花,那么今生让我为你守一世长情。Love is for injury, how many people have suffered, how much memory has gone wrong, how sad it is, how much cold it has been, how much it has dropped, how much thinking has been lost, even if the moth is fighting against fire, it still pays no attention to it. If you are my lotus flower, let me keep a long love for you in this life.


九、没有谁能左右你的情绪,只有你自己不放过自己,不要再熬夜了谁心里没有故事,只是他们学会了控制。No one can control your emotions, only you do not let go of yourself, don"t stay up late anymore who has no story in mind, but they learn to control.

十、原来友情真的如此脆弱,愿你我都能好好保护。日复一日的活着,没有很难过,也没有很快乐。你一定要过得很好,不然对不起我的不打扰。The original friendship is so fragile, I hope you and I can protect it well. Live day by day, not sad, not happy. You must have a good life, or I"m sorry I don"t bother you.

十一、要是一段感情,没能把你酿成更好的人,只是把你变得患得患失,喜怒无常,那真遗憾,你跟错了人。If a relationship fails to turn you into a better person, but only makes you gain and loss, moody and changeable, that"s a pity, you"re with the wrong person.

十二、有的时候感情不要考虑太多,你若还爱着对方,那么就尽力争取,如果累了不想继续下去了,那么也要懂得放手,毕竟再美好的感情也经不起反复的拉扯,这样会消耗掉曾经所有的美好。Sometimes feelings do not think too much, if you still love each other, then try to fight, if tired do not want to continue, then also know how to let go, after all, no matter how good feelings can not stand repeated pulling, this will consume all the good.


十三、不管你有多慢,都不要紧,只要你有决心,你最终都会到达想去的地方。善良与品德兼备,犹如宝石之于金属,两者互为衬托,益增光彩。It doesn"t matter how slow you are, as long as you have the determination, you will eventually get where you want to go. Kindness and moral character are like gemstones to metals. They complement each other and add luster.

十四、有人说,人成熟的标志之一,就是失去倾诉欲。一个真正成熟的人,总是悄无声息的,不随便找人倾诉,不再抱怨生活,不激烈吐槽情绪。Some people say that one of the signs of maturity is the loss of the desire to talk. A truly mature person is always quiet, not to talk to anyone, no longer complain about life, not intense emotional Tucao.

十五、人心是肉长的,教会我善良,但人心险恶教会了我伪装与厌世。总有一天,你会遇到一个绚丽的人,让你觉得其他人都是浮云。The human heart is fleshy, which teaches me goodness, but the vicious one teaches me disguise and weariness of the world. Someday, you will meet a gorgeous person who makes you feel like everyone else is floating clouds.

十六、 活着必定要经历些挫折很多时候,人生就是在绝望与期望间徘徊,每一个活着的正常人,都会给自我一个目标,且不管这目标是高尚还是低俗。人们沿路走去,有阳光,也会有阴霾。人生从来不是规划出来的,而是一步步走出来的。找到自我喜欢的事,每一天做那么一点点,时刻一长,你就会看到自我的成长。Living must experience some setbacks. Many times, life is hovering between despair and expectation. Every normal person living will give himself a goal, whether it is noble or vulgar. People walk along the road with sunshine and haze. Life is never planned out, but stepped out step by step. Find something you like, do it a little bit every day, and you will see your growth as time goes by.


十七、以乐观的态度,和爱的人同舟共济,和朋友安暖相随,和亲人相依相守,能珍惜的一定要珍惜,不要等到老去了再后悔,人生却买不到往返的那张票。With an optimistic attitude, to help the people you love, to keep company with friends and relatives, you must cherish what you can cherish. Don"t regret when you are old, but you can"t buy the ticket back and forth in life.

十八、如果有一天,我们结婚了,我只希望,那是因为爱情。我想和你走到最后,相濡以沫,携手终身。我怀着这样的想法和你在一起,为了到花甲之年依然有句我爱你。If one day we get married, I only hope that it is because of love. I want to go to the end with you, with you, hand in hand for life. I am with you with this idea, in order to the year of flower armor still have a sentence I love you.

十九、人生不过是午后到黄昏的距离,茶凉言尽,月上柳梢。有时候,我们必须闭上嘴,放下骄傲,承认是自己错了。这不是认输,而是成长。Life is just the distance from afternoon to dusk. Tea is cool, and willow shoots are on the moon. Sometimes we have to shut up, put down our pride and admit that we are wrong. It"s not about giving up, it"s about growing up.

二十、迷宫般的城市,让人习惯看相同的景物,走相同的路线,到同样的目的地;习惯让人的生活不在变。习惯让人有种莫名的安全感,却有种莫名的寂寞。而你,永远不知道,你的习惯会让你错过什么。Labyrinth-like city, let people get used to seeing the same scenery, taking the same route, to the same destination; habits make people"s lives unchanged. Habits give people an inexplicable sense of security, but an inexplicable sense of loneliness. And you never know what your habits will miss.


二十一、治得了你脾气的, 是你爱的人; 受得了你脾气的, 是爱你的人。 控制得了情绪, 你就是主动的人; 被情绪所控制, 你就注定是被动。The one who cures your temper is the one you love; the one who receives your temper is the one who loves you. If you control your emotions, you are the active person; if you are controlled by emotions, you are doomed to be passive.

二十二、我并不失落,我也没有受伤,没有生气,我只是有点累了,我厌倦了付出太多,回报太少。有的回忆,不必可以去提及,它总会在某一刻自己冒出来,或温暖,或伤感,或心酸,或甜蜜。有如此丰富的经历,此生何憾?I"m not lost, I"m not hurt, I"m not angry, I"m just a little tired, I"m tired of paying too much, too little in return. Some memories, need not be mentioned, it will always come out on its own at a certain moment, or warm, or sad, or sad, or sweet. What"s the regret of having such a rich experience?

二十三、 世界上最宝贵的东西都是免费的,比如阳光、雨水、空气。心情烦躁了,不如出去嗅嗅花香,听听鸟语,看看窗外的世界,你会发现,一切都是美好的。The most valuable things in the world are free, such as sunshine, rain and air. If you are upset, you might as well go out and smell the flowers, listen to the birds, and look out the window at the world. You will find that everything is beautiful.


二十四、人生的优雅并非训练或装扮出来的,而是百千阅历后的坦然,饱受沧桑后的睿智,无数沉浮后的淡泊。是把尘事看轻些,生活沟壑纵横,学会舍得与放下,轻装才可疾行;是把人际看浅些,少些倾轧与争斗,最大的珍惜莫过珍惜易逝的时光;是把得失看淡些,宠辱不惊来去无意,如此心,优雅随之。The elegance of life is not training or dressing up, but the calmness after thousands of experiences, the wisdom after suffering vicissitudes, and the indifference after countless ups and downs. It is to take the dust lighter, the gullies of life vertically and horizontally, learn to give up and put down, light clothes can go quickly

it is to look at interpersonal shallower, less rolling and struggle, the greatest treasure is to cherish the perishable time; it is to look down on gains and losses, spoil and disgrace, do not surprise to come and go unintentionally, so calm, elegance follows.

二十五、这个世界就是这样,有人追你千辛万苦却得不到你,可是有人只需对你微微一笑,却令你连滚带爬纵身而去。This is the way the world is. Someone chases you hard but can"t get you. But someone just smiles at you and makes you crawl away.

二十六、当一个人不爱你的时候。你撒娇就是作,你吃醋就是小心眼,你想念就是打扰,你关心就是闲得慌。总之你这个人开始出现各种各样的问题,而这些“问题”,在相遇的时候他曾爱不释手。When someone doesn"t love you. You act like a spoiler, you are jealous, you are careful, you miss is disturbing, you care is idle. In a word, you are beginning to have all kinds of problems, and these "problems" he loved when he met.
