100字范文 > 朋友圈上很火的文艺语录 精美有意境 让人久久不能忘怀!

朋友圈上很火的文艺语录 精美有意境 让人久久不能忘怀!

时间:2021-09-03 16:26:04


朋友圈上很火的文艺语录 精美有意境 让人久久不能忘怀!


some things can only be done by one person; some customs can only be passed by one person; some roads can only be walked by one person. Spring rain can be dripping down, the wind blowing gently, people want to find a person to walk in spring, sigh the blossom is too fierce, the tender buds are too scary; want to find a person to talk about the age of poetry and wine, spring has come, not the general beauty.



Men who don"t love you just want to sleep with you. The man who loves you wants to get up with you. The man who loves you not only wants to be warm with you, but also wants to live a long life with you. Only when you don"t want anything will everything come as expected.


Everyone needs a new revolution, not earth-shaking, but the simplicity, integrity and perseverance of returning to the original intention. When you feel lonely, watch a ghost movie, and then you will feel someone behind you, someone on the ceiling, someone under the bed, someone in the kitchen, someone in the bathroom... It"s not lonely anymore.



The older you grow up, the more you feel that silence is the best way to complain about your grievances and unwillingness. Anyway, you go, I live mine. Sometimes, a moment, just like a lifetime, missed a moment, missed a lifetime, missed thousands of possibilities. Everyone"s life has a tattoo lover, the fire can"t extinguish, the water can"t submerge.


a beautiful encounter can always make people happy and put down the melancholy buried in their hearts. In many cases, I also want to find such a person, meet me, let me drift in the heart of the bitter sea, can have a ferry port!



All glory and greatness must be accompanied by setbacks and falls. Behind all scenery, there must be a string of rubbing footprints with tears and sweat. Friendship means that I like you. Even if I don"t like what belongs to you, I will try to accept it.



The best things in life are free. Nobody is responsible for your happiness in this journey of life. Sometimes, time will make us forget, don"t let time go away, don"t wait for old age to go away, do it when you think about it, your dream will come true, you know that it is beautiful to have the present and grasp the present time.



Time is when we say that everyone else has changed, and we quietly change ourselves. Never envy someone else"s life, even if that person looks happy and rich. Never evaluate the happiness of others, even if the person looks lonely and helpless. Happiness is like drinking water. If you are not me, how do you know the way I have traveled, the joy and pain in my heart? The son is not a fish, how do you know the joy of fish?


the difference between the poor and the rich is the difference of thought, what kind of thought you have, and what kind of life you will have. People need to change very simply, not by how many degrees and backgrounds you have, but by when you change your ideas!


十、 把尘事看轻些;把人际看浅些;把得失看淡些;把成败看开些。不和别人比较,不和自己计较,下心去做人,埋头去做事,脚踏实地的走,顺其自然的活,做人如饮酒,半醉半醒最适宜;做事如执笔,半松半紧最自然。

Take the dust lighter; take the interpersonal relationship lighter; take the gains and losses lighter; take the success or failure lighter. Do not compare with others, do not care about yourself, do things with your heart, go down to earth, go with your feet down-to-earth, follow their natural activities, such as drinking, half drunk and half awakened is the most appropriate; do things like pen, half loose and half tight is the most natural.


Never lose yourself if you lose more. There are moments of blooming in the bleak life. What we do is not to please the surroundings, but to please ourselves in a unique way. Only when we never die, can we break through the haze and find the sunshine. Since we are alive, we will go through the joys and sorrows of the clutch and bravely fight with the world to appreciate the meaning of life.



There are gains and losses in life. If you have a clear breeze, you must return the bright moon. No matter how deep the pit is, God"s love is deeper! Disappointment, sometimes also a kind of happiness, because there are expectations, so it will be disappointed. Because there is love, there will be expectations, so even disappointment, but also a kind of happiness, although this kind of happiness is a little painful.



Real disappointment is not scolding, crying or losing temper at you. It"s silence. I don"t think it has anything to do with you anymore.


Understanding a person must be something you care about; seeing a person clearly must be something you"ve lost; seeing a person through must be something you"ve done; seeing a person through must be something you"ve paid for; seeing a person through must be something you"ve been deceived; looking down on a person, must be something you treasure; seeing a person clearly, must be something you"ve given up.



It"s like having a dream. No matter how you sigh after waking up, you can"t continue your dream or rewrite your nightmare. You can only continue to live as if nothing happened in reality. Good night!



Smile and walk with light clouds and breeze. Use courage, wisdom, hard-working hands to create their own opportunities. Unrealistic, gently put down is easy; once owned, deeply remember and happy. See openly, pain is wealth and experience; taste thoroughly, pain is motivation and growth.



This is the way the world is. Some people succeed, some fail, and some people are mediocre all their lives. Not satisfied, can not let go, make a good life miserable. Be open-minded and take a lighter view. There are not many things in life that are more important than happiness.
