100字范文 > 西安新城爱多白桦林明天幼儿园-迎接新城区人民政府教育督导室评估小组督导检查Supervi


时间:2022-10-26 12:54:43




On September 18th, the supervisory office of the Education Bureau of the Xincheng District People"s Government, and the second supervisor came to Aiduo Great Future kindergarten.


The “316 Project” and the Director of the Qualification Examination and the Kindergarten Office Team listened to the report, attended classes, checked the archives, viewed the equipment and education environment, conducted teacher and parent symposiums. Questionnaires and other methods have carried out a comprehensive inspection and evaluation of seven aspects of the kindergarten orientation such as team building, education quality and management, education informationization, education protection activities, early childhood development, and kindergarten work effectiveness.

张园长代表幼儿园进行工作汇报及履职述职报告。Director Zhang performs work report of the kindergarten.

督导组进班听课Supervising team attends classes.

检查监控资料及视频Check monitoring >

实地查看幼儿园的教育教学设施、环境创设。Inspects the kindergarten education and teaching facilities, environment.

检查组一行人走进厨房,对厨房进行了实地检查,对粗加工间、操作间、洗消间、食品库、食品台账、食品留样等情况进行查看。The inspection team walked into the kitchen and conducted a field inspection of the kitchen. Holds the parents meeting.

召开家长座谈会并进行问卷调查。Holds the parents meeting.

邀请员工谈话并进行问卷调查。Invites employees to talk.

检查幼儿园各类档案资料。Check all kinds of archives in the kindergarten.

查看幼儿午休。Watches the children"s lunch break.


The expert team gave feedback on the work of our kindergarten. At the feedback meeting, the supervision and evaluation team fully affirmed the kindergarten work, and agreed that: Xi"an Ai Duo great future kindergarten can adhere to standardizing the park, establish and improve various work system, and do a good job in the education and promoting the development of the teachers and protect the health of young children.


This supervision and evaluation is a comprehensive review of the work of our kindergarten. Also it is a powerful guide to the future development of Xi"an AI Duo Great Future Kindergarten! Our kindergarten takes this supervision as a new opportunity to deepen the development of the connotation, to create a more warm and harmonious life and fun space for children, to create a more relaxed and comfortable work and psychological environment for the teachers, and to provide parents with higher quality and efficiency service. Let’s strive to achieve new heights!




西安新城爱多白桦林明天幼儿园-迎接新城区人民政府教育督导室评估小组督导检查Supervision and Inspection
