100字范文 > 卓越学府初一英语(下册)重点强化周周练


时间:2020-01-15 04:20:16




Unit8 Is there a post office near here?

Section A


1. 在中央街 ____________

2. 在….前面___________

3. 紧靠……的旁边 ___________

4. 在…..对面 ___________

5. 在….和….之间 ___________





10.沿着….走 ____________

11.直走 ______________

12.在第一个十字路口 _____________

13. 向左/右转___________

14. 在左/右边 ________


1. 邮局在哪里? __________________

2. 我怎样才能到邮局? ___________________

3. 这附近有邮局吗? ______________________

4. 你能告诉我去邮局的路吗? _______________


1. The payphone is in front of the bank.(改为同义句)

The bank is_________the pay phone.

2. There is some time to do our homework.(改为否定句)

There _______ _______time to do our homework.

3. The post office is across from the school.

(对划线部分提问) ______ _______the post office?

4. straight, go, please, left, turn, and(连词成句)


5. They usually play basketball on the playground.(改为一般疑问句)

_______they usually________basketball on the playground?

6. He does his lessons at home in the evening.(改为否定句)

He_______ ________his lessons at home in the evening.

7. There are twenty-five boy students in our class.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________boy students are there in your class?

8. Is there a library near this supermarket?(改为复数句)

______there________near this supermarket?

9. Go straight and turn right.(改为否定句)

________go straight______tern right.


1. 在超市对面有一个很大的公园。

There is a big park______ ________the supermarket.

2. 到公园去,你只需要穿过中央大街

To _____ ____the park, you just have to _____ Center Street.

3. 我喜欢在图书馆看书,因为那儿很安静.

I enjoy________in the library, because it’s very_______there.

4. 我喜欢星期天和我爷爷奶奶一起度过。

I like to________time_____my grandparents on Sundays.

5. 瞧! 河里有两个男孩在游泳。

Look! _____ _____ two boys _________ in the river.

6. 里面还有其他的东西吗?

______ ______ anything else in it?

7. 我哥哥擅长下中国象棋。

My brother_____ ______ ______ ________Chinese chess.

8. 沿着这条街一直走,然后向左转。

Go ________this street and_______ _______.

9. 我经常玩饭后去散步。

I often_______ _______ ________after dinner.

10. 那家旧商店旁边有一条干净的街道。

There is a ______street _______ ________the_____shop.

11. 我喜欢看猴子爬树。

I love to________the monkeys______the trees.


1. Many of us enjoy ____ pop music.

A. listen to B.to listen C. to listening to D. listening to

2. Go ______ the road, and it is ______ your left.

A. down; on B. across from; on C. along; at D. along; across

3.First you go_______a river, and then walk______a park. The library is on the right.

A.across;across B.through; across

C.across;through D.through;through

4. Ma Su ______ around three hours on the hard work. He is tired(疲劳) now.

A. takes B. spends C. uses D. pays

5. You don’t have to help him. He can do the thing _______.

A. quickly B. hard C. easily D. happily

6. Go straight and ______, you can find the hotel.

A. turn the left B. turn to right C. turn the right D. turn left

7. ----Excuse me. Where’s the bank? ---- Look! It’s over there ______ the right.

A. in B. on C. at D. to

8. Please go _____ the street and turn right _____ the second crossing.

A. along; on B. along; at C. for; along D. at; along

9. _______ the pay phone? ---- It’s behind the shop.

A. Can you tell me the way B. How can I get C. Where’s D. There is

10. It’s relaxing ______ out with our friends on weekends.

A. to go B. going

C. for going D. going to

11. Our school is only _______ walk from here.

A. five-minute’s B. five minute’s

C. five minuets D. five minutes’

12.---What about having a drink? ---______________.

A.Help yourself B.Never mind

C.You’re right D.Good idea

13.---Are you______tomorrow? Would you like to go to see a movie with me?

---Sorry, I’m_______. I have many things_______.

A.free; busy; doing B.free; busy; to do

C.busy; free; doing D.busy; free;to do


1. Linda often ______(take) a walk in the park.

2. I like to watch the girl ______ (play) with the dog.

3.I teach you and then you can do it _______(easy).

4.Turn left at the________(three) crossing and you will see the park on your right.

5. When you go ______(cross) the road, you must be careful.

6. Lin Junde spends his most time ______(work) for our country.

7.Most boys enjoy_________(watch) basketball game.

8.I live in a _______(noise) neighborhood.

9.Mike with his sister________(go) to school at 7:00 every day.



