100字范文 > 范冰冰要复出了?网友们却都这样说……


时间:2019-02-22 19:47:57



在《复联4》收割票房和流量之际,娱乐圈其实另有其它戏码上演。自从去年被曝光出税务问题后,演员范冰冰再度公开亮相。Chinese actress Fan Bingbing has made her first public appearance since news broke of her tax problems last year.

现年37岁的范冰冰,于22日(周一)晚现身北京的爱奇艺9周年庆典活动,不过并未接受媒体采访。The 37-year-old actress turned up on the red carpet of iQiyi"s ninth anniversary gala in Beijing on Monday (April 22), but did not accept any interviews from the media.据新加坡《海峡时报》分析,爱奇艺是中国三大视频公司之一(另两个为优酷土豆和腾讯视频),范冰冰这次现身庆典,意味着国内娱乐行业已经做好了迎接她复出的准备。iQiyi is one of China"s three major video-streaming companies - the other two are Youku Tudou and Tencent Video - and Fan"s attendance at the gala meant that she has been welcomed back by the country"s entertainment industry.

(图片来源:Instagram)而资讯网站Asia One则报道,今年以来,范冰冰为复出进行了一系列的“试水”:Fan has been gradually testing waters in preparation for a comeback this year.1月份,范冰冰眼妆的照片在网上传播。In January, photos of her eyewear brand endorsement were circulated online.2月份春节期间,她在微博上PO出4张素颜照片,并给粉丝们送去祝福。During Chinese New Year in February, the actress uploaded four bare-faced selfies on Weibo and sent festive greetings to her fans: "Love all of you! Happy Chinese New Year!"

3月份的时候,她受邀出席了某高档美容院的开幕仪式,一同露面的还有男友李晨,弟弟范丞丞以及好友张钧甯等。In March, she attended the opening ceremony of a luxury aesthetic clinic she had invested in. Li Chen, Fan Chengcheng, and Janine Chang made an appearance as well.到了4月,美国杂志《Variety》则报道,范冰冰将在好莱坞影片《355》中重返银幕。In April, US magazine Variety reported that Fan was returning to the screen in the film 355.

尽管看似有条不紊,不过网友们对于范冰冰的复出准备,似乎并不买账。“她应该从娱乐圈隐退,而不是用复出来挑战公众底线。名人应该保持良好形象,在台下保持自律。”有网友认为。"She should retire from the entertainment industry instead of challenging the public"s bottom line to make a comeback. Celebrities should keep a good public image and be self-disciplined off the stage," one Weibo user said.

去年,有关明星偷漏税问题引发全社会关注。国家税务总局责成江苏等地税务机关调查核实有关影视从业人员“阴阳合同”中的涉税问题。10月3日,税务部门公布了范冰冰案情况,范冰冰被责令按期缴纳税款、滞纳金、罚款8亿余元。Fan Bingbing has been ordered to pay taxes and fines worth hundreds of millions of yuan over tax evasion, according to the country"s tax authorities.


综合来源:环球时报英文版,Asia One,Strait Times,China Plus
