100字范文 > 壹周星闻|斯嘉丽约翰逊成中国电影市场首个票房百亿女演员;比伯更爱赛琳娜?海莉正面


时间:2024-02-16 09:06:28





斯嘉丽约翰逊成中国电影市场首个票房百亿女演员Johanson makes marvelous money《复联4》正在热映,而“寡姐”斯嘉丽约翰逊的票房也获得重大突破,由她主演的电影中国内地票房总和已过100亿元,斯嘉丽约翰逊妥妥成为中国电影市场首个百亿女演员,同时也是首位外籍百亿演员。其中漫威电影就占了82亿。明年,斯嘉丽主演的一部黑寡妇大片还将上映。而继“寡姐”之后,“钢铁侠”,小罗伯特唐尼也成为了中国内地首个百亿外籍男演员。

(图源:时光网)According to >马上学:Standalone意指“独立的”、“单独的”,standalone film也就是“独立电影”。比伯更爱赛琳娜?海莉回应Hailey Baldwin urges followers to "know her heart"

(图源:Daily Mail)虽然比伯和海莉小两口过着自己甜美的小日子,可是仍有网友抓着比伯与前女友赛琳娜的旧情不放。更有甚者在社交媒体上称,海莉永远比不上赛琳娜。针对这一言论,海莉最近也给予了有力回击,她发推表示希望人们能够了解她的心,不要在社交媒体如此残酷,她还写道,有人对你做了可怕的事,可还要质疑你为什要防御反驳。

Hailey Baldwin clapped back at social media trolls last Saturday.The stunning supermodel, 22, posted back-to-back emotional tweets with one reading: "I wish people didn"t have to be so cruel on social media".The plea comes after followers claimed she will "always be second best" to her husband Justin Bieber"s ex, Selena Gomez."People are awful to you, and then wonder why you get defensive," she continued in the same posting.The soul-stirring Twitter reactions may have stemmed from fans saying she will "never compare" to the Hands To Myself pop star who had an on-off romance from to March with Bieber.马上学:Stem from表示“由……造成的”,例:Her problems stem from her difficult childhood.(她的问题源自痛苦的童年。)凯莉詹娜租广告牌为男友庆生Kylie Jenner Goes Next Level for Travis Scott"s Birthday

(图源:People)要说卡戴珊家族过起生日来也是相当任性了。不过最近,小妹凯莉詹娜更是把这一家族传统发挥到了极致。最近洛杉矶出现了这样一幅大广告牌,凯莉和14个月大的女儿Stormi一同现身,祝爸爸生日快乐~No one does birthdays quite like the Kardashians.In keeping with her famous family’s tradition of celebrating birthdays with elaborate parties and gifts, Kylie Jenner showered her boyfriend Travis Scott with love, buying a billboard in Los Angeles to celebrate his special day.The billboard, first spotted by fans last weekend and located in West Hollywood, features a giant portrait of the couple’s 14-month-old daughter Stormi, alongside a sweet photo of Jenner, 21.“Happy birthday daddy,” the billboard read. “Love, Mommy & Stormi xo.”马上学:Elaborate意指“精心策划、计划周详的”,如: They made elaborate preparations for the wedding.(他们精心准备了这场婚礼。)综合来源:CGTN, Daily Mail, People

本文英文音频由我报外籍编辑 Daniel Daugherty朗读

